Epsom Salt

77 Reviews

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June 17, 2016
First thing to work for horrible breakout
Background: I'm twenty years old and I've never had a problem with acne leading up to this. I would get the occasional spot, with one nagging cluster on my forehead because I rub there when I'm stressed. Then I had a massive cystic acne breakout. In January 2016 I started a new medication, which worked great except for it started to cause acne. I'd never had a cyst before, and four months later this was all over my cheeks and chin, overlapping each other and bright red. It hurt if my faced touched anything. I've never worn make up before, but had to start in order to feel ok leaving the house. When my doctor saw me in March we switched to a similar medication that didn't cause acne, and he prescribed minocycline. Minocycline did nothing by mid-April, so I started doing my own research. I found out that Epsom salt is really helpful for some, and gave it a shot. It worked like magic and drew up and drained almost all my cysts. I mixed it with warm water to dissolve it and put it on with a cotton ball and swab only where I needed it in the morning, and just keep reapplying 3x during the day, reapply once before bed. Almost all the cysts came to a head and the pus and infection made it to the surface and came out on its own, no popping, it was disgusting but amazing. A lot of my cysts healed, all of them greatly reduced in size and went flat after the pus came out. This helped me feel ok to leave the house again. I did have to be put on doxycycline to really kill the underlying infection and Adapalene to get the stubborn cysts to truly heal, but doing this spread up the process so much I would highly recommend it.
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December 9, 2015
I have been so excited the last couple days about epsom salt! I had a baby 3 months ago and immediately right after she was born, I started breaking out. Worse than I have my whole life. I am 30 years old and have had acne since I was 10. I got on Accutane when I was 17 and it cleared it up but like a year after getting off it, I started getting acne again. But not bad, just here and there. I have had 3 kids now but never broke out with my first 2, just during pregnancy and most of it went away after they were born. But the acne I have had lately has been terrible. I got on the birth control pill loestrin fe because my doctor said it would calm my hormones down but it hasn't seemed to help. I have tried Panoxyl and it has helped a little but my skin still felt irritated and hurt. I have acne all around my jawline and around my ear area and some under my jaw, nowhere else, but cyst-like acne that really hurts and wont go away. I tried D.r. Teal's Epsom salt, the ginger clay one 3 days ago and it's all drying out. My skin doesn't even feel the same! I put some in my hand and a couple drops of water and pat it on the area and the cysts shrinked so quickly, like within hours. I could feel my face tingling even after I washed the Epsom salt off. I bet my face will be clear very soon. It has worked faster and more effectively than any acne cream or wash I have ever used. It is AMAZING. I think the whole world should know about this stuff.
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November 25, 2015
After 26 years .... Clear!
My acne started when I turned 11. I am now 38. Nothing has helped for me too have clear beautiful skin like both my sisters. A year ago I began applying a palmful of Epsom salts mixed with a few drops of water, enough to just wet it, directly to my affected areas and then leaving it to dry, about ten minutes. Rinse it off and go on with my day. Then repeat before bed. At first I broke out horribly. However I decided it was just the salts purging my skin and continued to do this fingers crossed. After the initial purge, about one week, I noticed I wasn't getting any new cysts or whiteheads. Then I began to notice that my blocked comedones were disappearing. My skin had never been so clear. So I decided to start an all natural routine. I now wash with the Epsom salts the same way however after washing I now spray on a mixture of 1/3 Organic ACV with 2/3 Distilled water and 10-12 drops Organic Tea Tree oil. Then apply jojoba oil all over for moisture and on the odd much much smaller little pimple I may get during my menstrual period I just put a drop of tea tree oil on it directly. And it seems to disappear over night. Once weekly I mix up a mask of Benzonite Clay with ACV, Lemon juice, and tea tree oil which I leave on my face for an hour and rinse off and continue with the rest of my routine. I know have beautiful acne free skin! Know begins my battle with scars, large pores and pitted skin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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March 8, 2016
Hola.....quisiera saber si le ha resultado el uso de las sales de Epsom. Y si no le han vuelto a salir .... ahora lo está mi hija porque también tiene y muchos brotes cuanto tiempo debe usarlo
June 26, 2016
For scars, large pores and putted skin...look into dermaroller. Use a 1mm roller and don't forget the numbing gel. Look up before and afters!
August 21, 2015
