The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
May 13, 2017
I've just started this mask Wednesday and I used 1 Raw egg and a lot of cinnamon. I have acne marks on my face and this mask definitely helped !! It's Friday and majority of my spots have faded dramatically no bs lol. I'm 20 yrs old & I'm light brown and acne spots are very visible bc of my skintone. This mask is magic !!! I use in the morning and before I go to bed for 1 hour. Not for sensitive skin.. will burn for like 4 mins but it wares off and your skin will be tf poppinn! 😂😊
Also I wear makeup so I clean& wash my face before I use the mask.
April 3, 2017
I have horrible cheek acne and just recently I started breaking out on my face. I found this mask online and for the first time I sued it, it burned like hell. I had a fan on my face to keep me from roasting alive internally. I have tons of scars on both of my cheeks as well. After I took the mask off (I had it on for 2 hours) my skin was GLOWING! Sure my face hurt like a female dog, but the results were worth it! I have been using this mask for a week and my skin has remarkably improved. I don't think this mask is much help to people with sensitive skin, but with people who believe in "no pain no gain" or "beauty is pain" this mask is made for you.
June 30, 2017
Actually works..
The trick to this mask is patch testing it, DO NOT PUT ON YOUR WHOLE FACE if you've never tried it before. You want to make sure that you put a small amount on your cheek FIRST because everyone's skin reacts differently.
Another thing is that cinnamon will burn on any skin at first, it takes about 10 minutes for the burning sensation to go away, your skin will get red under the mask but it will go away eventually revealing soft skin.
Lastly, this actually works. I have mild acne + acne scars + sensitive skin that breaks out from just breathing.... I used it for the first time last night. I saw some of the acne bumps had already gotten smaller and my skin is not red.
I mixed half tablespoon of ground cinnamon and squeezed lemon juice enough to make a paste. I left it on overnight as a spot treatment on the affected areas.
You have to be careful when trying new products on your skin, always patch test and most importantly, BE PATIENT :)
January 29, 2017
Great if you have endurance
Most people on here only leave bad reviews because of the first minutes where it feels like its burning your face. YES it will hurt a lot for like 4 minutes but it's totally bearable. Remember beauty is pain guys. After a few minutes have passed by your skin will feel fresh. DONT remove it when u apply it. Just wait and suck it up it'll be over i promise. After youve left the mask on for 30 mins to an 1 hour and you remove it you will see how bright your skin is. And after a few uses it really does help with acne:)
February 5, 2017
I tried a face mask that included cinnamon ( 1 raw egg and 2 table spoons of cinnamon) , in the beginning it burned a little but the youtube video said that it was normal so i ignored it. But when i washed it of MY HOLE FACE WAS RED AND IT WAS BURNING. For some people this remedie may work but before you try it make sure that you do a patch test on your face.
July 21, 2016
Unless you want to burn your skin off, DO NOT PUT THIS ON YOUR FACE!!!!!! I cant stress this enough! Read this for proof [link removed] and don't listen to those bloody Youtubers!!
July 3, 2015
THIS IS THE WORST EVER!!! I put it on and when i took it off my skins was so soft but soon after i got small pimples all over my face!!! i only used it for 3 small pimples on my chin and forehead and now i have these small red dots all over my cheecks forehead and chin!!! it itches and they arnt going away!! i have no idea what to do and i need suggestions please this is absolutely terrible!!
November 12, 2016
Absolutely horrible
I was just innocently looking online for DIY scrubs and f course i came across a honey, yogurt, cinnamon rub that i thought would be perfect. WRONG! The diy said to keep it on for 10 minutes but after 2 it was burning like crazy! my face got red and patchy. Currently its been about 15 minutes and the redness has slowly went down but i have been rubbing ice (put a bag over the ice) over my face i wish i never did this mask and just know, please try to use as little cinnamon as possible because it is a spice, and it will burn your face
February 15, 2016
Ive been using cinnamon in my face masks for about a year now, but only a little. Today I used half a tea spoon and I felt my face start to burn as soon as I put it on, I assumed it was just working its magic. I was wrong. After a few minutes I couldn't stand the burning and washed it off. My face was left red, patchy and painful. It was burnt! Never using it on my skin again!
January 25, 2015
Cinnamon and honey mask
i used this mask with honey . I only kept it for 3 minutes as it was quite stingy. Now my face is all red and even after two days its still pricky. I wont suggest this mask for people with sensitive skin. I am applying aloe vera on my face but this redness aint coming down :-(