Egg White Mask

811 Reviews

Egg Whites

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November 30, 2009


Easy, fast and natural!


A little messy and weird putting raw eggs on your face

Pores tightened QUICK! I add the juice of a clementine which is packed with Vitamin C which helps with the smell and also helps with lines and its energizing! It really makes my face soft and Beautifu! I am SO glad I found this mask recipe!!
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November 29, 2009


tightens my pores afther ONE use!


none love it ♥

OMG girls stop wasting all that money on all them products! i put on the egg white every night for 15min than i wash my face and i put on coconut oil to make my skin soft and face looks great!
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November 28, 2009


Shrinked my pores incrediblebly well. Clears redness decentley.


Smells Terrible.(Ok maybe not terrible but nothing i fancy)
Wasting eggs i could be eating.

Egg whites should be called "Dream Whites." They do a great job of clearing facial problems. The pores are drastically reduced and the redness faded rather quickly. Congrats Egg White mask! I LOVE THIS!
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November 19, 2009


well my face felt really tight and funny (i liked it!), and dried on under my fan fast, definately the best!


it was really slimy to put on and i kept having to mix up the egg whites to get more bubbles.

i had 2 pimples on my nose that i popped (i now understand is a big no no) that were red and i absolutely was not about to go to school the next day with them. at 1:45 in the morning when everybody was unally asleep i sncuk out to the kitchen and grabbed 2 bowls, a fork, and an egg, after i read all about it on this website of course. i applied the eg white bubbles, waited till was completelt dry, rinsed off, applied beaten sepperated yolk, waited till waas dry, rinsed, then applied the skin inside the egg on my nose, and the next morning, POOF they were gone! i am so using this more often!!!
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November 18, 2009


Works very well!! I turned my sister on to it my mom wont try it. lol. I only use it once a week though.


Its very tight when it dries.

Its makes my face brighter and my pores ALOT smaller and it helps reduce my pimples and the redness in the pimples. There are alot of vitamins in the eggs. I use the egg whites first. I beat them and then put the bubbles of the whites on my face. I wait til its COMPLETELY dry. Like i just had botox. lol then i rinse. then I crack open the yolk and use it on my skin. I can discribe it as creamy and it makes your face VERY soft. after i rinse that off i take the skin of the egg (in the eggshell) and put it on my nose like a nose strip for extra minimizing of the pores. once thats rinsed i use an ice cube on my nose. I know its alot to do. But it really works!!! [link removed]> check out this video. Very good example.
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November 15, 2009


Best treatment for acne I've used (and I've used a lot of treatments).
Once you get the hang of it, it's really easy to put on.
If you have leftover egg (which you will) you can just put it in the fridge and use it until it runs out.


Need to leave it on your face for ~25 minutes. Sorta messy. Also tricky sometimes to separate the egg white from yoke.

I've tried so many acne treatments ranging from creams to pills to lotions and soaps. So tiring and nothing was really getting rid of it. --- Leave the egg white (clear part of the egg) on your skin for 15-30 minutes. I usually put it on before I take a shower, then after about 25 minutes I'll go take a shower and it'll wash off my face. If you've tried everywhere and not sure where else to look, do this. It seriously works. Best acne treatment ever. --- Once you separate the egg white from the egg, smash it (batter it) with a fork until you see lots of do this to get a good consistency.
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November 6, 2009


heals acne fast!!!


kinda drying. i don't know why people complain about the smell i didn't smell anything.

i'm amazed i used this once and my face looks so much better! it's unbelievable! also a fantastic spot treatment for those big, painful pimples. i wouldn't use it on smaller ones because it's very drying when left on overnight.
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November 3, 2009


Works in just about a few days! Efficient. Cheap. Tightens skin. makes skin shine and become lighter! This has worked on most if not all of the people I know that have tried it.. Doesn't hurt to try!


Kinda messy. Tightens your face and makes it itchy if put for too long.

I use this mask every night and have been using it for about 2 months now and my skin has a lot! Over the summer, I was out in the sun for long periods of time and my skin became full of acne that I had never seen before so I had to take action! I decided to go natural first before starting any pro-activ or face wash (which never worked for me) so I searched online and found this very-inspirational site! Thanks to this site I've improved my skin texture and reduced my acne. This mask has improved my skin tone, reduced acne by 80% (except a few little ones that are taking time to fade away), made my skin lighter and tighter . I apply the mask for 15 min- an hour, wash it off and then apply lemon before I sleep and wash it off the next morning. I used the egg for two days by storing in the fridge. This combination works really well..Now I'm trying new remedies like honey and cinammon mask. Go Natural Remedies!! Just gotta be regular and dedicated to doing it!
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November 1, 2009


makes your skin soft and acne clears up in a week



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October 31, 2009


u get results in 1 day and it makes your face bright and clean.


the smell and waste of eggs, but don't let that stop u from using it!

please try it for a week and see the results. it really works and its great!!!
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