Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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December 12, 2014
so far so good
so im 17 and about 2 months ago cystic acne showed up covering my cheeks. nothing has worked my next go to was accutane but I decided to try acv before all those harmones. It's been 5 days and my cystic zits are starting to come to a yellow head and I think thats called purging I drink it twice a day and apply it as toner I hope it continues to work!
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November 11, 2014
Love it
I've suddenly gotten moderate acne about 3 years ago (i was 22 at the time). I never understoond why this was happening but I think i've figured it out now. I probably have a candida overgrowth in my body, which can cause acne (and a bunch of other symptoms like dandruf etc). I always thought candida was a genetal thing, but getting thrush is just one of the symptoms (that I'v luckily never experienced). I read that drinking ACV clears the yeast infection from your body so that's what I've been doing for over a week now. I can't tell you how excited I am! It works wonders, all the additional symptoms I had from the candida are getting less and less. My skin is now in the purging phase, which actually gives me hope that it's doing wonders. My skin has gotten better, apart from the few extra zits I've got from the purging. I drink 2 shots a day, and apply topically only on the pimples. I havent been using it as a tonic since I'm convinced my acne has an internal source. I would recommend anyone on here, to check for other symptoms [link removed] because unexplained acne can mean you have a candida overgrowth just like 65% of America.
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September 21, 2014
I've had acne since I was 11-12 (I'm 19 now) & I've tried all sorts of over the counter cleansers, astringents etc. I started going to the dermatologist a few years ago & was put on tetracycline tablets & deriva c gel. They controlled my acne a little but I still got some pretty bad breakouts from time to time. I got taken off the tablets (but I am currently still on deriva c) about a year ago & after a while my acne came back. No matter what I tried, my face always had at least 3-4 stubborn & painful pimples. I tried using lemon juice for a bit & it did help with some scars & controlled some acne but then I couldn't find any real lemons where I live so I went back to just the deriva c. Anyway, flash forward to months later, I realised I was starting university & didn't want to have to meet new people & have the first thing they thought about me being about my horrible acne. I started looking up different remedies & came across so many positive reviews about apple cider vinegar. I was a bit skeptical at first since everything I'd tried in the past only kind of worked for me & still left me with pimples. I gave it a try thinking I had nothing to lose. I mixed about half water, half acv (I use the Heinz filtered brand) in a bowl & used a cotton ball to rub it on my face. After 5 days, I saw a huge difference in my skin! My acne was going down & my skin was glowing. I decided to up the ante & I started drinking 2-3 tbs diluted in a glass of water twice a day. I've been doing this for almost a month now & I am so impressed with the good results! I currently only have 1 pimple on my face (it was sort of a cyst & took around a week to finally go down) but I consider that a win compared to the 3+ huge red ones I usually had. Also, I have been doing a brown sugar scrub almost every night (I get lazy with it sometimes) but it has helped in making my skin really soft & getting rid of the dry patches I sometimes get from acv. I still have really bad red marks on my face that I'm trying to get rid of, but I do highly recommend using this as a toner & drinking as a tonic to anyone desperate to get rid of acne. It may not work for all but it's worth trying.
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August 24, 2014
Could it work?
Ive been drinking Braggs ACV for 3 days now, so far my acne has flattened down but I do see some new red bumps from this.. not too bad though. It doesnt taste to bad once you get used to it, i fill my FIJI bottle with water and one tablespoon on ACV.. im hoping for good results in a week.
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August 19, 2014
Would Have Been 5 Stars!
I began using ACV as a toner, diluted 1:1 with water a while back, and my acne begun to improve. I then read that you could drink a couple of tablespoons a day in water so I started to do that too, since it had worked so well topically. And my acne began to clear up further until my skin was completely clear! I was thrilled. I continued to use ACV as a toner and a drink for around 5-6 months. Then following a slight change in my routine (I switched cleansers) my acne began to come back. I thought it was just an allergic reaction to the new cleanser but the acne persisted when I stopped using the new cleanser. A few months on and my acne is back in full force. I am still at a loss as to what it was that really caused my acne to decide to come back, but for whatever reason ACV stopped working. I lost hope and quit using it. However, despite this setback, I started using Duac 5% Benzoyl Peroxide treatment about 3 weeks ago and my acne has started to improve, and I have slowly begun to reintroduce drinking AVC and using it topically, because regardless of my acne, it makes my skin feel balanced and more comfortable and drinking it gives me a real energy boost and helped me with some other health issues I was suffering in relation to my digestion. So PLEASE give Apple Cider Vinegar a try and if you find a routine that works for you, don't go changing your cleanser just because someone online tells you to! What works for someone else may not work for you!
