Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 26, 2013




-Side effects at first (dry, burning, redness), but they go away.

I told myself that I would write a review when I found a product that works. I'm 26 years old and have had acne since my early 20's, which has gotten progressively worse every year. This past year, I was getting several new cystic pimples every day and felt completely hopeless. I tried proactiv, expensive products such as kate somerville, retinoid creams, every brand of salycylic acid face wash out there, you name it.... and nothing seemed to work. Finally I was prescribed Benzaclin and within a week my face was starting to heal. It's been over a month and I have not had a single new pimple! I actually feel normal again. My face is soft, smooth and even. I LOVE this product and wish I had discovered it sooner. If you can relate to my suffering with acne, do not hesitate to try this product!!! Side note - there were some itchy dry side effects at first. They do go away, just use in tiny little amounts with lots of moisturizer. Your skin will adapt.
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March 30, 2013


Gets rid of most blackheads. Gets rid of most whiteheads. Gets rid of most acne. Inexpensive with insurance (10 dollars). Makes skin less oily. Lasts almost 2 months until refill is needed. Heals blemishes. Quick results (within a week).


Drys skin. Skin may become red until it gets used to it. Balls up when moisturizer is applied. Needs a prescription. Has to be used night and day for best results. Bleaches items unless careful.

This is the best topical acne medication I have ever used. I tend to get blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. My skin didn't start breaking out until I turned 20 (now 23). My face is clear unless it is that time of the month, even then I only get a couple blemishes. Although eating right helps a great deal. I have learned that if I eat any sugar or dairy products I break out even with benzaclin, just not as bad. As a side note, this used to cost me $50 with insurance, now it's $10.
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March 28, 2013


- It clears acne 99% (Even the deep, large acne) if used for a long time (months)
- Tube lasts a long time (you don't need much)
Note: I am also taking birth control pills
- I am still using it for my shoulders/back/neck. For some reason is works VERY well anywhere but my face.


- It took 3+ months to see major results
- Dries skin on face so badly that I can't use on my face at all. It cleared my face from acne but now my sensitive skin is paying the price through dryness/flaking/oil and redness. I would NOT use on your face.

Use it to very effectively clear up moderate to severe acne on shoulders/back/neck. Just be prepared to wait a few months for results! I would not recommend this for use on your face.
March 13, 2013




Expensive even with insurance
Bleaches clothing
Takes a little while to start working at first

My doc told me to just apply to specific spots. I tried it for a few weeks, and was disappointed. Then I decided I might as well just use up the container, and started applying it to the whole effected area. Then it started working like magic. It's best at preventing breakouts, which I think is part of why it took a while for me to notice its effects. It's worked great, and I've been using it consistently for several years. Acne went from moderate/ moderately severe to light/ very light.
March 2, 2013


It works quickly
Clears spots and redness
Free on NHS


Does dry skin but I used it at night and moisturised skin throughout the day

Within 2 weeks, the acne rosacea I'd suffered with for 4 years was 80% gone. Cannot recommend this enough!
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February 9, 2013


Awesome product that does what it is supposed to do.
Decent price with insurance


Can dry out your face for the first couple of weeks but eventually your skin gets used to it and isn't as dry with a good moisturizer.

I had suffered from acne since I was in the 6th grade and now at the age of 21 I have finally found the answer to my prayers. I suffered from cystic acne to the regular blemishes that would occur around that time of the month and with this product my skin is 100% clear. In highschool I used this product as well and it worked but got too lazy to get represcribed and remembered how great it worked then and it is just as successful now as then. :)
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February 2, 2013


Cleared up acne within two weeks. Completley clear.


Prolongs PIH
Skin goes bright red, burns and flakes off whilst you adjust to the 5% BP in it
Can bleach hair and clothing if used in the day time or not allowed to dry properly
Tube doesn't last long
A bit costly if not on the NHS
MUST wear sunscreen every single day yo go outside

I'm 20 and my acne was light to mild and caused by hormonal imbalance. Nothing cleared it up completley except this. I don't have to wear makeup anymore! I've been using this for 3 months, 6 nights a week.
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February 1, 2013


Works very well on white heads and gets rid on them in a few days
it also gets rid of blackheads


dont even look at them the pros outway the cons by a million miles for me

had acne just under 4 years tryed a lot of things from the doc and shops like docxy and tea tree and that seem to make it worse, try this defo the best thing i have used and works fast :)
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January 30, 2013


-Cleared up some spots


-Swollen face

Apparently, this is supposed to be a great product, with positive results, however, the side effects for my are unbareable.
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January 16, 2013


My 14 year old son was developing bad acne! It was hurting his confidence. He has been on it for 3 months and it has changed his life! It worked within the first 2 weeks! He has never complained about any side effects. I couldn't be happier!


Its worth the money to me!

It's life changing and feeling good about yourself is priceless!
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