Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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July 4, 2009


great for exfoliate, and acne is clear.



I have about one month of use and see an improvement on my acne. i mix baking soda with my equate daily cleanser from walmart and make a paste apply in circle motions about one minute then rinse. every night. every other morning. really have seen an improvement..
July 1, 2009




none :)

Okay so ive only used this once haa, but its sososoo good! I dont really have major acne as such, but i get red patchy spots and what i like to call "under the skin spots" that never seem to clear, but instead get worse!! I read this site before trying it, and pretty much everything that has been said is true! It tingles a bit, but goes away as soon as you wash it off. My skin is quite oily and after having used baking soda it felt really soft and my skin was less red. I highly recommend this to ANYONE!
July 1, 2009


Exfoliates like nothing else :) great at fading red marks and preventing new spots. Leaves ur skin baby soft too!


Didnt sting for me, except if you get it on ur lips, so none.

For the price, totally worth a shot. Im only 15, but have spent most of my last few years researching, testing and buying skin stuff. And im telling you, this stuf is great. Also, works so much better if u use ACV after it! i use about 1:1 but thats a bit strong for some people. The reason ACV works well with it is because baking soda is basic, and ACV is acidic of course. So apart from the many benifits of ACV it also balances ur skins pH. And a balanced pH is the gateway to great skin Try it!
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June 28, 2009





Baking soda, WORKS. Ive only used it once and i can already tell the difference.
June 28, 2009


dries up pimples and removes scars with persistent usage.


might sting a little if the powder comes in contact with yr lips.
might be drying for ppl with dry skin.

i usually use the baking soda at the end of the day when i bath (where my skin the the oilest then..).. i mixed it with water, SLATHER them on my face and leave it on for 2 min. i've got visible pores and realised that they are a lil enlarged when i SCRBBED the powder solution on my face. after rinsing them off, 90% of the oil are washed off! then i would only use a drip or 2 of my TTO cleansing gel from TSB to wash off the dirt and baterial on my face. *after 3 weeks of usage once per day, i realised that some of my acne marks were gone totally!! Such a cheap product that works amazingly! *u would need a good moisturizer after the wash, no matter if u have dry or oily skin.i'm using neutrogena oil free spf 15 moisturizer.
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June 28, 2009


Cheap !


abosolutely nothing !

I'm 15 years old and I've been stuggling with acne sinse I was 9 years old ! I've tried Pro active and it didn't make my face any better, infact it made it worse! I've spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on products that made my face worse all these years when I could have been using baking soda for 1.00 ! I highly recommend this. I have very very sensitive skin and it makes your skin soft, rejuvinated and brings up your self confidence. So trust me on this one and try it out, what are you waiting for?!
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June 28, 2009


got rid of blackheads, evened out my complexion so well! so far its doing a great job of fading my post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and it makes my skin soft.


since i have been using it i haven't had to deal with any whiteheads or blackheads, however it seems to be drawing out those painful underground pimples, but i'm not positive its the baking soda doing that. also it burns at first, but that goes away

i love it. it makes my skin soft and gives me a very even complexion. this is the clearest that my skin has been in almost 4 years!!!!!
June 26, 2009


Most DEFINITELY tightens skin and reduces pore size. I also noticed that it forced a large pimple on my chin to become flaky and this pimple is no longer swolen.


Somewhat removed the lustrous shine from my face. I could see where it could be drying.

It's definitely worth a shot. I have only used this once so far and I plan on using it maybe twice a week as an exfoliator. I just recent started the Regimen recommended on this site, and my skin needs exfoliating. Like everyone else has said, it burns a little but it's worth it.
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June 26, 2009


-leaves face feeling fresh
-quick and easy


burnt a little, but not really

it works and it is very inexpensive, when i read this i was nervous about trying it but a friend said its the baking soda in toothpaste that makes it work, so i gave it a try and im so happy. my skin is soft and feel fresh and it doesn't take long
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June 25, 2009


I started using baking soda as a face wash only three days ago. I mix about a quarter size of baking soda with water (in the shower) twice a day and my skin hasn't been this clear in at least a year!


Nothing :)

My mom was about to make an appointment for me to try blue light therapy for my acne (which costs up to 2000 for total treatment) when I read this forum about baking soda. I was hesitent to try it, but found that my skin cleared almost completely! My skin is very sensitive and tends to flake and redden. Soap and other acne products irritated my skin where as baking soda did not. I am very happy!
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