Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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April 15, 2015
MEN who struggle with acne - take heart.
I don't usually write reviews but I felt compelled to write this one. I'm a 28 year old (very active) male, who has been dealing with acne for the past 10 years straight. Recently, I've been dealing with big, cyst-like pimples that don't graduate to a whitehead and hang out for awhile. I have used everything to treat it, and have been to multiple dermatologists. Some of the remedies I have used/tried over the years include Accutane, antibiotics (a couple types), prescription topical treatments including creams and dabbers, oregano oil, Proactiv and all all of the over the counter products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. The Accutane, and possibly the antibittics worked temporarily, but my skin would return to its tainted form. Everything else was almost pointless as my skin would adapt quickly and become resilient. My skin condition would also really affect my confidence unfortunately and would literally ruin my life. I didn't want it to own me mentally like it did, but I couldn't help it. So, after years of trying all these things, and not wanting to take the antibiotics that my dermatologist said was the only option I had (medically), I came across people's YouTube videos and posts on this site about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). I had already tried other natural remedies like Oregano Oil after some people raved about it, but it rendered pointless for me. But, I thought I had nothing to lose, so I went out and bought the Bragg's brand ACV. I started by taking one tablespoon orally; either mixed with water, or like a shot and chased it with water. I would also take it topically by using 50% water to 50% ACV and a cotton pad. I would let it sit on my face for 10-15 minutes before bed only. It would sometimes leave a red mark on my face but would go away eventually, definitely by the am. So, it has been almost two months now, and the results have been promising. I don't worry about acne anymore! I got one or two pimples on my face the day after or two days after starting (which were probably on their way anyway as I was going through a rough patch), but besides that the skin on my face is clear! I will SOMETIMES get one on the back of my neck, or somewhere inconspicuous like my back or chest, but I don't worry too much about those as my face is really what I care about. They are also few and far between. They are probably due to the fact that since my skin has cleared up, I've been having more cheat meals; eating a ton of Ben and Jerry's and what have you (I need the calories). I don't really know the reason for the success. I've read about how ACV balances your skins PH levels when taken topically. I also noticed when I used it topically on pimples I already had, they would shrink and/or come to a whitehead faster than normal. I also noticed that it helped with my digestion considerably. This led me to wonder if my acne was due to some stomach/digestion problems. This YouTube video sort of corroborates this possibility ([link edited out] removed] The only precautions I have would be when you drink it, it is probably preferred that you mix it with water. When you swallow, try to get it straight down your esophagus without having it splash around you mouth. Apparently it is not good for teeth enamel. When applying it to your face, absolutely dilute it at least 50/50 ACV to water. Then, if you want a stronger concentration of ACV later on you can add more, but I highly doubt you will need to. I've also read the importance of buying ACV that has the "mother" in it. Bragg's has been the most prominently suggested brand and I just buy it from Superstore (common grocery store). Anyways, this stuff, for me, has been legit. I still use the exact treatment methods (one tablespoon orally/topically applied at night) as when I started. If you're reading this and you're having a rough go, I'm telling you it is definitely worth a chance. I bet you'll see results in the first 2 weeks but give it a solid month. Not having acne has changed my life. This may sound strange but I feel like I'm finally able to develop into myself. I know most people don't let acne bother them, but I had some bad breakouts, for a solid 10 years. Life isn't perfect, but not having to worry about acne is a huge blessing. Ok, thats the end of my rant. All the best to everyone out there.
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August 16, 2015
How many time has Youtube help us out! I am 57 & have been drinking acv for some time now. I take 2Tblspns. in the morning with 4oz. of water and its done for the day! Happy your happy with the results, next time something happens check Youtube not the drugstore! There is a natural cure for just about everything. I'd rather do research on the net than spend money on products that don't work. been there done that! People mean well and want to help, but this is your body and what work for them may not for you. Anyway just google benefits of acv or anything you want to try out and Youtube, I have had amazing results. Research rosehip oil, excellent for skin. Let's keep it moving!
January 10, 2010


healthy, makes an alkaline environment in your gut, can help skin, among other things


taste and smell

I've noticed a lot of people who complain of ineffectiveness are drinking this stuff with juice. ACV works to create an alkaline environment in your gut and kills Candida, which may be a huge contributing factor to acne as toxins are being released through your skin. Drinking it with juice causes blood sugar spikes and feeds acne causing yeasts in your gut, canceling out the benefits. Drink it with WATER and drink it throughout the day for maximum effectiveness. Dilute whatever amount is to your tolerance and needs. I use 6 tsps or 2 tbs. and sip throughout the day. I don't think it's the miracle people claim, but it has given me a nice glow and combined with a no sugar, no dairy, no gluten and no yeast, it has contributed to killing my candida and keeping me clear.
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November 10, 2011


clear skin
good for digestion
lower cholesteral
gums improved!


tastes awful

Developed adult acne when I hit menopause. Tried every product on market, inc. a very expensive dermotologist and retin A. nothing worked. I now ingest a shot of acv in the morning and skin is brigher and clearer with virtually no breakouts. Topically, I mix it with 100% pure aloe; age spots diminished, acne redness and scars are disappearing. As I do have aging skin, I need the moisture from the Aloe. My skin has never look better, and I have spent 1000's of dollars! The aloe is also a good healing agent for redness and sensitivity. ACV restores proper ph balance, reducing skin's sensitivity to breakouts. I prefer RAW acv over processed, but both will work.
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January 15, 2010


Helps acne, it REALLY does!


