Fish Oil

301 Reviews

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August 19, 2009


healthy, and it works



it works
August 13, 2009


happier, more excited, and my skin feels so soft



well i started taking fish oil like a week ago thinking that it would help my hair grow faster and it did help my hair and my skin, i dont have bad acne, i would just say that they are zits and pimples, i have them on my forhead, chin, and on the side of my lips, now ive tried proactive and avon products but they just made my face adicted to them and when i tried to stop using them myface would tighten up andhurtbadly, so right now i was my face with cetaphil in the shower at night and in the morning and take two softgels in the morning with my breakfast and two softgels at night with my dinner. i use the Nature Made brand cause thats what my mother bought me and she also takes fish oil. well i really hope that if your reading this and have a problem with acne that you at least try taking fish oil, i mean it cant hurt you!!!!!!!! :)
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July 31, 2009


Not sure yet..


Weird smell

I have been taking a fish oil for a couple of days..No noticable difference.. and just today i amped up my dosage to two a day to see where that will get me but i will be back to update in a couple of weeks.
June 17, 2009


Many health benefits, acne not being one of them


Caused breakeouts when taking large quantities, i.e. 10 pills in a day.

This may work for you but it didn't work for me.
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June 11, 2009


Softer, smoother, hardier skin; shinier and stronger hair and nails


Fishy burps, not a cure-all

Adding this supplement to my routine made my skin way more tolerant to the topicals I use, so I can "abuse" it a lot with SA (2x daily) and ACV (also 2x daily) without irritation, whereas before, using SA 2x daily, no ACV, would often cause my skin to be very irritated. It also added a bit of a healthy glow, and has some nice side effects on your hair, fingernails, and apparently brain function. I wouldn't use it to replace a regimen, but it's a very helpful addition! (I marked myself as very light, though without any treatment, I am moderate/moderately severe. 'Course, that's been awhile now, so. :) )
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May 21, 2009


Easy to take, clearer skin within two weeks time, no new breakouts, more energy, has a lot of other positive health effects


Won't help very much if you have a greasy or unhealthy diet, also won't help if you only use that as your way to handle acne. Doesn't work for everyone.

A relative told me about fish oil and how their acne cleared up after using it. I though hey, I'd give it a try. Two weeks into it, I really started noticing my new lack of pimple formation. Granted I still had a few scars from previous zits, I was still very happy about the effects that it gave me. Also, It's good for the heart and a few other things. For the people that it didn't work for, it may be that they are only using fish oil as a treatment for acne (which unfortunately doesn't work) or they have bad luck or bad skin. I'm sorry. It worked for me though! :)
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May 6, 2009


no new pimples, anti-depressant, good for heart



i started taking 6 1000mg tablets a day and i have had no new pimples. the only thing i need now is for my pink/red marks to heal.. any suggestions
May 1, 2009


-No side effects


-None, really

OK, so honestly, I have been having fish oil for a few months. There isn't any noticeable difference that I can recognize. Apparently, it's suppose to reduce inflammation, among other things. If it did have any effect, it was minimal. However, I still recommend taking fish oil for it's health benefits to the heart and however minute, the skin.
March 25, 2009


Easy to use, works well


Can be pricey, fish oil burps

Ive been on a regemin of fish oil pills (6-8 grams/day) and apple cider vinegar for about 2 weeks now and im truly convinced that there is a conspiracy involving dermatologists and the drug companies to keep these products a secret! Its been over 10 years of trying every cream, gel, and pill that the doctor ordered and fish oil is the only thing that has worked. Never once did a dermatologist tell me to take fish oil or use apple cider vinegar. Im looking forward to seeing more results in the coming weeks.
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March 4, 2009


It works.... hair is shinier, skin is softer


it took me almost 2 months to see result. Have to be really patient as acne does NOT develop in 1 day or 1 week.

Fish oil has been working really great for me. One important thing is that you have to take fish oil that is free from mercury, lead, and other contaminants. I really recommend Carlson's super omega 3. You can find it at whole food or online. It's a little bit more expensive than other brand, but it's totally worth it. I take 5-10 pills a day depending on what I ate that day. Also take Magnesium at nights or during the day. I realize that stress plays a really BIG role in acne. you can't expect your acne to go away if you are not happy, relax, and constantly in pressure even if you take 100 pills of fish oil a day. Magnesium can help you calm your body and mind. Whenever you feel stressed, remind to yourself that it will only make your acne worse, be happy instead, watch funny movies. Most cases of acne are because of stress Because of this routines, my acne went down from severe to moderate, and I'm very sure that I will be clear in at most 2 more months. Good luc
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