Clindoxyl : Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

396 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Non-Medicinal ingredients:
Carbomer 940, dimethicone, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, edetate disodium, glycerin, hydrated silica, methylparaben, poloxamer, purified water, and sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 28, 2016
stopped working
it works for a while.. but just when your skin gets good, it loses its effectiveness. It worked for a while with me, then just stopped.
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January 2, 2015
Works for a while
I used this, with along Retin A, and Minocycline to clear up my first experience with acne when I was in middle school. The combination worked beautifully, and once I got off these medications I stayed clear for about 8 months. Then, my acne came back worse, and I was prescribed Clindoxyl Gel. It worked for a while, but then it wasn't doing anything. My skin became resistant to the topical antibiotic in this gel. Just use this with caution, and don't immediately quit using it once you are clear. Ease off of it.
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November 16, 2013
Good but doesn't really prevent breakouts


Gets rid of active pimples almost overnight
Doesn't dry your skin out


Doesn't seem to prevent future breakouts
Antibiotic resistance?

I have moderate acne and have been prescribed clindoxyl twice - once when I was 16 and once recently. It worked a lot better when I was younger, but it still works now. It gets rid of big whiteheads really quickly, or at least shrinks them significantly overnight, and it has helped improve the overall quality of my skin. It isn't drying as long as you moisturise sufficiently. While it's good for active spots, it doesn't really do much in terms of preventing future breakouts. I'm using it as a topical alongside with Diane, so I'm not really counting on clindoxyl itself to clear my skin. I also think that my skin has become slightly immune to the clindamycin in clindoxyl, because after using it for several months, it seems less effective than when I initially started using it. Still a good product, but probably better for people with less severe acne (and there doesn't seem to be any initial breakout either!).
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June 28, 2013
Was WAY to harsh on my skin, but I could see how it would be effective for some people.


Clears acne
Comes in gel form


VERY irritating

This product burned by skin.. Although I could have weaned into using the product better then I did at the time. I could see how this would be very effective for some people.. but it was just not the product for me.
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August 16, 2017
Me too I had too wash it off my face still hurting
September 24, 2011


- Not too sure yet as I just started it using it
- Price was good, insurance covered it for me


- Red patches

If your willing to withstand the itching and wait for the results, it might be a good product for you. And just to say, its itches ALOT
July 27, 2010


can't tell yet


a bit of itching, redness.
my pimples got a tiny bit worse after the first day.

I started getting pimples since grade 4. Grade 4! Now I'm starting highschool, so I've been with acne for about 4 years already. I started to wear makeup to cover some pimples but mainly my really red cheeks which I hated since forever. Little did I know that it would make it worse. I used to have light-moderate acne just on my forehead, but now because of the makeup, I have it nearly all over my face. Sigh. I wished I never started to wear makeup. I went to the doctor's with my mom and she prescribed me this, along with Differin to use at night. When I woke up on the first day of using it, I noticed slight improvement on my acne and scarring on my cheeks. Second day, it kind of got a bit worse with the itching and more redness ... But I will continue to use it and see what happens. I need it my acne to be clear by the start of school, so I don't have to keep wearing makeup and making it worse. I also have to go to camp, which means makeup is a nono. I only have about a month left, I hope my acne would be almost gone by then! p.s. Does anyone know what product helps really persistent red cheeks and will not cause breakouts? I absolutely hate my redness.
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April 26, 2010


-clears up severe acne within a matter of weeks


-you will still breakout
-you will eventually build up an immunity to it

I have been using clindoxyl gel for about 8 years. When I first started using it, I had horrible acne and the clindoxyl TOTALLY HELPED! It cleared everything up so that the only thing I had to worry about was the odd small zit that might pop up. As I continued using it however, I slowly built up an immunity to it and now it literally DOES NOTHING for me. I'm 22 and my skin is worse now than it was in highschool when clindoxyl was in its best working order.
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November 25, 2009


-Clears acne
-Prevents most breakouts
-'Zaps' zits away within a few days


-Can be dry, I always use a moisturizer after putting on the gel
-Bleaches towels
-Can't be worn under makeup usually

This product works! It has done a great job of clearing up my problem areas. Seems to dry up and zap away zits within a few days. I rarely ever get blind pimples, but I got one a month ago or so and it even worked on that, it was gone in less than a week! You have to make sure you don't try popping or picking any pimples (which is hard for me) but if you can do that it DEFINITELY makes your skin look way better!
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November 1, 2009


Worked for awhile


Stopped working

prior to this i was using Vichy normaderm WHICH WORKS FANTASTIC!!! I used this with differin for 2 weeks both of them at the same time at night. if worked than stopped working after the second week than i switched to differin at night and clindoxyl in the daytime acne stayed the same so i decided before GRAD PHOTO DAY to use only differin in the night time and i applied vichy cream in the morning and ir worked fabulously have been doing that ever since the problem is that differin when starting needs something like clindoxyl to balance it out but when the balancing is over it really just hurt me. I reccomend and dont reccomend it.
October 4, 2009


Made my skin clear but very shiny/oily looking


I think it actually enlarges your pores and does something to the sebaccous glands.
It contains an antibiotic
It bleaches clothes, pyjamas, pillows, towels.

It works well, but if you stop using it your screwed for life. You will always need it or something else. I used my mom's prescription when I didn't even have any significant acne, and I could swear that it did something to my pores/glands. This sounds weird but i feel that using this product made me get acne and now it is like an addiction because I always need it in order for my skin to get clear. I think it has made my skin hypersensitive. Maybe b/c of the antibiotics? Don't make the mistake of using creams you don't need. Less is more. Try and find more natural ways of clearing your skin. There are many ways. And, I don't think it should be used under make-up or during the day (light exposure). It specifically says not to expose yourself to the sun or heat lamps while using this product. This includes after you wash it off. I have used this product for 8 years on and off and can't stop because it has probably done irreversable altering of my pores/glands?