Bare Escentuals : Bare Minerals

122 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Titanium Dioxide (12.6%) and Zinc Oxide (21%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Bismuth Oxychloride, Mica, Iron Oxides, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 27, 2010


+It's a light makeup
+When you first buy it you feel good because you feel like your doing a favor for you face.


+Light coverage
+Made my face breakout even more than when I used liquid foundation
+Messy (Don't expect the product to only be found on your face, but your clothes, your counter, your sink...)
+When you first use it you realize you're not actually doing a favor for your face

Alright, I have a huge gripe with this product. 1. Overpriced (period). You can find other products with similar ingredients at a better price. 2. I have combination skin and this not only irritated my skin but also caused me to break out more while making my face feel MORE greasy. 3. The coverage is minimal and the little it offers isn't going to make your skin look or feel any better. I initially looked into this product because I knew the liquid foundation I was slathering on my face everyday wasn't making matters any better for me. I expected a lighter coverage, but it wasn't enough. After using this product for a week I was breaking out in tiny red pimples all over my cheeks (which I never get) then I decided to push through it to test if it actually was the product. After a month I was convinced, I should have never put this stuff on my face. A waste of money, a waste of time, and a waste of getting your hopes high.
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April 2, 2010


feels light
good coverage


makes my face look and feel super oily
makes face shiny
causes breakout
brushes are to rough to the skin.

Looks great the first 20 minutes then caused me to breakout with cystic acne on the side of my cheek. I stopped using it for a week my skin has improved already.
March 2, 2010


light, feels nice, covers blemishes


caused horrible cystic acne!

Worth a try I guess for coverage, not really worth the money to see if it breaks you out.
January 8, 2010


The idea of mineral makeup is appealing.
It's fragrance free.


Made my skin itchy, looked completely fake, settled into every pore, line and flaw and broke me out. I looked awful.

Unless you have perfect skin already, I would't recommend this. It also can be irritating and itchy.