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August 17, 2014
Be careful with this sh*t
Guys, I truly truly believed this will work for me. First night I took 1 tbsp and had the best sleep I've ever had. Day 2 - 2 Tbsp, got diarrhea and heart burns at night. Day 3 - Outbreaks, like atleast 20 whiteheads over the period of the next 5 days, in areas I didnt get acne in 2years.. I stopped after day 3 and my acne went away by day 8. So well.. I have decided not to risk this agian
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August 3, 2014
So far it seems to be making a difference...
...I think acv has contributed to reducing the inflammation of my acne and helped with digestion discomfort, I will update this if it seems to be a placebo. I have been taking it for a week and a half...we shall see :) I take 1 tablespoon of acv with a cup of water most days. A few weeks ago I made a hair rinse with it, my hair was soooo shiney, I personally wouldn't recommend doing this too often particularly if you wash your hair every day, it may be to acidic and dry your hair out, I discovered that for myself, but I am going to do it once a month instead and see how I go :) Update: I think this may be a good accompaniment to a balanced diet, but I am yet to find something natural that will balance out my hormones, definitely noticed an increase of inflammatory acne around my menstrual cycle (not due to acv, just an observation over the years)
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July 26, 2014
1st Day Trying. Hoping for the Best
I have read all of the reviews on how apple cider vinegar helps to clear acne. I am 17 and have serve acne. I have tried just about everything. So Today I got some Bragg ACV and put it in a small glass of water. It taste so horrible that it makes me gag when I drink it. You can really taste the acid. So instead it took that glass and put in a huge glass of ice water. I can still taste it but it is no where near as bad. just hope that doing it this way I am drinking enough. I feel a little warm inside. I will continue to drink a lot of water. I do not see how people drink this. Tonight I will use it on my face as a toner and will see what happens in the next few days. i will be back to update. 1 Week Update: So I have been using the ACV for a week now and I believe my skin may be purging. I am not very sure. I try to drink at least a cap full of ACV everyday. Because of the taste I have to put it in something like iced tea and smoothies. I also use it as a toner at night. A week ago I did have some clusters of bumps around the jaw line that seems to be drying out really well. Starting At the beginning of this week I have been getting these huge bumps in random places on my face. When one goes down I feel another coming. I believe that is the purging. I do not really know. I am going to continue using the AVC and see whats happens. Another update soon.
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June 12, 2014
I've suffered from moderate acne on my face and back and chest for 7 years, and only now has my skin for the first time been blemish free. I've been drinking a little under a shotglass worth of ACV every day for the past 3 months or so, and I can't say enough good things about it. It totally cleared up my skin. In conjunction I also use ACV topically by wiping it undiluted on my face. A couple of warnings: - The taste takes a while to become accustomed to but is definitely worth it - Your skin will take a while to adapt to undiluted ACV applied topically, so always mix it with water first for a while - Do not drink ACV undiluted under any circumstances, it can severely damage your oesophagus - Make sure the ACV you use is unpasteurised, organic and contains "The Mother". I use Bragg's. Don't be surprised if you try just any old ACV in your kitchen and don't see results. Just as a side note, I've also had brittle, peeling fingernails and low energy levels for years and now my nails are unbreakable and beautiful and I feel much more energised and healthy. This is the only thing I would go so far as to call an acne cure, apart from things like roaccutane which I have not tried myself but I know come with handfuls of adverse side effects. If you're getting desperate for an acne cure, please try ACV before you try any acne medications. It'll spare you a lot of doctors appointments, time, money and side effects. The stuff is actually good for you. Give it a whirl!
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January 27, 2014




Tastes/smells a little icky

I am 19 and have had breakouts exclusively on my chin and near my mouth since I was probably 14. Never anything horrible, but it was there consistantly and it was somewhat noticeable. I went to a dermatologist around seventeen and took an antibiotic for a while (which worked while I was on it) and a couple topical things. More recently they gave me Spirolactone (sp?) which was fine enough. But NOTHING has made my skin look as glowing and feel as healthy as ACV! I'm really amazed! It's been a couple weeks, so I guess things could still go wrong, but I applied it as a toner and it instantly cleared the breakout I had and my skin has been soft and it seemed to really get rid of the acne marks that I've had for some time. I also have been drinking small amounts of it in large water bottles (like a cap full of ACV in a liter of water) and I feel energized and I imagine it contributes to my skin. Really, it has made my skin look HEALTHIER than any medicine I was given by the derm.
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