Ziana : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Tretinoin (.025%) Gel

474 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Tretinoin (.025%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Purified water USP, glycerin USP, carbomer 981 NF, methylparaben NF, polysorbate 80 NF, edetate disodium USP, citric acid USP, propylparaben NF, butylated hydroxytoluene NF, and tromethamine USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


Used Ziana : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Tretinoin (.025%) Gel? Rate It:

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July 14, 2009


Cleared up cystic acne and when new pimples come up, they subside in 2-3 days. Cheap as I have only bought one container of the gel and it's last me 3 months. Also, no mood-altering side effects!


Very difficult to handle in beginning. My skin peeled like crazy and was very red. Also, it has been very slow healing on the shallow scars left over from the cystic acne.

This is a pretty good product. When I first began using it, I had large, painful cystic acne all over my cheeks. The gel will make your skin peel in the beginning but trust me don't give up. I'm about three months into using Ziana and I hardly get any more cysts (and if I do, it's gone within 2 days). Although it has not completely cleared up the scarring left over from the acne, my scars continue to fade and seem to get better every day. Last pieces of advice: do NOT pick acne when on this gel, it will just make it worse and if the peeling gets really bad, use tweezers to lift off the excess skin (an especially good technique if you're applying makeup daily). Good luck!
June 16, 2009


Cleared up existing acne right away. Face is smooth the next day. Only have to apply it once daily. Doesn't burn at all and doesn't cause any redness.


Face gets sticky after you have it on. Can be expensive if you don't have a savings card from your Dr.

Works great! Also taking solodyn once daily. Skin is very smooth. Haven't had any flakiness or dryness at all. My face will get pretty oily at the end of the day though...
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June 16, 2009


Seems to be working so far, my skin is clearer that it has been in 8 months or more.


At first my skin got worse, much worse. I went back to the derm because it got so bad. They told me to continue that the product was clearing out the bacteria in my skin. I have notice oily skin by the middle of the day.

Although I am now battling red acne spots on my face I don't seem to be breaking out nearly as much as I was. I do get a few small zits now and then. Before I would wake up every day with 2 or 3 new ones. Ziana hasn't helped any with the redness from the acne which I really didn't expect it too. Overall I am happy with this product.
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June 14, 2009


this product definitely is minimizing how bad each pimple gets. I don't have any drying side effects that I was getting with other products.


I am still getting a lot of pimples but they go away quickly and are not as deep.

I have only been using this product a week and am hoping that it works even better over time. It is a little better now but not enough that I would stick with it if it doesn't show more progress after another month. I do not find this product sticky like many others have said, but I do feel like my skin is oilier in the morning than it was before when I put the Ziana on the night before. I use this product every night.
June 14, 2009


My older skin has started to break out bad and my pores are large. I noticed a difference right away when I used this product.
It helped clear up some nasty big zits and has made my skin smoother. So far I'm happy with this product.


Does dry out skin.

I will continue to use this product since it helps with acne and aging skin. It is very expensive if you do not have insurance, but my insurance covers it minus my cheap co-pay.
June 10, 2009


It works Great! I've suffered from acne for 7 years and this product REALLY works! My skin feels much smoother, and I've noticed a drastic improvement in only two weeks.


It is expensive, however it's worth it. It also tends to make my skin very oily and I now have little bumps on my forehead which I'm sure will go away soon.

I stilll break out with occaisonal small pimpes, but I plan to stick with the regime and I'm sure I'll start seeing even better results considering it takes at least 8 weeks for full results.
June 9, 2009


This product has cleared my acne pretty much completely. I was amazed by how smooth it has made my skin. It takes time, but trust me, stick with it, you won't regret it.


I didn't experience ANY dryness or any of the side effects but it almost seems as if just Ziana for me has reached it's peak. I am now starting doxycycline and hoping that in addition to Ziana will take it away.

I tried everything and I even went to a different dermotologist before. This is the best product I have ever used. Yes, it's a little sticky, but it truly gets the job done. It clears acne or at least gets away a lot of it so it is more bareable than it was before. Stick with it =) Trust me! Also, you can get a savings card from your dermotologist to save you even more money on the product!
June 4, 2009


Has made my pores very small. Keeps me from getting any kind of breakout.


only use it at night. Sunlight makes skin sensitive. My doctore told me that before i began taking the product. Great advice.

Since using this product i no longer wear any type of foundation or make up cover up, and ive worn make up since i was 16. I get compliments on my skin all of the time.
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June 3, 2009


Really works. I never imagined anything would ever work on my skin. Even though I have moderate acne, I have sensitive and troublesome skin.


Honestly, none. My skin hasn't suffered more than what it has in the past, that's for sure.

I wrote a review a week and a half ago. Just updating. Ziana has done wonders for me. Sometimes I can't believe it myself. Initially the outbreaks accelerated, I didn't mind at first because I figured it was doing its thing. Then I began to worry because it seemed to overly accelerate, I switched it to every other day and that seems to have worked. Haven't had major breakouts, no huge sweltering pimples. I have a few small ones, barely visible. I think its important to note that I don't use Ziana in conjunction with any other acne product, topical or oral. Only stuff I use is a cleanser and a moisturizer, from my derm. I used to exfoliate my skin, but I found that it dried and irritated it a lot, so stopped. I drink lots of water to keep hydrated since my doctor told me I have "dry oil". Keeping it simple. So far, so good. My skin has been able to recuperate from all the past pimples and redness. I'm very happy... so far. I'll see how it pans out in the long
May 27, 2009


minimizes pores and heals breakouts fast without over drying like OTC products can.


kind of sticky, DO NOT GET ANYWHERE NEAR EYES...will completely dry out the skin there! some dryness.

start out small and work your way up. if your skin starts to dry out, go back one step. I started with every other night then went to every night, then used as a spot treatment in the morning. i've been noticing excessive drying and MORE breakouts but i believe that is because of the stickiness of the product added to increasing humidity, and the dryness due to over use. all things considered, i love it! it minimized the pores and redness on my cheeks DRAMATICALLY and for the first time in YEARS i go out with out makeup thanks to this product! i also love it because it heals the breakouts faster than ANY product i have EVER used (usually with just one or two applications). definitely worth a try if you can get your hands on the discount card for it!
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