Benzac AC : Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

142 Reviews

Active Ingredient: Benzoyl peroxide (5%). Inactive Ingredients: Docusate sodium, disodium edetate, poloxamer 182, carbomer 940, propylene glycol, acrylates copolymer, glycerol, silicon dioxide and purified water, citric acid and/or sodium hydroxide to adjust pH.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 9, 2008


See imporvement straight away
Easy to use


Very Dry Skin
Some Burning,
Feels like you always have sunburn(Stay out of the sun, when using)

One of the best things ive tried, over Proactiv which did nout for me, roaccutane prob better but benzac is way cheap!
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February 1, 2008


no blackheads, worked well initially


got cystic acne along my jaw line, an area where i never break out. Dyed a lot of my clothing :|

I gave it a good shot, but wasn't for me. I used it for 9 weeks and once i stopped treatment my skin went crazy! Ive had skin issues for 8 years now..its a never ending battle. My friend uses benzac and it has worked wonders for her. It really depends on ur skin. If you have sensitive skin...STAY AWAY otherwise it could be beneficial.
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January 19, 2008


dry up acne very fast if u just stop picking it.


peeling skin, especially around nose area.

good product to clear up acne.. but not to prevent acne to pop up..
January 7, 2008


Great cleanser, that really made a difference to my skin! Cheap compared to Proactiv. The ONLY BP cleanser on the Australian market worth buying.


Side effects of BP, which are easily controlled.

This is a great cleanser, and since I bought it last time they've changed the formulation, yay! The first time I bought Benzac AC it was a watery liquid with a few grains in it, now it's a creamy cleanser with no exfoliating grains in it, which makes it much more agreeable to the skin. Still, the 5% can be difficult to tolerate if you have sensitive skin so I've mixed it half and half with my Paula's Choice cleanser (a line I highly recommend too, BTW). The difference to my skin was almost immediate. Highly recommended.
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December 24, 2007


Excellent product! I started with Panoxyl 2.5% and it cleared up my skin, but it was really sticky. Was a bit hesitant switching to Benzac since it's available here only at 5%, but I was glad I did! Works well, texture is like cream & absorbs faster.


Makes my skin a bit red. Didn't experience peeling though, maybe because I already went through that with Panoxyl.

I guess it really depends on your skin type & how bad your acne is, I have oily skin and I've had moderate-severe acne since I was a teenager. Went on Roaccutane and that sort of cleared and dried up my face for about a year, then I started getting mild acne. I'm so glad I found this site, first time I ever considered applying medication on my face. I haven't seen any drugstores here selling Benzac 2.5%, it starts at 5%, that's why I started with Panoxyl. I guess since I'm using this now I shouldn't go back down to 2.5%. Been using this for about 2 weeks now and I'm very happy with the results. Don't forget to moisturize!
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December 17, 2007


Works very fast, in 2 days you see results.


it makes your skin really dry.

It is cheap, it works, i have acne for like 4 years, and it works really fast, your skin will get better and better everyday, it takes away scars, and acne.
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December 11, 2007




A tad drying

Obviously everybodys skin is different so I'm not going to pretend that BENZAC is going to eliminate the global issue of acne altogether - but I'm pretty certain it's effective for the majority of people, defintely worth a try. Speaking personally, I haven't had a walk-in-the-park experience with acne. I've had it since year 3 (9 years old) and I'm now in grade 11 (17 years old) and still battling with it. Everybody says they've used "every single damn product!" , but when I say it, I really have used every single damn product! I found Benzac AC last year in December, I'd practically given up but I used it anyway. It took months but it cleared up my skin like nothing else. For the first time since I was 8 years old, I had beautiful clear skin. It was pretty inspiring. Result wasn't permanent, when I stopped using the product it came back, I'm now back on it again permanently, working like a charm. Good luck to others out there.
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November 24, 2007




Worsened my acne

this product did not work for me - i have suffered acne for 8 years, and have tried pretty much everything - incl. roaccutane. Benzac has not helped at all... infact i believe it has actually worsened it... has anybody else had the same issue?
November 9, 2007


it's not as sticky as panoxyl and not as harsh


it does dry your skin a bit but there's always moisturizers..use the oil free ones

it works really well..just six days ago i was crying cuz my face really broke out with lotsa big and red they're dried up and im just waiting for the dry skin on those spots to fall off....
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November 7, 2007


Awesome stuff, i have used it for about a month and my acne is completely gone! I saw major improvement in only a week.


The stuff really dries out your face, but if you apply it like Dan said (slowly and gently) its less irritating.

Works fast, yest drying skin is an issue other than that i highly reccomend this product.
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