Egg White Mask

811 Reviews

Egg Whites

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August 18, 2009


Gives you a face lift, smooth skin, tight skin, HEALTHY skin. and it's natural =] Best for oily skin


slight smell

I have had acne for years, I'm 17 now and have tried acne free but I will not try proactive, I refuse to. I have tried other acne products as well but find that it only helped for a short time then my skin was back to the way it was. Some days were good and some bad but my skin was never super clear. But the egg mask facial helped me a lot. BUT you can't use that alone. My rountine is simple and won't make you spend $30 or more. I use: -St. Ives Invigorating Apricot Scrub -St. Ives Olive Cleanser that's it! once a day I use the srub with warm water to exfoliate my skin then the cleanser to pick up the remaining dirt, oil, make-up. Then cold water to shut my pores. Then I use the egg facial once a week. My skin feels great =D In fact I'm doing a facial as I type this. Haha
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August 17, 2009


works great! my face was mostly red and irriteted and this cleared the redness! after i washed it off though i used the wave power cleansor to make sure all the egg was out of my pores!



works grea, u should try it.....and u can add olive oil too if you want
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August 15, 2009


luv it!! makes it soft and clean it takes away the dirty and gives the clleAn!!!


gross but great

its great . if you have pimples try it. lol
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August 11, 2009


It only cost like $2.50 for a dozen eggs, its really cheap, it took away most of my blackheads and made my skin soft and cute :)


Not to many, you need to do it a couple times to get the full effect

It takes away blackheads and starts treating pimples! If you want pretty clear skin for back to school, try this !<3
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August 10, 2009


Redness goes away quick, it's cheap, it reduces the size of any blemish already there, skin feels very clean, my skin looks very fresh.


just be careful when applying and do not get in your hair unless you are ready for a full hair washing ;)

I have used this mask since learning of it in college. I kinda forgot about it for a year or so. I had a bad break out because of the summer heat and humidity so I used the mask again about three days ago. All of the new blemishes are almost gone and the older ones have about 80% less redness.
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August 10, 2009


Egg white lifts, tightens and softens your face. It's like a magic wand to your acne and red blemishes!especially if you have a oily skin. The yolk is a great natural moisterizer. Defenitly try it :).



Awsome acne treatment.
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August 3, 2009


Really sucks the oil right out of my face, reduces size of pores, calms swelling and redness, makes my skin feel squeaky clean, removes dead skin if removed with warm washcloth.


None really, feels kind of funny and kind of cant move your face though.

I love doing egg white masks. The egg white is more for if your skin is oily and you have large pores, and the yolk works pretty well on dry skin. Feels nice and cool putting it on, doesn't have any negative side affects, bottom line- try it! What do you have to lose?
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August 1, 2009


makes your skin super soft!! redness and discoloraton disappear!! The right way to use it for acne is to do it everyday for a month, then 3 times a month thereafter. I was already crying because my mild acne was gettin out of control, works like mgk


none, a dozen is like a buck!

the longer you leave it on your face the better, who cares how silly it may look while its on, its magic, seriously;)
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July 30, 2009


It Tightens skin, Soothing and very soft! When i used it it made the apperence of my blemishs dissapear! IT made my skin feel so soft that i couldn't stop touching my face!


It kinda irritated some parts of my skin. But, not severe.

It really works. Results right after. Makes skin completly soft and refreshed. Like, a new skin. I really recommand this. The price is so affordable! Yu should have eggs at yer house. The apperence of pore turn real small. This is a great product to use. Try using the yolk also. It will be a GREAT moisturizer cuhz it's full of Vitamin A!!
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July 29, 2009


Makes skin softtt !


Kinda gross, and it smelled weird, so i added cinnamon and it smelled amazingggg.

Loves itt (;
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