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September 25, 2015
Water and diet
l've tried many things to get my face clear in past years but only thing that truly helped is diet with the right amount of water intake. l stopped drinking milk, eating sweets and fatty foods,drank more water,green tea and eaten anti inflamatory foods. Since then my scars almost faded and 90% of acne is gone. 1,5 - 2 l of water daily for glowy skin.
October 26, 2015
Of course it works
Not just for acne, but in general. Drink more. After monitoring my water intake i realized i got less than a litre a day, i now drink 3 litres a day, and my face is glowing. But in general, i feel healthier.
If it doesnt cure your acne (most cases it wont), at least it will help with your overall health.
March 28, 2016
I barely used to get any water, since I never feel thirsty although I live in a very hot area.
Ever since I started increasing my water intake, honestly my skin really did start to clear up, its amazing how your skin transforms.
Once I stop drinking water, I automatically notice my skin breaking out all over again, so stick to it!
June 15, 2011
water is good for you point blank!
so many people get caught up with spending so much money on expensive acne treatments, but why? Now sure not all of us are lucky enough to have perfect skin that "useless things" like water can help. I am one of those people i used to have really bad acne, but i found that the times when I'm constantly drinking water, that's when my face is clear and clean.
Im not saying don't use ANYTHING and only drink water; i use cleansers and moisturizers, but water keeps my face smooth and clear.
using all the products on top of your body means nothing if you don't care about what you put into it!!!!!!!!
May 25, 2017
Too good to be true, but it worked for me!
Unless you have an underlying illness, most acne can be cleared with changes to your diet. I have large pores, SUPER OILY SKIN and constantly have blackheads and cystic-like acne that didn't discriminate on where they formed. I tried every topical treatment known to man and it only managed it at best.
I once read somewhere that your sebum becomes more thick and sticky, the more sugar/junk you eat. So I decided to alter my diet since I was a junk food addict. I loaded up on veggies and protein and my skin started clearing up dramatically, but not 100%.
I have NEVER liked drinking water. I'm not sure what it is, but it's hard for me to drink water. I was maybe getting a cup a day and I was never thirsty. BUT, I started chugging at least 64oz a day (a squirt of lemon juice made it easy to drink) and I can't even believe it.
Not only is my skin less oily (probably because I'm more hydrated now) and I haven't had more than a tiny easily poppable whitehead for the past 2 months straight. My blackheads are slowly going away. I haven't altered what I use to clean my face or my makeup or face lotion.
I think the VERY FIRST STEP in getting rid of acne, is to change your diet and water intake. If that doesn't help, then look to what products you are putting on your face...then seek out a dr to determine if it's a hormone or health issue. (Just a side note to consider if you have body might be the result of fungus. I had horrible chest and back acne, but after some research, I started using classic Head & Shoulders and it cleared up my body! Dandruff is caused by a fungus on your scalp, so any antifungal/dandruff shampoos or treatments are worth experimenting with. The water or diet didn't do a thing for my body acne.)
My personal routine if anyone is interested:
-Wash my face in the shower after the steam has opened up my pores (Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Cleanser-a clear liquid)
-I exfoliate 2x a week after I wash it with....I know this sounds fingernails. Dermatologists tell you not to do this, but I really don't care because it works best for me. If you don't want to use your nails, use a microdermabrasion paste.
-I always splash my face with cold water afterwards, to close my pores.
-Apply face lotion (I use Olay Active Botanicals in the summer, and Alba Even Advanced Sea Lipid in the winter) I don't use serums or oils or anything else, but that's all personal preference and what your skin needs.
-I don't use a ton of makeup, but I find a primer before my foundation powder helps keep stuff out of my pores.
-SIMPLE makeup wipes to remove all my makeup
-Spot treat with Benzoyn Peroxide. The Target UP version works best for me. For some reason the Clearasil brand is thicker and makes me break out! Go figure.
As you can see, I don't have a fancy facial routine with tons of toners or serums. I think the BEST skin care comes from your diet and the vitamins/minerals and hydration. Your face is constantly regenerating new skin cells as old ones slough off. Why spend so much time on the dead ones falling off instead of making sure the new ones have ample nutrition from your diet?
August 10, 2015
Helps with acne scars,does nothing for acne
I aim to drink around 3 litres of water per day. Since I've started this my skin looks brighter and acne scarring has faded quite a lot. Although, it hasn't made any noticeable contribution to reducing the acne itself. As arguably the worst part of having is scarring, I recommend drinking lots of water ever day to help manage it.
November 20, 2014
Every little helps
It goes without saying that your overall health and your skin go hand in hand, and water is step 1 in being healthy. However, I have had chronic acne and the last thing I want to hear is "Oh just drink 10 gallons of water a day! Your skin will glow!" When I drink a lot of water (and by a lot I mean around 4-6 pints a day) I notice my skin tone is more even, but water alone has never been enough to cure my acne. So yes, chug the stuff, it's great for your body and being hydrated improves your digestion tremendously, which means that all the vitamins and minerals your skin needs can get to your skin and all the toxins and nasty stuff will come out (ahem.) But stop telling people that water is the cure to their acne, if that's the case, they didn't have acne in the first place.
October 1, 2015
Drink water
I've always drank a ton of water, during times of clear skin and during times of breakouts. It doesn't necessarily prevent acne but it is good for flushing out toxins that may contribute to acne. It improves digestion immensely. So it doesn't directly clear up acne but it is a holistic way to improve overall health which in turn helps skin. I have noticed that my skin rarely gets dry. Not even 10% bp could significantly dry out my skin. But I don't use SA or BP anymore. I'll use 10% sulfur and tea tree oil and get minor flaking but it goes away quickly. So if you have dry skin water may help with moisture. Just drink water and tea every day and no soda coffee juice or milk. Oh but coconut or almond milk are good alternatives for cereal and other things that require milk
November 23, 2014
Water - Miracle
I stopped with drinking Coca Cola and Sprite and drinks like that and now it's been 2 months that I am drinking only water and my face is getting better and better. There's no new break outs and that is very important for me. I only drink Coca Cola when I have some stomach problems. Water is the best, believe me!!! There is no such a drink like water is.
May 8, 2015
Make it part of your acne regimen!
I am a 26 year old female, and have suffered from acne for the past decade pretty consistently. It wasn't until about a year and half ago that I started seeing a new doctor and she helped me realize and address the fact that I wasn't drinking nearly enough water everyday. I realized that there were days (especially while stressed at work), that I would drink multiple coffees and no waters, without really noticing.
I have seen a lot of improvement in my skin on Spironolactone, but I have also tried to consistently have 8-9 glasses of water per day- sometimes more. I have been able to literally stave off catastrophic breakouts in the making by drinking a ton of water and flushing out my system. When I am not hydrating properly, it shows on my skin within hours. I will go from only one or two very small pimples, to huge cysts that turn to scabs. If you are trying an acne treatment, couple it with plenty of water intake.
easy to access
good for you!!!!