Garlic (Caution: Garlic can burn the skin)

218 Reviews

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July 14, 2011


It is super effective, especially as a spot treatment.
Cheap and available anywhere.


Might not be preventive (depends on how you use it)

I tried this on a painful pimple, the one thats a bump that hurts if you try to touch it. I put garlic juice on it and as I don't really have sensitive skin, it didn't burn too bad, just some tingles. The next morning, the pimple went down DRAMATICALLY. Like, from this point you don't have to spot treat it anymore and it'll pretty much go away on its own. It perfect for treating spots, better than the Clinique Acne Solutions one I had. I also ate garlic. Basically, I crushed it and swallowed it with water so it wasn't bad. For one or two days, I had absolutely clear skin, although I'm not sure if this had anything to do with garlic. Then pimples started to sprout. So I guess you could get garlic and rub it all over your face if you want clear skin. I didn't try this as I didn't want to smell like garlic (my sister told me I smelled like garlic after spot treating) but I'm think it could work if you don't mind the smell. Just be careful if you have sensitive skin, I don't and it did sting to some degree.
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March 14, 2010
use to have acnee for the last 2 years back coz of a food poisining i saw my dermato. and she gave me DUAC and Erilyc to be used on daily basis, nothing happen for the last 2 years till my friend advise me to eat 2 gloves of row garlic beforw going to bed, and now after 10 days i have a very good result an improvment of 50 %
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December 27, 2009


Already see results. Just tried it a couple hours ago.


I'm scared of burn marks. I read the stories AFTER I tried the garlic. Now I'm freaking out on whether I'll have garlic burns in the morning or not.

I crushed up a whole garlic clove, and diluted it in about 2 T of water. Got a cotton swab, and swabbed it all over my face. Burned like CRAZY. But I thought it would be worth it, if I ended up with less acne. Almost unbearable. If you're willing to take the risk. Try it.
December 12, 2009


Clears up skin, even helps cystic acne


It smells horrible

I never had acne until after spending four months in the hospital following a freak allergy to tylenol and full renal/hepaptic failure (kidney/liver). Now at 28 I have had to deal with cystic acne on my chin. After mincing the garlic and mixing it with tea tree oil 1 part garlic to 3 parts tea tree oil, I put it on acne. On opposite days I just rub garlic over it after chopping the garlic. Do not leave it on longer than three minutes, that is just exposing your skin to too much sulpher (there is a strong sulfinate that is in it). Don't put anything drying on your skin longer than five minutes, it just causes skin damage. If you use common sense then it will work, but as usual if you have sensitive skin test it on an area that can not be seen.
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October 26, 2009


White heads are gone. Pimples are dried out quicker.



I've been using garlic for, what? going on three weeks now. I apply it topically to all of my face. I cut each clove into pieces and then run it over my skin. I leave the juice on over night, wash my face in the morning, apply the juice again, wait 20 minutes and then rinse it off. Also, every morning I cut up a large clove and swollow the pieces. I repeat this at night. It works wonderfully but if I don't stay consistent all of my progress is lost. I'm going to buy garlic suppliments to see if that helps. I want to stop doing this topically because of the smell and how long I spend applying it each day. Also, no one has any information on the possible long term effects of this. Wish me luck. I'll keep ya updated.
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October 23, 2009


gets rid of redness, reduces puffiness/swelling, evens skin tone


makes your face smell like an old chinese restaurant

my face was starting to clear up JUST a little and then all of a sudden it exploded again the day before i had a date. i was desperate, and when i looked online i found the garlic cure. i was really nervous because i didnt want to get burns, but luckily i didn't have any trouble there. before bed, i cut a large clove in half and ate one half (OH, SPICY) and used the other to dab my face in problem areas, then rinsed my face thoroughly when it started to tingle. i put neosporin on my face overnight (just in case!) and was really pleasantly surprised in the morning. my face looks like a normal person's!! this is really exciting for me, because even expensive things like proactiv have never worked for me AT ALL. and garlic is so cheap! eat THAT, proactiv. after eating some, i could see how leaving it on your face for long periods might burn you, tho i didnt have any trouble. i'd say: be sparing- you can always re-apply if you dont have enough, but once you're burned,
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October 16, 2009


Reduced amount of pimples on face and helped remove others.


The smell has proven to be quite annoying. It leaves the skin red where the garlic has been applied for quite a while.

I've tried the garlic for about a week now. All the really ugly pimples on the left side of my face are gone and have not come back. I do get little ones here and there but with the application of garlic on them they are gone the next day. On the right side of my face three pimples have turned in to more like bug bites. They are slowly going away. I don't know if the garlic caused this. Though, nothing else has popped up there either. So far anything new that shows up each morning are tiny little pimples that disappear the next day after garlic is applied.
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September 1, 2009


works great!!


you might smell a little bit funny!!

I've been taking garlic internally, and so far it's been working great!!! picture day is on Wed and I'm trying to clear out my acne, ;and I think I'll make it with good clear skin : )
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August 19, 2009


worked quick, had no side effect, and its all natural


makes you stink, but its well worth the outcome.

garlic has worked great for me i barely get any pimples now, i use to get really bad skin around my period it was even worse it was horrible, i had tried everything antibiotics, skin creams/washes.. you name it i tried it.. and so far garlic has been the best thing i have tried i swallow a clove in the morning cut a clove in half at night and just rub the juice on the infected areas wash my face in the morning and have to teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and never wash my face with any harsh products all natural is the way to go, and it has been the best thing i have done. it never burnt my skin or gave me marks. the trick is not to over do it dont mince the garlic and put it on just cut it in half and rub it on. has worked great for me hope it does for you too :)
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June 16, 2009


Garlic is natural and very affordable.


It stings but only for a minute. It makes you reek of, what else...garlic!

It's very effective as an overnight acne treatment. At night after I wash my face, I crush one clove and apply the juice to my problem areas Of course it stings, but that soon wears off. In the morning, the pimples have shrunk a bit and my skin looks smoother. It even seems to work on the cyst type pimples which surprised me. I haven't noticed any burn marks though.
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