Smell, HORRIBLE taste

Basically, if you want your face to be clear you need to drink this. My acne was pretty darn bad before I started drinking this. Most people dillute the ACV but I just pour it into a shot glass and take it like a man. I have to admit, it tastes absolutely horrible, but it's for a good cause. I'm on my third day and I can see a drastic improvement. BTW I also use it on my face at night, then I put my acne cream on. Good combo.
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February 20, 2012


-Clearer Skin
-Less redness
-Less soreness
-Dries up oily skin
-Reduces pimple size
-(I know this sounds gross) Brings breakouts to the surface
-More energy!
-Lowers overall appetite (eases weight-loss)


-Tastes pretty icky (though it can be manageable)
-If taken on an empty stomach, can result in nausea
-Bad for teeth
-Bad for breath!

I've been taking apple cider vinegar for three days now, and my skin has gotten so much clearer already! The overall redness around my acne is down, my acne is drying out, and the swelling around my acne is GONE. My friends at college noticed and commented within 48 hours of me starting ACV treatment. I know that this site really stresses using "organic" ACV with "the mother" still in it. I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say that not only is that more expensive, but it's also completely unnecessary! I'm using price chopper brand, processed ACV and my skin is looking great! What the ACV really does is balance the pH of your skin, which it will do whether or not the product you use is wholly organic. I would recommend this to anyone with stress-related acne (this could be a result of hormone imbalance, which in turn can cause the pH within your skin to fluctuate, especially if you tend to stress-eat). Another upside to this product is that it keeps your appetite in check. If I have ACV to sip on during the day, I'm wayyyy less likely to grab those extra cookies. Finally, a word to anyone who really doesn't like the taste: I love tonic water, and if you mix 8 OZ of tonic water with a tablespoon of ACV, you can't taste the ACV at all. It's really helpful. Also, I've heard wonderful things about the use of ACV pills rather than drinking the liquid. While this is more expensive, it also eliminates the ick-factor for many people. Hope this helps, and I wish all of you luck with ACV!
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May 6, 2009


makes your skin look clear as hell, reduces scars and you will definetly see the difference


SMELL OF COURSE (you get used to it tho)

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April 17, 2011


-Definitely has reduced my breakouts, in number and severity
-I'm pretty sure it stabilizes my blood sugar


-Tastes like the end of the world

Apple Cider Vinegar got me from unwilling to go out in public (from bad cystic acne at 23) to having a life. But I am not cured. I take a shot in the morning (chase it with lots of water) IMMEDIATELY before brushing my teeth in the morning and at night.
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October 30, 2011


Works Fast
All Natural
Heals existing cysts within a couple of days



I have been using ACV as a drink in the am. I mix 2 Tablespoons with a little water or apple juice, if I have, and throw it back. I also use it as a toner in the am and pm. It has worked wonderfully. The inflammation I had has decreased very quickly, over the course of the week. My face doesn't hurt anymore. The overall clarity of my skin has improved. My cysts are mainly at the jaw area, so that was main concern. It looks about 70 percent better and feels about 90 percent better. Only doing it for a week. Give it a try!
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June 9, 2011


Stopped stomach aches
Brightened skin
Haven't broken out since started
More awake
Tastes good when properly mixed with water


Can cause stomach ache in beginning when you start to detox
Can cause stomach ache if you mix too much acv and don't dilute it with enough water

I love this product. Actually, I bought Bragg's ACV. I began using it maybe about two weeks ago. I already see changes in my face. I usually occasionally get pimples but have some redness on my nose and next to my nose. I now don't have to wear makeup, as the redness has gone away and I haven't gotten one pimple since I've started. Also, I am prone to super bad stomach aches. The first day I took this, it flushed everything out my system and I had no stomach aches that day after that. Drinking this everyday makes me "regular" which helps the stomach aches. I now wake up wide awake around 9 am. Usually I wake up around 11-12 and sort of sleepy. I drink this by putting 2 TABLESPOONS Into a large glass (one that came with mango juice or the cranberry juice glass from grocery stores). I reuse that glass and bring it with me in the car and sip it throughout the day. The only times I've noticed also when it gives me a stomach ache is when I just eyeball the amount of ACV I put in and put a bad ratio of water + ACV. So if acv makes your stomach upset it could be 2 things: -Detox from everything you had in your stomach that wasn't digesting -you drank it straight from the bottle or with little water. I think 2 TBLSPNS +lots of water makes it taste REALLY GOOD. it kind of tastes like a kind of organic tea. It's very refreshing in hot Texas sun.
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December 28, 2009


It's cheap, makes my skin softer than I thought possible, is slowly but efficiently reducing acne.


nasty, to smell and taste. I want to gag just looking at the bottle.

I have been using this for four days now. I drink a small gulp down in the morning before I eat, as to avoid puking. I really can't get over the taste, and I've tried all sorts of drink concoctions, but I figure a small amount in a short time will be tolerable. I also use it as a toner, at night, because people have noticed the smell when I use it in the morning. hehh... It made my acne REALLY BAD by the second day, which I think was because it was drawing the impurities forth. My face was really red, my "problem areas" were splotchy and gross. I had trust, though, so I kept going. Day three, my face was super soft (still is) and my acne was still worse than before I used ACV, but the redness became concentrated just to the whiteheads. I noticed my pores were shrinking, and I don't have any bumpy areas on my face anymore. So no new pimples, just really bad old ones. Day four, No redness anywhere, except one agitated pimple. My face has a small shine to it, which I think can be considered a 'glow'. Everything is clearing up, and my skin is so smooth. I guess everything gets worse before it gets better. I'll post another update soon, to show how this continues. :)
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