Carley's : Clear and Smooth Skin Treatment

1006 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (2%)

Inactive Ingredients:
Reverse Osmosis Purified Water, Liquid Natural Soap, Shea Butter; (Butyrospermum parkii), Vegetable Glycerin, Walnut Shell Powder, Propylene Glycol, Apricot Kernal Oil; (Armeniaca vulgaris, Prunis armeniaca), Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera Extract, Corn Meal, Mango Butter, Emulsifying Wax, Hemp Seed Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil(Macadamia integrifolia), Xanthan Gum, Evening Primrose Oil(Oenothera Biennis ), Elder Flower Extract(sambucus nigra), Chamomile Powder (Chamomilla recutita), Natural Essential Oils – no artificial fragrances-, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Germall plus (4/10’s of 1%) (diazolidinyl Urea, 3-Iodo-2-propylbutylcarbarmate).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 4, 2010


It works. Really. Give it time. It makes your skin feel amazing.


None that I can think of!

This is my second review on here, and I'll tell you why. This is not a fake review. I am a mom and have a daughter that has used this for 1.5 years and her skin is really beautiful. She rarely gets a pimple, and if so, it's during her time of the month. I am 44 and use it, too. It makes your skin feel amazing. I can't believe the people that get on here and accuse the owner of making up fake reviews. Trust me, he doesn't have to do that. My daughter was at Walmart and a girl asked her how she got her skin so pretty. I had to write down the name of this stuff on a business card I had and give it to her. I didn't know this girl at all...she was our check out girl! Buy it, use it faithfully for 6 weeks, and then get back to us! Use it before you diss it!!!! Leave the owner alone, I thank God he developed this stuff!
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November 30, 2010


Makes my skin soft and smooth with no more breakouts.


None that I can find.

I had only mild acne mostly on my chin which has completely disappeared since using Carley's soap and moisterizers. The biggest surprise for me has been that the soap has cured an excema rash that I couldn't get rid of with prescription medication from my dermatologist. If I stop using the soap, the excema comes back, so I will not be running out of Carley's soap again. Great products, I'm even giving them for Christmas gifts this year!
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November 28, 2010


Works really well
my skin feels and looks great, cystic acne is gone, just once in a while a little pimple, but that clears from using the elderflowermask
Can't live without it


just the shippingcosts

Ive been using it for a couple of years now, its the only thing that gets my sensitive acneskin clear and soft. Some of my friends are using it on my recommendation and they are loving how it works
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November 22, 2010





I have only been using this product for 2 weeks, but so far so good! My face has completely cleared except for my acne scarring. I am worried that I will eventually break out according to all the negative reviews on this site. The Tamanu oil also helps heal pimples and reduce scarring. I also like the fact that there aren't chemicals that sit on your face constantly. I will definately be giving a negative review if my face breaks out. Lets hope that doesn't happen. It's worth a shot.
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November 22, 2010


-actually clears up acne
-works in the long run


-asks that you use a new facecloth everyday.
-can overdry skin

so i received this product at the end of september, i wanted to review it after the first 3 days of using it because my skin has literally never looked clean since puberty striked me but i waited it off since there were some complaints that after a week or so, some broke out a lot. well that's exactly what happened to me (not as bad as what some people described), but like most treatments, acne usually gets worst before it gets better. so i stuck with it, and it's been 2 months since and i really have to say that this is my miracle treatment. i used every product to make my skin smooth, because it had that lumpy texture (acne under the skin) that i just couldn't get rid of for the sake of mankind. after years of using what felt like every product (over the counter, prescription, to home remedies) i feel like i've found a product that actually works for the long run. i like this better than the bp gel which i also purchased from this site, because the bp gel feels weird on my face and if i get any on my neck area i break into a crazy rash. this product is easy and simple, just use it whenever you take a shower (which i'm assuming daily) *don't use a fresh washcloth every time like they recommend, your hands work perfectly fine. also don't think this replaces your exfoliater, use a different product to exfoliate your skin. this product can leave the skin really dry, so you're going to need a good face moisturizer right after you shower. i just wish i had found this product a lot that my skin is clear from pimples and lumpy skin, i'm left with scars and colour distortion from years of picking at my skin. don't let bad reviews deter you from this product, you can purchase this item risk free, which includes 100% refund if it doesn't work out, also customer service is really good! i ended up buying the night moisturizer which they gave me as a sample from my first purchase. i hope this helps people who are suffering from acne like it has helped me.
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November 20, 2010


If you like clogging your pores and having horrible painful acne you should buy this. If you want normal clear skin stay away!!


It gave me cystic acne and white heads something i never had before. I went from having mild acne to my face being really red and covered in these deep red acne marks. I can't believe i got scammed into buying this product.

I read all the positve reviews and thought this would be a miracle cure. I can't believe people can sell/use this product it's the worst ever. Completely dried out my skin, gave me cystic acne, and not my face is all red. Do not buy this!!! From reading around it turns out these guys are making up fake stories. I wish i figured that out before being tricked into buying this. I mean they tell you to rub a shea butter soap on your face...shea butter is horrible for acne...I can't believe these people have the nerve to write fake reviews and completely take advantage of us real acne sufferers. Do not buy!!!
November 20, 2010




Oily skin.
Pustules galore.

I have had moderate acne for quite some time but have been able to keep it under control with the help of BP. I became a little too confident considering I have not had a beak out in months and decided to order this miracle substance called Carley's. Worst. Decision. Ever. This product broke me out tremendously. I was useing exactly as directed, and my skin continued to get worse and worse. After three months, I gave up. I have not used Carley's for about a month and my face is finally starting to recover. To those this has "worked for," there is no need to put those down who it has not worked for stating "we must be doing something wrong." The fact of the matter is this product does not help everyone. And to those considering buying, I would like you take a moment to carefully read all positive feedback. There is something very similar between many replies. Almost seems info-mercial esque, and how the "whole family will only use Carley's now, and how this is the ONLY PRODUCT that worked." You'll catch on, ideally before you actually purchase it. Buyer beware. Just saying.
November 20, 2010


smells good
soap leaves face feeling smooth


it made me break out
left my face really dry

i bought this product because of all the good reviews that I found here, but it made my face even worse after a couple of months
November 19, 2010


Clean and natural, leaves skin feeling great, really works


Worse small breakout at first, but normal when clearing up skin

This stuff really works. I have adult acne and firmly believe in this product. I don't like using harsh chemicals on my skin that can cause you to be dependent on. I can use this product for flare-ups and then not use it for a while and do just fine. Highly Recommend!
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November 19, 2010


If you use this product as directed it will work. I have been ordering for over 8 years and now order for my 4 kids. It is the best! You must order the scrub and soap, they work together.


I wish it was in my local store, but it is shipped very quick!

I love this product along with my 4 kids, I don't understand the bad reviews, unless they are created by trouble makers or someone who can't read the directions and don't use the soap along with the scrub. I have handed out the sample scrub that comes with all of my order's. Over the years and everyone love's how it works on acne and to keep you skin looking young I am now 49 and do not have wrinkles, everyone asks if I am my 27 year old son's sister. It works on wrinkles and acne! Give it a try! My kids did not want to use mom's products, so off to the dermatologist we went. They tried all of the prescriptions and went back to Carley's products. It is a great product for acne and to keep wrinkles away! I am a long time user, you must give it a try, but, you must use it, and use it properly. I am real, and welcome any emails for information on my personal use. I do not believe anyone had bad results if they used it properly. Price is for scrub and extra soap. LOVE THE SOAP ORDER EXTRA FOR YOUR WHOLE BODY!
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June 11, 2015
Still using the product and encourage everyone to give it a try.