
43 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 19, 2018
Didn't burn at all however
I've used half tea spoon because I was afraid to hurt my skin which is a little bit sensitive. I left the mask for 20min and I didn't see that much different, I felt like the small acnes have reduced but the biggest ones still the same as before. i will try one full tea spoon next time(maybe tomorrow) and see what happens. I also felt like my skin got a little bit dry
January 24, 2018
Do patch test first.!
Awesome mask.! It has helped a lot with redness and acne on my skin and I have sensitive skin. I use 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon and one whole egg. Recommend this.!
June 30, 2017
Actually works..
The trick to this mask is patch testing it, DO NOT PUT ON YOUR WHOLE FACE if you've never tried it before. You want to make sure that you put a small amount on your cheek FIRST because everyone's skin reacts differently. Another thing is that cinnamon will burn on any skin at first, it takes about 10 minutes for the burning sensation to go away, your skin will get red under the mask but it will go away eventually revealing soft skin. Lastly, this actually works. I have mild acne + acne scars + sensitive skin that breaks out from just breathing.... I used it for the first time last night. I saw some of the acne bumps had already gotten smaller and my skin is not red. I mixed half tablespoon of ground cinnamon and squeezed lemon juice enough to make a paste. I left it on overnight as a spot treatment on the affected areas. You have to be careful when trying new products on your skin, always patch test and most importantly, BE PATIENT :)
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August 28, 2010


* Honey is known for its moisturizing properties and acne fighting agents
* Cinnamon has its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory properties just to name a few.
* The combination of cinnamon and honey seems to be a "crime fighting duo". Counteracting many popular ailments such as obesity, cancer, brittle hair etc.


cinnamon stings (just as most of the other potent natural acne cures)

Only aboard the "cinnamon and honey ship" for 1 day. Cinnamon and honey mask I used contains- Neem oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon and honey and Kaolin powder. Neem oil works the same as lavender oil, emu oil should be added also to speed up acne/ scar healing. Try it!
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