Coconut Oil

234 Reviews

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July 6, 2011


Reduces inflammation
Moisturises skin
Extreeeemly healthy for you to use in cooking!
Long lasting/A little goes a long way


None beyond the smell, if you don't like the smell of coconut

It's an excellent moisturiser that doubles as an acne helper, and is an awesome cooking oil - however, if you don't like the taste of coconut, use the refined version because it doesn't have the smell or taste of coconut. Coconuts grow in tropical temperatures and therefore are not damaged by being refined with heat; however, I have not tried refined coconut oil on my face, so I can only attest to the use of extra virgin coconut oil (it's what my mom bought, so we won't be getting more until it runs nout). However, I do know of many people who had refined coconut oil work for them. Please note that you should be using PURE coconut oil; it SHOULD NOT BE MIXED WITH OTHER INGREDIENTS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE OTHER INGREDIENTS DON'T CAUSE ADVERSE REACTIONS ON YOUR SKIN!! I swear that this is why another reviewer claimed that it was the coconut oil that harmed their face - they never thought about (nor mentioned in their review) what other ingredients were in the coconut oil that might have caused the reaction!
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May 15, 2010


softer skin, reduced red marks, demolished acne, skin looked a lot evener, clears up new acne spots really fast, & fights off breakouts when I ate junk food.


feels kind of gross when you put it on, & is solid at room temperature.

this definitely improved my skin so much! I have almost eliminated my acne with coconut oil. if you plan on trying it makes sure to buy unrefined extra virgin coconut oil though. it's definitely worth a shot though!
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March 13, 2010


soft CLEAR skin basically overnight


a little more more work than putting on a lotion but well worth it

So, honestly when I tried this last night I was expecting to wake up with a face full of acne...instead all the pimples from yesterday were gone! even the ones that were about to come up. My skin is so soft and even toned. I use oatmeal to wash my face then dried with a towel and applied coconut oil i let it set a few minutes and rinsed the rest of with cool water. I used walmart's extra virgin coconut oil. Maybe the problem skeptics are running into it using coconut oil that isn't virgin or extra virgin. Or maybe they left it on. It looks like most people who have had success with it let it absorb than get the rest off. TRY IT! I will update more after I use it a while.
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March 2, 2010


Cleared up acne, best moisturizer I've ever used, smells great, cheap, you can eat it what more do you want?! The ancient polynesions had a name for the coconut tree that meant 'tree that provides all that is necessary for life'


Slightly oily residue but is a skin protectant that way so no worries

Awesome stuff, has truly changed my skin drastically for the better. I don't think I could live without it! Rock on coconut oil
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July 8, 2014
Obsessed is an understatement!
I'm obsessed. I've been using coconut oil for literally everything (moisturizer, lotion, diaper rash cream, homemade deodorant, etc., etc.) I wanted to use something without chemicals. I was weary about putting an oil on my face when I have acne prone skin (been pretty clear for about 2 years now), but this stuff is amazing. While researching I found that is has natural antibacterial/anti-fungal properties and won't clog pores. It also makes an awesome lip balm and is great as an anti-aging cream. I slather it under my eyes and on my neck before bed. I can't be absolutely positive, but I also read online that it has natural spf it in. I've also found it takes the redness out my skin and blemishes. LOVE IT!
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September 26, 2012


Makes you smell all lovely
all natural



OK I need to explain how to use this for acne because a lot of people have left bad reviews due to it making them break out, that's perfectly natural and part of the process. Coconut Oil pulls out the infection from deep inside the acne, and in doing do it will bring the spots to a head. If there's potential for it to become a whitehead it's going to do so eventually. A lot of the over the counter products make a cosmetic difference but don't fight the underlying cause. Think of it as purging. The coconut oil brings the infection out and then when the spot bursts you know it's really been dealt with. Make sure you put it on with clean skin and hands so you don't trap any dirt between the oil and your skin. I almost always apply cider vinegar or lemon juice first. Doing this a couple of times a day should bring out the whiteheads within a day or two, after a week or two you'll see the true benefits. So basically you just have to stick at it! It's a long term treatment that delivers long term results, definitely my go to for spots and acne
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March 30, 2012


Clears skin
Helps even skintone
Great rubbed into damp hair too - in moderation
Stops muscle aches if rubbed in
Stops toothache if rubbed into tooth/gum
LOTS more