I started using it as a kind of a mask while waiting for my regimen in the mail and it really decreased the redness and shrinked it.
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August 10, 2015
I use epsom salts as a face mask 4 times a week, 2 of those times I mix it with equal parts baking soda and a few drops of water. I have got to say, it's great! The first think that struck me as odd was that despite its grainy consistency, it melts right up and is non irritating. I'm pretty sure I could use it as a cleanser and it would work great, because it leaves my skin feeling soft, clean and oil free. It's also not too bad at cleaning out my pores. Give it a try.
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September 5, 2015
I actually add a little bit of epsom salt into my face wash every morning, and at night if I have active zits. But just for maintenance once in the morning is fine.
July 23, 2015
I'm loving it
This thing works. Take a leap of faith and try it. 😊😊😊 I mix the salt with milk cleanser, then apply rose water for toning, and aloe vera gel as moisturiser. Keeping it simple and all natural is the way to go. If i have cyst acne, sometimes I would dilute the salt with bp, and apply it to my cyst overnight, cyst comes to a head the next day .😎
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August 21, 2015
What is bp?
August 24, 2015
Benzoyl Peroxide
May 13, 2015
I had an EXTREMELY bad, horrible breakout. It was ALL OVER my forehead and chin. I tried apple cider vinegar, but it ended up making the problem even worse. My parent's had big giant bags of Epsom salt to use in baths to calm their muscles after their workouts. I knew that Epsom salt detoxified and cleared back acne. So I looked up on using it for my face. I do this- 1-2 times a week I exfoliate with the salt Every other day I dissolve the salt into water, spread into my face, and let dry. Then I dissolved the salt in water, then mixed the salt water with my Clean & Clear morning burst cleaner. I use that 2 times a day. Also, I ice my face down every day. I've done that for maybe 4 weeks, and my skin is almost perfect! I just have one TINY TINY blemish that is almost gone, then a little bit of scarring. It's AMAZING!!
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May 21, 2015
What about if you have it on your back chest on your scalp and the back of your neck ?
January 15, 2015
Works for me, everyone should give it a shot-got nothing to lose!
So basically epsom salt is my favorite spot treatment, I use it by mixing it with a bit of water and applying on the pimple, I try to leave it on as long as possible. Then when I wash it off I find my blemishes have either come to a head or are healing! I used to have awful hormonal/cystic acne, but this combined with diet, using coconut oil as a moisturizer, and washing twice a day has solved the problem that oral medication couldn't! I only get pimples now every few months during my female time. but, this stuff definitely helps speed up healing!
August 24, 2015
Ricky wood1976- It works for any kind of acne anywhere. I have issues with getting acne on my shoulders sometimes and it works just as well there as it does on my chin. If you have bad acne you could even do like a whole face mask using epsom salt. I only get a few here and there so I spot treat like bbygrl.
January 5, 2015
Works for me
I do not use directly on my face. I soak in the bath for really as long as I can stand. I'm not sure if my acne is related to toxins in my body but I definitely see a major improvement in my face!! It dries out any pimple on my face and is healed by the next day. Be sure to rinse all the sweat off in a shower after so you don't reabsorb anything.
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January 13, 2014
I am a believer!!!!


Immediate results

I am an almost 30 year old female who as a teenager did not suffer from acne at all - I actually had clear skin and would often get complimented on my clear complexion! About a year ago I started to get acne.....blackheads....whiteheads....big pimples....little pimples.... It seemed as though anything I did did not help at all....went on the contraceptive pill, bought hundreds of dollars on skin are products and nothing. I was starting to give up hope and was about to try a peroxide based cream (which I was extremely hesitant to do) when I came across a review for Epsom Salts. I thought to myself....what do I have to lose? There were so many positive reviews.... And it just seemed do simple and cheap! After a day, my skin was the clearest it has been in over a year. I could not believe it. I have been using epsom salt morning and night for 3 days now and my blemishes are almost all gone. I had some scarring as well and that is fading each day. I cannot believe it! it amazes me at how simple, cheap and easy it is. All I do is wash my face with cleanser, dissolve about a tablespoon of epsom salt into a cup of warm water and wipe on my face. I let it sit for about 10 mins then wash it off with water and apply moisturiser. THATS IT. I honestly cannot speak highly enough of Epsom salts and the impact it's had on my skin. I only wish I had taken before and after photos. If you suffer from acne....you've got to try Epsom Salts!!!!!!
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