Depo-Provera : Contraceptive Injection

22 Reviews

Medroxyprogesterone acetate, Polyethylene glycol, Sodium sulfate anhydrous,
Myristyl-gamma-picolinium chloride.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 14, 2018
Improved my skin
I've been on this 12 week injection on and off for the last two years now. The dosage is a lot lower than the compound in the implant (it's the same hormone but a lower dose in the 12 week) my moods haven't been erratic and my skin has improved. I had mild to severe spots around hormonal time of months that would clear up for maybe a day invetween cycles. After my second and third dose of this my periods are next to none and my skin is the best it's been in years, I have a simple skin routine with my cetaphyl facewash, This contraception isn't supposed to induce any sort of weight gain contrary to what a few of these reviews say.... I found that I couldn't compare my erratic moods I've had in the past to anything down to external inputs and not my contraception I've happened to be on at the time. Sure I'm bitch leading up to my period but it's so far and few I don't even know when that will be anymore! If you want regularity in your periods don't take this. It will make you irregular (maybe have longer periods at the start ) but the longer you stick with this contraception the less and less frequently they get
June 28, 2017
Works for me
I've been on depo for 5 years now. I started it right after having my now 5 year old daughter. I've had no problems except for some mild skin breakouts. My periods stopped completely and I had zero side effects except for the 2-3 pimples I get a month. However they are cystic type pimples, and usually take a week or so to go away. Since they're under the skin they can be painful but are easy enough to cover up since they really can't be seen I just feel them there. The only times they're noticeable is when I get stupid and try to pop/pick them . I also did start taking calcium supplements and start yoga and weight bearing exercises to help prevent the bone loss that I know is a side effect. Those minor side effects are def worth it to me for never having to deal with a period, cramping, or pms. I know other ppl have had much worse side effects tho so ultimately it all depends on your body
June 7, 2015
Love it or u hate it. I love it!
This was the best thing since sliced bread for me for years! No periods, no weight gain, no sex drive issues. It's progesterone-only so it's completely different if you're used to the pill. Was on it for years until my new doc at college convinced me to switch off if it. After years of battling other side effects from basically every type of BC pill (after my insurance stopped covering nuva ring) I'm back to it. Annoyingly, I'm going back through the hormonal acne at 28! But hopefully that will settle down soon. No more sex drive problems! No more painful cramps! And hey- you don't release eggs at all. So pretty much guaranteed on not getting pregnant. And when you're in a long-term relationship so you stopped using condoms... I see few downsides. But every doctor I've seen does recommend gym time if you're on it long term. It can cause osteoporosis. But really- that's a risk to any woman anyway.
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November 10, 2014
Helped 100% with my cystic acne
I'm a 28yr fml, I have had adult cystic acne for 2+ years, it randomly came out of no where! I literally tried every product out there, over the counter drugs/creams/face washes, prescription medication, tried to eat more healthy and nothing was working. It was so depressing going from a clear face to having 3 pimples appear daily! I WAS on the IUD when it all happened and my dermatologist advised me I should take it out and try the pill, I did but I kept forgetting to take it and it would make me nauseous so I just gave up on birth control and lived with the ance until about 3 wks ago I decided to give it another try, so I tried the depo and my face is completely clear. It has not been this clear since 2012! I am so happy, finally! I have found something that works!!! I have no mood swings whatsoever. I'm not eating all crazy and haven't gained weight! This is perfect for me.
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May 6, 2012


No Period
I was clear while on this BC
Don't need to take a pill daily
Only need to go in to the doctor every 3 months for injection


The con for me is that I couldn't continue to stay on this BC. After years of being on the medication I had to stop so my bone density did not decrease... Bummer I loved this stuff

I would use this medication all my life if I could have.
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