Must be used properly

FI've never written a review on this site - but have read hundreds of reviews over the years. I thought I'd come back and write one now that I don't suffer anymore. I discovered Virgin Coconut oil maybe 8 months ago. Up until then I'd struggled since I was a teenager (now in my thirties) especially with those huge painful under- the-skin spots. It affected me deeply on many levels and ruined so many occasions that should have been happy in my life. I solemnly believe that the problem all along was all the junk I was using on my skin to try to fix it....cleansers, soaps, moisturisers all loaded with chemicals. If you start a fight with your skin - you won't win - and that's what you're doing when you use these products. I use Virgin Coconut oil twice daily. I gently wash with a natural soap (I've been experimenting with different types for some time - the kind that are made using nearly all natural ingredients - there are thousands of small home-run businesses out there who make them and you just have to figure out what works for you. I recommend soaps made with Rhassoul clay. Even some natural ingredients can be too overpowering for your skin.) then I very gently rub the VCO into WET SKIN. You mustn't use it on dry skin - it won't absorb properly (don't take my word for it - look it up) and so it won't work as well as it would if you used it properly. I know that some people are allergic to VCO - but it seems rare and would cause a rash ; I think that people who use it and say it breaks them out are just using it wrong or using too much. You just need to gently rub it into wet skin and leave it to absorb. You can pat dry after a minute or so if you want to or if you're going to be wearing make-up over the top (it's possible if you don't have excess oil on your face). Any little spot I get these days (usually if I use a different soap - which I experiment with to help my scars ; VCO does work on scars but slowly)will go away
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June 30, 2016
It changed my life!!
I've been having cystic acne breakouts for years and I've tried everything OTC and prescription, including Accutane, and nothing worked. The virgin coconut oil was the only thing that resolved my cystic acne. I only tried it because I saw it on Pintrest and I thought I had nothing to lose. So I went to Target and bought the organic virgin coconut oil, and the second I put it on my face I knew I made the right decision. My skin felt instantly better and I haven't had a cystic node since. I occasionally get one or two white heads but they're gone in 2 days and very easily manageable. I think I was just over drying my face which lead to my acne. This is my routine: Wake up and wash my face with warm water. Then I tone with a 1:1 ration of water and apple cider vinegar and let it dry. Next, I oil up my face with coconut oil and I'm done. Super fast and easy, plus it feels great and I smell coconut all day.
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July 14, 2016
What brand did you get? And is it unrefined or refined? Thanks!
September 26, 2011


Heals scars and active acne quickly
Strengthens Skin

The quick verson of my story: I was on antibiotics for my acne for almost 10 yrs and stopped all medications about a year ago. Since then I've been struggling to find a way to cure (or at least tame) my acne naturally. I just started using raw, unrefined, organic, extra virgin coconut oil. I had tried jojoba oil for about 3 months and really really really wanted it to work for me, but it just didn't. I was scared to try coconut oil b/c I had read that it clogs pores and caused additional break outs in some people. I'm so glad I tried it because I notice a clear difference in my skin. After using it for just two days I noticed that my acne scars were healing very quickly and my skin was softer and smoother. Also, new cysts are less painful and come and go more quickly. I'm still working with my diet and exploring food sensitivity to try to figure out the underline cause of my acne, but the coconut oil is definitely working with my skin and not against it. I would say my skin has moved from moderately severe to moderately light. LOVE IT!!!! How I use it: After washing my face with a mild facial wash, I rub the coconut oil all over my face. I focus on area's that need the most healing and massage my face for about 3-5 mins. Then I steam my face with a hot wash cloth to open up the pores. I used the wash cloth to remove excess oil. I use the wash cloth to steam and remove excess oil 2-3 times. Lastly, I treat active acne with tea tree oil. My face feels clean and moisturized. I do this in the morning and in the evening.
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July 22, 2010


85% of my body was once covered with eczema. Coconut oil cured it COMPLETELY within 3 months.

Eliminates whiteheads (I never had a problem with blackheads but I assume it will have similar effects).

Fabulous tanning oil.


Do not use heavily on your face - it may cause a breakout. A little goes a long way.

It is antibacterial, antifungal, and filled with lauric acid. I swear by this oil because it healed me completely from scarring!!!
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