Egg White Mask

811 Reviews

Egg Whites

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August 22, 2007


tightens pores



this works great i love the egg white mask it relly makes my fack look great in the morning
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August 18, 2007


It is fast, easy and very cheap! And above all IT WORKS!



I am pregnant and don't want to use any chemicals right now. I was told about using egg whites to dry up any pimples I got. I did it once and saw amazing results the next morning. My skin is clearer, soft and feels so clean. I was told being pregnant and using egg YOLKS might not be safe, so to stick with egg whites. SO I haven't tried egg yolks, but form friends I hear it makes your skin so soft. Have fun, try it, it works!
August 16, 2007


It can tighting my pores and makeacne disappear.


The odor

It is a really nice way to make acne disappear and invisible. It actually work the 1st that i use that actually work
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August 13, 2007


Cheap, Gentle, yet effective.


Made me feel sick in my stomach (not sure why). Perhaps the smell (or maybe thought that I had egg on my face)...

This is so gentle yet remarkably effective (when I least expected it) after you wash it off. It really feels like nothing is going on but after you wash it off, you instantly notice the tightening of pores, the reduction of inflammation, and the calm soothing of red zits. This is great to try every night before you put on acne medication and go to sleep. Mix some of the yolk in to keep your face moisturized slightly.
August 6, 2007


It work and tighnes facee.


none yet.

It juss works soo well
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July 31, 2007
Last night I put a mixture of egg yolk and egg whites on my face for about 45 minutes. Then I washed it off and applied moisturizer. Then I peeled off the inner skin of the egg and placed it on all of my pimples. This morning my skin looks wonderful. All of my acne and redness is dramatically lessened and my face looks radiant!!!
July 11, 2007


Pure win! Whitens skin aswell, to hide redness slightly :)



Amazing - I have clear skin and have never had acne, and this is my secret to super clean and clear skin :)
July 9, 2007


Clear soft clean skin


ummm well it smells

so basically ive tried every medication even pills for acne since i was like 13 (im 16 now) and using naturally products is for sure the best way to et rid of acne. it is Cheap and healthy. i have olt been using this egg mask for about a week but i can already see a huge differene. its crazy becauise i was desperate and thought the only way acne would go awa was hni grew out of it. so yeah im really happy nowwwww and you should try it too! this s exactly what i do... mix togther egg whites and egg yolk and then squeeze half a lemon in it. then i go to sleep with the mask on Also through out the day i wash my face with alt and lmon juice about twice a day. Also it is very very important to rink water!! ur supposeto drink half you body weight in ounces. i try and drink 3 to 4 litersa day. this is really great for you skin, and als try to cut junk food, and geasy oily friends food as well as sugry food too. <3
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July 5, 2007


reduces size of pimples and sking feels so clean and fresh. IT WORKS


can be very itchy!!!

I have been plagued with acne for about 10 years now! luckily my acne is very mild, not noticable most of the time but from time to time I have bad break outs. It was during one of these break outs that I came across the advise on the net of using egg whites as a mask to treat acne the natural way. MY routine is 1) wash the face with a mild over the counter face wash 2)apply the egg white to the face with cotton wool and leave on for about 30 minutes 3)gently wash the egg mask off using cold water so that pores don't open up again 4)dab the face dry lightly and apply bio-oil (not too much) the bio oil does wonders for acne scars especially for darker skin :) GOOD LUCK
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July 5, 2007
let me start off by saying i have mild acne, however a couple of days ago my face really dried out (the effects of sunning) and i used my sisters moisturizer to calm the dryness. the next morning i woke up to an army of white heads and some painful pus-filled nasty pimples. decided to try the egg mask(s). firstly i steamed (added a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar - heard it was helpful) then applied the egg white all over my face. its amazing you actually feel your face tingling and tightning, an awesome feeling. after washing that off my face was a bit dry and extremely pale. then smothered on the egg yolk (works as a moisturizer and has vitamin A) after washing off the goopy mess i spot treated the existing pimples w/ lemon juice. the next morning i was amazed, seriously. im not a huge believer in any "cure" but this is just crazy. my previous white heads have dried up. no more nasty red inflammation and my skin is SMOOTH and feels AMAZING.