Fish Oil

301 Reviews

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May 30, 2008


well it really made me be a happier person for depression problems.


It did not help my acne at all and also it made my face more oily actually causing more brakeouts

If it works for you thats great but it wasnt for me.
May 12, 2008


very cheap (i take 4 pills a day and it costs about $20/month); works well.


depending on the brand i buy, i sometimes get fish oil burps, but you can buy ones that totally eliminate them.

we were originally forced to take fish oil pills for our division one rowing team, as fish oil is a natural anti-inflammatory. i didn't know that it was good for your skin, but since then, my face has cleared up a lot. its not completely perfect, but i have only been taking the pills for about a month, so maybe i will see more results later.
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March 31, 2008


no side effects, inexpensive (odorless pills from trader joe's)


the pill is pretty big to swallow

my acne has cleared up in less than 2 weeks! i keep it in the freezer and i've never had a single fishy burp. sooo much better than the hormone therapy and antibiotics my derm prescribed for my acne! absolutely no side effects and it's good for your overall health too!
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March 15, 2008


Works very well. It cleared my skin in no time, and is continuing to be effective six months later.


Considering the amount I take for the maximum effect, the price can add up, usually about $20 a month, which combined with my other supplements is kind of a lot for me. It's worth it though.

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially those from EPA and DHA like in fish oil, are good for just about every aspect of your health: acne, skin, hair, heart, brain, insulin sensitivity... Probably the most helpful thing I've taken for my acne.
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January 15, 2008


Easy to take


Not particularly cheap in convenient capsule form. Fishy burps sometimes!

Having taken this for 6 weeks now, with a GLA Ultra (Borage Oil) capsule alongside, I can safely say that my complexion is glowing, less pasty and more golden! It's taking some time for my mild acne spots to subside, but I haven't had new breakouts; the spots I'm experiencing were already developing on my skin anyway. I have found that taking the recommended 2 a day of both capsules gave me bad wind (omega) and a horrid metallic taste i my mouth (GLA), but 1 a day seems fine. There are many other benefits to taking Omega 3 oils so I can whole-heartedly recommend you do.
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December 30, 2007


So easy to take, doesn't upset my stomach even without eating... so easy that I often take six pills a day. My skin improved... fast.


Sometimes I burp with a fishy aftertaste.

I saw an improvement in less than a week... I have been taking them religiously with one zinc pill per day and following the regimen... under two weeks and I have no acne... have even felt comfortable not wearing make-up in front of family at least, just have to get rid of spots leftover from acne. But even with marks my skin has a healthy look to it... You really have nothing to lose, they're cheap and good for you...
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December 25, 2007


Works wonders. It had indirectly helped heal my acne.


None for me. Though its likely that there will be a little excess gas being made, when you first start taking the supplements.

Its GLA (gamma linoleic acid), an Omega-6 fatty acid, that is really helpful for acne. Look for a product high in GLA. Borage Oil is high in GLA.
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December 19, 2007


It can be cheap.


Avent seen any improvements yet, i bought this with zinc supplements.Can give you fish breath(ew)!

Worth a try but wen i posted this it had only worked for one person, i dotn think there is much logic behind it working but worth a shot i suppose.
December 19, 2007


Easy to take.
works !!


no cons.
whats so hard about taking a pill ?

I have been taking 2 every evening with my dinner and I have been getting compliments on my skin already. I had a lot of red acne scars and 2-3 pimples but now things are clearing up. Must Try !!
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December 1, 2007




I got sick of drinking it and had to keep going to the toilet LOL>

This did nothing for my skin, it cleaned out my system, e.g. hundreds of trips to the loo, but nothing more. I have been drinking this on a regular basis for months and months with no real results on my skin.