Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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January 8, 2011


Works wonders on my skin!! no more new pimples for the whole 2 weeks!!


taste,smell and a lil bit pricey..

at first i was very skeptical about this ACV to works on my skin because i have a very sensitive skin.but i can see such a wonderful results in just 3DAYS!! my skin feel smoother,bumpier and shinier despite the marks still visible on my skin. i use green tea to dilute the ACV in ratio tea makes the ACV works more efficient, it helps to detoxifies our skin and it doesn't dries up the dont need to rinse this toner after applying it and it is wearable overnight.i also recommend to drink 2tbs of ACV with a glass of water and 3tbs of honey for a more consume-able taste.try this, it works on me yet i dont know if it works for you.beat 3-4 drops of ACV with egg white and use as a mask for 10mins.rinse with warm water and feel the instant this once to twice a week.GOOD LUCK!
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December 21, 2010


Clear up acne quickly,
skin feels great in general,
good skin sustains for long


acidity is not good for teeth, so try to avoid the contact.

Just like Lucid from NC's Review. I had quite a bit of acne, not much but since I constantly have break outs I would have read blemishes and white heads everywhere. I tried so many drugstore products but they only seem to work temporarily. I heard that Bragg's ACV is good and IT IS, but it has to be BRAGG's!!! I take about 2 tea-spoon shots of the vinegar after my dinner and wash it down with a large load of water. This stuff stings my throat like acid. I think the thing about this product is that it help bringing the pH of our blood up to the right value (I assume, due to my diet I don't have the healthiest values). So my guess, if you're already healthy (from the inside) and still have acne, this product wouldn't do a thing to help. I also use the vinegar as a toner twice a week. I apply it directly, leave it for 10 mins and wash it off with cold water (I got this from some dermatologist's advice on Youtube). But after a couple of weeks I have no need to do it anymore. IT STUNG!!!! the RESULT: Within days I observe no more break outs, although blemishes were still clearly visible. The toner technique does help eliminating the breakouts but because of its acidity, I was a bit afraid to keep using it directly on my face. Around 2 weeks after, all the bumpy red blemishes start to become less severe and my skin starts to smooth out. now 4 months after. I feel like I am much healthier. I feel like I am in control of the acne. the down point is that the ACV tastes and smells really bad. I tend to intentionally forget to consume it. But it has to go on for more than a week until I start breaking out again. right now I only have to drink it once to twice a week to keep the balance going.
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May 4, 2010


Great for weight lose and your body !


Smell and Taste

I took this for about 2 months about a year ago and befor i took this i was obese and after the two months and still to this day i was thin i lost 3 stones within 2 months if you combine ACV with healthy eating your on to a winner but you must !! Take it in morning and afternoon if you dont it wears itself out and lets toxins back into ur body just two table spoons a day dont mix it with water its NOT as effective Thanks for reading :)
January 15, 2010


Helps acne, it REALLY does!


Smell, HORRIBLE taste

Basically, if you want your face to be clear you need to drink this. My acne was pretty darn bad before I started drinking this. Most people dillute the ACV but I just pour it into a shot glass and take it like a man. I have to admit, it tastes absolutely horrible, but it's for a good cause. I'm on my third day and I can see a drastic improvement. BTW I also use it on my face at night, then I put my acne cream on. Good combo.
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June 12, 2009


Cheap, clears skin quickly, good for overall health, convenient, actually works!


None really, although the acid and teeth issue may be a problem for some.

I'm super super excited about ACV! I have had moderate acne since I was 20, and a few spots during my teenage years. I have tried a large number of different things, including going to a dermatologist which was useless. Finally I decided to give ACV a go. I put in two capfuls into a litre of water, and drink three litres a day. After day one, I saw HUGE improvements in my skin, the acne went down, I was less itchy and I actually looked quite glowy. After a week, I am seeing bigger improvements. Might try using it as a toner next to see if that works for me too. Please go out and try it - for $2 it is super cheap and is worth a go.
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May 1, 2009


clears up acne fast!


horrible smell

ACV has been the one and only product to work fast and effectively on my acne, i saw results in less than 3 days, i'm amazed, buy ACV with the "mother" it works best
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March 18, 2009


I topically applied it to my skin for about 10 minutes with a cotton ball and my PH balance became balanced. I have severely sensitive and skin that is easily agitated and although ACV stinks terribly on your face it clears it up and evens your skin.


PROS CONTINUED.. I also have a decreased appetite when taking this because my body fully uses what i take in. Also, my bowel movements are healthy. It is all around GOOD and has tons and tons of benefits internally and externally. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

Use it. You will get used to and you will realize the benefits and I realize how some of you when taking this to detoxify or clear you acne up you tend to maybe not clear up immediatley and may even break out a little more. This is because the ACV is detoxifying your system and your skin is a huge factor in the detoxification process IT WILL PASS>>> USE IT on a regular basis though and don't skip out on it. and I recommend using BRAGGS ORGANIC UNFILTERED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR! BRAGGS though use that brand because it is the original and organic and unfiltered has all the nutrient content that help with assisting in detox and metabolism. FOR LIKE 20$ YOU CAN BUY A GALLON OF IT.. CHECK OUT HEALTH.VITAMIN STORES LIKE SUPERSUPPLEMENTS OR PLACES LIKE THAT.. YOU CAN EVEN BUY IT ONLINE. GOD BLESS in JESUS NAME
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February 19, 2009


ACV cure my acne. Cheap!


Still doesn't like the taste. Must remember to drink and apply it daily.

I am so glad i found this alternative acne cure ACV from this website. I couldn't use benzoyl peroxide product from my past experience. Anyway, when I first started taking ACV drink and applying it on my face, I took pictures of my acne daily. My skin condition improved and acne cured by 20 days. I am still drinking and applying ACV everyday to maintain acne free. I had posted the pictures in [link removed] and hope it helps you to understand that this is not a quick cure. Throughout the 20 days, there are times when i thought it was not working and wanted to give up.
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July 23, 2008


easy to use, cheap, effective immediately


none at all

i drink this all day long with water and honey. it's cleared up my skin in literally two days. i can't BELIEVE THIS. it's so amazing. please at least try it, it may work for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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February 10, 2008


works right away.


smells bad.

I started drinking Bragg's apple cider vinegar and applying it topically and already in less than three weeks my skin looks remarkably a whole lot better....i had been hibernating all January because out of no where after new year's I started getting cystic acne ( you know the kind that pop out of ur skin ) and i was getting them on my cheeks and my was horrible! so I have been drinking 2 tablespoons of ACV mixed into 8oz. of water 3 times a day and have been applying it 1/2 water 1/2 acv onto my skin at nite. it's worth a worked for me and I'm 29.
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