The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
Messy (but who cares!)
Best thing I've found to use on cystic acne! Reduces cyst time, heals quick, softens skin. Supposed to help with scarring too!
A little time consuming.
Works great as a cleanser better than anything on the market...heals acne and sofen skin like never before
a little messy only use a small amount
cheap treatment for acne. Put it on spots, preferibly at night. Use a Q-tip to apply.
messy, make sure to cover up the pillow.
(Jump to *** for what I did that worked to treat cysts)
I got two random cysts on my chin right next to one another. I hadn’t had one in a long while, so I couldn’t remember what to do with them. I panicked and reacted by applying a lot of heat and packing on sulfur spot treatment constantly for a couple of days. One came to a head, but barely anything came out and it just closed back up again, red and angry as ever. My boyfriend told me that he would prefer to see the red spots than the Sulfur stuff on my face, so I gave it a rest. While hiding in the dark and moping, I remembered a holy grail that I discovered long ago (how I forget these things, I’ll never know!) - castor oil.
In past, I put castor oil on and covered it with a bandaid overnight, and I’m sure that worked decently well. I’m allergic to band aid adhesive though, so it would cause other issues instead.
Unfortunately this time the whole top layer of my skin was dried out from the heat and spot treatment, so I set myself back quite a ways. I cleansed the area with just a cloth with cold water to remove the dry and dead skin so that the oil could get in there and work it’s magic. I re-applied the oil often in this time until the skin softened up again, which took just under 48 hours. So let that be a lesson: don’t dry it out because you’ll put yourself way back!
***I read both in reviews and on the bottle of castor oil that applying heat could help, but I found that the cloth just absorbed the oil, and I wasn’t sure how much it was really helping my skin to have the warm cloth directly on it again. On a whim, I applied a thick layer of oil on the cysts and put plastic film (I cut a small strip from a bread bag) over the oil/cysts and then applied the warm compress over that. This time around, I made sure that the compress wasn’t too hot, and I did so by touching the cloth to my elbow to test the heat first (I heard this is how you test heated items for babies, so made sense). Left the warmth to do its thing for about 15-20 min, and then kept the oil and film in place since then. It’s been only a couple of hours since I did that and the cysts have already flattened and calmed quite a bit! It’s not a miracle cure - they are still there, but FAR less noticeable than before. I had never tried this method before and I don’t condone the use of plastic wrap, but this also seems to have done a better job than anything I’ve ever tried before, including other methods of applying castor oil.
I’ve generally halted my cystic jawline and neck acne by doing a low GI diet (I still cheat sometimes, but only after I was strict for long enough to clear up, eating more whole foods, and drinking golden mylk. Touch wood, but it’s been a couple of years with no relapse, UNLESS I eat items I’m sensitive to (dairy, eggs, and peanuts). In this case, I had been living off of peanut granola bars (peanuts and high GI) during exam periods at school.
I started using castor oil three years ago to help in my decade long fight against cystic acne. Every month, I was getting anywhere between one to four new cysts that would take weeks to heal. It was painful, emotionally draining and literally scarring (both hypo-pigmentation and depressed scars). Since finding castor oil, my acne cysts are no longer an issue. When I do feel them coming on, I put castor oil on them (as much as I can throughout the day and night), and 99.999% of the time, they go away. If they don't completely go away, the red marks are only an issue for a day or two. I have only received a few cortisone shots over the last few years thanks to the benefits of castor oil. It has prevented further scarring on my face, and is an excellent moisturizer to boot. I use it at night because I don't like the thick texture when I'm awake. It keeps my skin first, and I mix it with frankincense, myrrh and helicrysum oils to help prevent aging.
I can't recommend castor oil enough to everyone. Especially those suffering from cystic acne.
It's hands down the best thing I've EVER used to clear up my acne!