Calamine Lotion

279 Reviews

Calamine is either a mixture of zinc oxide (ZnO) with about 0.5% ferric oxide (Fe2O3) or a zinc carbonate compound.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 18, 2009


Really cheap, reduces redness and swelling quickly



Dont exactly have acne, but i have the occasional breakout, definately reduces redness and swelling! Completely clears up small spots within a day, really good stuff! So cheap too. The zinc in it helps heal skin i think. To get best use out of it i sometimes use it during the day when im not going out, and use it at night. I find putting a thick layer on and keep re applying helps!
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August 10, 2009


Works wonders on acne. End of story Got rid of all my small pimples. I highly recommend it! It costs very little. It feels orgasmic! It's a little runny, and there's no fragrance!


You have to buy it at a store and you can't magically get this marvelous thing.

Best thing you can find. End of story.The lotion on your skin feels orgasmic!
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July 22, 2009


It works!!


None, if applied correctly.

I've had acne for approx 3 yrs and, like virtually everyone I know who's had acne at some point, I've tried everything out there to clear it without success. Until I decided to use the calamine lotion I used on my daughters chicken pox on my face. I couldn't believe the difference it made. I no longer have the hard, sore lumps under my skin and if I do get a spot it only lasts a day. I use it morning and night after cleansing and toning and I apply it very thinly as it works just as well, if not better, than a thick layer as it still allows the skin to breathe. Also, applying thinly ensures you don't look like you're ready for hallow'een. I use it on cotton wool but I may try a make up sponge in future as it's probably easier to apply.
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July 20, 2009


Works really fast, faster than benzoyl p. Heals acne and your skin, takes away redness.


None really can be a bit drying, but not as drying as when I use benzoyl. Just use a lil moisturizer and I'm good.

I've been using this for about a week and I kid u not i have not had a pimple since. I don't know what this stuff does but it healed my acne.
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July 10, 2009


Very inexpensive, no fragrance, does work well on cycstic Acne,


A little drying, who cares, it works better than anything you can find on the market.

Try this people, I mean what is the worst that can happen? you are already dealing with acne. I paid only $3.39 for this stuff. Plain bottle, you name it. I was SO DESPERATE for a fix for my cystic acne, I would not leave the house without a good amount of make up on my face, and It look horrible. The acne only magnified itself. the scarring was unbeliveable. I brought this put it on one night. and in about 6 days my acne started clearing up EVEN THE SCARRING which I thought I was going to have to just live with, for a couple of years. I wet a makeup sponge and put a few drops on it, and spread it lightly on my cheeks, chin and forehead where the acne was its worst. THIS WORKS folks, I am so astonished how easy and well it works I can not believe my own eyes. I still wear a little makeup, only NOT AS MUCH anymore, because the scarring is fading, and I don't see any new bumps appearing. Try it, save some money. don't waste it on acne products that just make fake promises.
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July 8, 2009


it works, very well infact, u'll be surprised


mainly for night-time usage as it leaves the skin dry and white

I used this in 2008 before christmas to treat an allergic reaction rash on my face, also around that time i started using tea tree oil, after my rash had gone and also my acne i continued using tea tree oil and stopped using the calamine, thinking it was the tea tree that helped the acne. I WAS WRONG, and i didnt even realise it until i suffered the worst break out of my life that has lasted for the past 6 months and ive tried everything to get rid of it, its effected me badly, i became depressed and started to feel like i couldnt leave the house, as a last resort i traced my mind back to last year when my skin cleared, what did i use, it was the calamine lotion, i feel stupid for not realising sooner, it works and works fast, now my acne feels a bit better and is calming down again
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June 20, 2009


Works very well for women of color with oily skin. And it can also be worn under make-up.


It can kind get messy because it is a liquid and it is very HARD to come out of fabric.

I have spent a ton of money on acne surgery, Dr visits all the acne products that are out and this works best for me.
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June 3, 2009


obliverates pimples.


some say its hard to get off...SO?!?!

If youre not using this, youre wasting youre money on other products. I have dealt with acne for over 3 years and spent almost $1000 trying to get rid of it, i just bought a years supply of calamine for $1!! Get this Sh!t
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May 12, 2009


cheap, fast, really effective


can't wear it out of the house

So I don't have very bad acne, but every once and a while, without warning, I get these huge, painful, red cysts that literally take weeks to go away. And of COURSE one of them decided to pop up this weekend, just days away from my college graduation. Desperately seeking some kind of miracle, I started reading reviews on and somehow came across calamine lotion. I went out and bought it yesterday and wore it for a few hours before bed, then all night... This morning that huge cyst has almost completely gone down. The calamine has just totally dried it up. It's seriously amazing. It has left my skin pretty dry, but I would MUCH rather deal with having to moisturize the hell out of my skin for a few days than having all my graduation photos ruined by that massive cyst. This works WAY better than anything I've ever tried on a cyst (ice, heat, BP, SA...), and it's incredibly cheap.
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March 26, 2009


Gets rid of acne scarring i've been dealing with for 3 years!!,gets rid of whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples very quickly!! Safe to use while pregnant(I'm 3 months pregnant)


Can be a little drying so use a good moisturizer!

Since getting pregnant with my first child my skin has never been the same! For 3 years now my face has not been 100% clear! I'm someone that will not even walk out the house if i have a bad outbreak so acne was controlling my life! I've tried every product on the Walmart shelves, went to a dermatologist, and nothing helped...i have been using calamine for only two days and WOW it has really helped!! I really break out in the middle of my cheeks and one whole side of my face is completely clear and the old stubborn scarring is just about gone! The right side of my face is still a little bumpy looking due to the fact i have four little pimples on my cheek but i'm sure after one more day my whole face will be 100% clear! I'm pregnant with my 2nd child so i'm looking forward to going out with clear skin this pregnancy thanks to calamine lotion!! I've read that some woman think its no safe to use during pregnancy my OBGYN said its 100% safe. I'm happy i found something that worked!
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