Evoclin : Clindamycin (1%) Foam

88 Reviews

Active ingredient:
Clindamycin phosphate (1%).

Inactive ingredients:
Cetyl alcohol, ethanol (58%), polysorbate 60, potassium hydroxide, propylene glycol, purified water, and stearyl alcohol. The can is pressurized with a hydrocarbon (propane/butane) propellant.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 3, 2011


It's very light, absorbs quickly, and clears my acne.


difficult to apply to scalp.

I was prescribed it for my scalp which has terrible breakouts that are really painful and it does help considerably but it is difficult to apply through my hair. I started using it on my face too and it's amazing for that. It does dry my skin out so I just alternate it with a light lotion and it's all better.
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May 9, 2011


Worked great for a couple of months.


Bacteria became resistant.

It was perfect for a couple of months, but good things come to an end unfortunately...
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November 20, 2010


-Works pretty fast
-See results
-Nice tingling feeling


-Dries out skin

My dermatologist recommended it for me, because I have pretty bad acne on my forehead. My forehead has always been covered with bumps, and now after using this product for about 5 days, once in the morning, once at night, I have noticed that the bumps have gone down. I still see redness, but my forehead is no longer covered in bumps. I do have really REALLY dry skin, and this has dried my skin out considerably, so I have to use a moisturizer. But otherwise, it's pretty good.
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December 11, 2009


This is the only product that has worked for me, i stopped using it and my face broke out again, i'm 28 and have never had ance and the past 2years it was exspensive she just gave me a rebate card only $25 this is new ask your derm.


Went off it and broke out again

i'm back on it and it clear my skin up within a week, it was expensive but with this new rebate card $25.00 i'm also trying out doryx 150mg any been on this? i don't get way we break out in are late 20's its crazy any other idea's that have helped maybe i need to drink lots and lots of water.
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August 11, 2009


It works fast, it feels good and its the only thing that has ever worked for me


It super expensive! But worth the price

I had acne all throughout high school. This stuff works well and fast, but is pretty pricey! Worth the try if you have already tried many others
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August 3, 2009


Easy to use, little to no scent, no residue, doesn't stain or stick to clothing. Very effective on chest and bacne. As part of combination therapy, significantly reduced redness and bumps within one week.


A bit pricey but worth it.

Great as part of combination therapy for mild to moderate body acne (Septra, BP 8% wash, and Evoclin). Guys with hairy chests: this works very well. I trim as part of regular grooming, but still keep some hair growth. Evoclin works just fine. Might work better on smooth skin, but for those not interested in waxing or shaving regularly Evoclin worked well for me.
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May 26, 2009


It works within hours! I apply it to my pimples and within a few hours i'm already seeing drastic results! It works for acne ANYWHERE on your body and also works for razor bumps! I absolutely love this product.


It's a bit greasy feeling at first but absorbs quickly.

It's a great product and i highly reccomend it!
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March 17, 2009


Does not smell, absorps quickly into skin. Seems to work very well for me.


Takes a bit to start seeing results. For me, it got worst, now it's getting better.....
Stings a bit when applied, but that doesn't last long.

It seems to be working out well. I have suffered with acne since age 17, i will 30 very soon...have tried everything on the market including acctune, which helped for a bit, but the acne returned. I will stick with using this foam....my face is so smooth aside for about 5 small bumps, which seems to be halfway gone. My skin is not that oily anymore. I am super happy with the results that I have seen so far....I hope this one's a keeper!!! :)
January 3, 2009


I am pregnant and needed something that was safe during pregnancy but effective...pregnancy acne is hormonal and I was VERY skeptical if a topical could improve my skin. I just started the product last night, and already the pimples are reduced!!


Cost. It was 60 bucks AFTER what the insurance covered.

worth a try...if you have acne then you know, if there's a chance it can give you your confidence back, 60 bucks is a small price to pay!
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October 7, 2008


I can't believe how well it worked! Reduced redness by nearly 50%. Helps with existing pimples as well as wards off new ones.


A bit of a burning feeling and my face did get red but settled down within minutes.

I am a late in life acne sufferer and was facing the whole Accutane "do I or don't I" question. I was basically running out of options. My doc gave me a sample of this miracle in a can and gave me hope. If you are given this treatment as an option, take it. If you aren't ask for it. It really works.