Garlic (Caution: Garlic can burn the skin)

218 Reviews

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July 22, 2009
judging by the comments left on the boards, i suggest to only use garlic for heavy duty pimples. if you hav a light severity of pimples use a type of cream or eat properly and drink plenty of water. garlic does smell horrible and if you leave it on your face long enough will leave a burn mark. BE CAREFUL!
June 7, 2009


i love garlic and could it eat it every day


BUT i carnt eat it because it gives me HUGE Spots or more like boils that are really really sore, so i would not recommend using loads, try a little first.

I read somewhere that it was good so i ate loads and put some on my skin, Well what a fine mess that got me into, it may be good for some people but very bad for me. I am 36 year old female and always suffered, ive searched andsearched for an answer and for me I have to cut out lots of food e.g. Cheese, garlic, milk , butter margarine ( i use sunflower but pure soya one is better) tinned tomatoe's tinned soups, peanut butter I have recently read that alkalining your diet helps as its too much acid in your food that courses acne, This is what i am doing now, its hard but i can see results already, and the most delicous find is PURE ALMOND BUTTER (ORGANIC ) wow no other ingredients apart from 0.05% salt mmmmm yummy a little price at £2.45 but the taste is amazing and its all good for your skin vitamin E
April 20, 2009


none, i had no acne for a good month, decided it cant hurt right?


WRONG i broke out out with two cysts and multiple white heads

Stopped taking them again, within two days back to normal no zits But hey might just be my body
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April 9, 2009


Garlic wont cure your acne on its own, but it helps. Ive been taking some odorless garlic capsules for the past while and notice a slight improvement. Consistency is the key, keep taking them! Consume internally, don't apply it on your skin. Its chea


That you have to buy it in capsule form to avoid the smell, and it costs more then buying garlic by itself in a supermarket.

Worth a shot IN CONJUNCTION with other products. Give it some time to work. Do not apply on your skin or you may get a horrible reaction, eat it!
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December 19, 2008


works faster than anything else, good overnight treatment directly on the spot


stings, stinks

naturallly dries and heals
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August 14, 2008


This thing is great and it's affordable too


it has a ....stinky odour and it gives a burning sensation

look i do not recommend for use i mean if you really tried every product out there and this is your final choice go for it .beauty is pain, but that painful burning feeling !!!!!on the bright side it works fast!!!! to get rid of zits
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August 1, 2008


...nothing really.


Funky odor!

This stuff REALLY works. Sure it might sting a little, & make your face stink like crap a few days. & your skin might begin to dry up & look like a permanet black mark, it'll work. so instead of applying it, consume it. It worked for me, if your skin is left with acne scars apply, a mixture of viegar & salt & rub on pimples. Leave for 10-20 minutes before removing with Luke warm water, TRUST me..this stuff really works!
May 28, 2008


its highly effective as a miracle pimple shrinker


it burns like hell and the smell is choking

very effective as a morning pimple remover.before application rub olive oil then the burns subside.Apply for an hour and wash.Then apply make up.Excellent therapy the best so far
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February 11, 2008


dries it up pretty good



it helped to dry up my breakout.I didn't get ne burns,a least not yet but if I had known it would burn me I would have applied it to my skin.
January 17, 2008


Used it topically and it is really good at reducing redness and suckin the crap out of your skin. used it three times and i was fine


Used it last night and i left it on my spots like a mask all night. Now i have some sort of dirty pussy burn that am now trying to heal by dabbing salt water

If you don't use it too long you will be fine. Probably better of taking it orally than anything else. If you do use it topically leave it to soak in vinegar first then apply them both. works better.
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