Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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April 26, 2015
ACV is a Miracle Worker
I'm a 17 years old girl and I've always had clear skin with the occasional hormonal pimple. A few months ago, I started to get really bad cystic acne on my cheeks and chin. I felt horrible and I didn't want to go outside. I didn't want to put make up in either because it just made my face look dry and horrible. I tried so many different face washes and lotions but nothing helped and some actually made me break out worse. I felt like nothing was helping. Then about a week ago I came across a video on YouTube about how Apple Cider Vinegar helped cute acne. So I thought why not give it a shot. I started using the CeraVe facial cleanser twice a day and then apply Heinz ACV all over my face. I also would drink about 2 tbs with a tiny bit of water after breakfast and dinner. I stopped using lotion because I have naturally combo/oily skin and I felt that it helped reduce break outs but maybe that's just me. After about a week, I saw a huge change in my skin. I didn't get any new break outs and my scars were starting to fade. Hopefully after a month or so my skin will be clearer. I think the 2nd main thing that really helped my acne to clear up is competely cutting out sugar from my diet.
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June 11, 2015
By completelycutting sugar from your diet you mean not even fruits?
April 15, 2015
MEN who struggle with acne - take heart.
I don't usually write reviews but I felt compelled to write this one. I'm a 28 year old (very active) male, who has been dealing with acne for the past 10 years straight. Recently, I've been dealing with big, cyst-like pimples that don't graduate to a whitehead and hang out for awhile. I have used everything to treat it, and have been to multiple dermatologists. Some of the remedies I have used/tried over the years include Accutane, antibiotics (a couple types), prescription topical treatments including creams and dabbers, oregano oil, Proactiv and all all of the over the counter products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. The Accutane, and possibly the antibittics worked temporarily, but my skin would return to its tainted form. Everything else was almost pointless as my skin would adapt quickly and become resilient. My skin condition would also really affect my confidence unfortunately and would literally ruin my life. I didn't want it to own me mentally like it did, but I couldn't help it. So, after years of trying all these things, and not wanting to take the antibiotics that my dermatologist said was the only option I had (medically), I came across people's YouTube videos and posts on this site about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). I had already tried other natural remedies like Oregano Oil after some people raved about it, but it rendered pointless for me. But, I thought I had nothing to lose, so I went out and bought the Bragg's brand ACV. I started by taking one tablespoon orally; either mixed with water, or like a shot and chased it with water. I would also take it topically by using 50% water to 50% ACV and a cotton pad. I would let it sit on my face for 10-15 minutes before bed only. It would sometimes leave a red mark on my face but would go away eventually, definitely by the am. So, it has been almost two months now, and the results have been promising. I don't worry about acne anymore! I got one or two pimples on my face the day after or two days after starting (which were probably on their way anyway as I was going through a rough patch), but besides that the skin on my face is clear! I will SOMETIMES get one on the back of my neck, or somewhere inconspicuous like my back or chest, but I don't worry too much about those as my face is really what I care about. They are also few and far between. They are probably due to the fact that since my skin has cleared up, I've been having more cheat meals; eating a ton of Ben and Jerry's and what have you (I need the calories). I don't really know the reason for the success. I've read about how ACV balances your skins PH levels when taken topically. I also noticed when I used it topically on pimples I already had, they would shrink and/or come to a whitehead faster than normal. I also noticed that it helped with my digestion considerably. This led me to wonder if my acne was due to some stomach/digestion problems. This YouTube video sort of corroborates this possibility ([link edited out] removed] The only precautions I have would be when you drink it, it is probably preferred that you mix it with water. When you swallow, try to get it straight down your esophagus without having it splash around you mouth. Apparently it is not good for teeth enamel. When applying it to your face, absolutely dilute it at least 50/50 ACV to water. Then, if you want a stronger concentration of ACV later on you can add more, but I highly doubt you will need to. I've also read the importance of buying ACV that has the "mother" in it. Bragg's has been the most prominently suggested brand and I just buy it from Superstore (common grocery store). Anyways, this stuff, for me, has been legit. I still use the exact treatment methods (one tablespoon orally/topically applied at night) as when I started. If you're reading this and you're having a rough go, I'm telling you it is definitely worth a chance. I bet you'll see results in the first 2 weeks but give it a solid month. Not having acne has changed my life. This may sound strange but I feel like I'm finally able to develop into myself. I know most people don't let acne bother them, but I had some bad breakouts, for a solid 10 years. Life isn't perfect, but not having to worry about acne is a huge blessing. Ok, thats the end of my rant. All the best to everyone out there.
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August 16, 2015
How many time has Youtube help us out! I am 57 & have been drinking acv for some time now. I take 2Tblspns. in the morning with 4oz. of water and its done for the day! Happy your happy with the results, next time something happens check Youtube not the drugstore! There is a natural cure for just about everything. I'd rather do research on the net than spend money on products that don't work. been there done that! People mean well and want to help, but this is your body and what work for them may not for you. Anyway just google benefits of acv or anything you want to try out and Youtube, I have had amazing results. Research rosehip oil, excellent for skin. Let's keep it moving!
April 12, 2015
Wow, straight up its been like a month and i don't even worry about waking up with acne anymore, not only this my skin is well balanced and i think over time i have found a miracle cure Morning and night after shower i pour maybe 30 mls of my ACV mix ' 30% ACV 70% water, into my hand and splash/rub it over my face.... FAST EASY and smell disipears after like 30 seconds I also take 1 Tablespoon of ACV DILUTED!! in a BIG cup of water before breakfast and dinner I don't use facewash anymore, i don't trust the dodgy chemicals in it. (well thats a lie, once a week i use a commercial facewash) BEST SKIN EVER cost maybe $1 a week!! AND its natural
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March 19, 2015
Liquid Gold
This stuff has changed my liiiiiifee, no joke. I'll spare you the 20 min intro where I talk about how long I've had acne, that I've tried everything under the sun, blah blah blah. All that's really important is that there comes a time where you are SICK of dealing with acne and are determined to find something that works. Low and behold, ACV! If you think your acne may be hormonal or diet related I highly suggest you try this. I started drinking Bragg's ACV (diluted, of course - 1 tbs to a glass of water, 2x a day) a little over a month ago. The first couple weeks, I purged like crazy - it sucked. BUT - if you think about it, it makes perfect sense - ACV detoxifies your blood and organs so all the built up toxins inside your body have to come out somehow - i.e the skin, or waste (which I experienced as well, not fun). After the initial purging phase my skin began to clear, and I got that "glow" that everyone talks about. Don't get me wrong, I still breakout. But they are MUCH less frequent and smaller than what I was used to. The best part is, you know those tiny under the skin bumps which you try to pop and they would then turn into huge zits? I had a ton of those, especially along my jawline and cheeks - they are DISAPPEARING! Slowly, but surely - which gives me hope that in a couple more weeks my skin will be completely clear with no "hiding" acne :) I also started using this as a topical toner, but that will be another review! Definitely recommend trying this AND sticking it out for at least a few weeks before you decide if it's for you. One last note - I was initially drinking 2 tbs, 2x a day and I was getting pretty bad stomach pains. I cut down to 1 tbs/2x a day and all symptoms diminished :) play around a bit with the ratios and good luck!
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January 4, 2015
truely is a miracle cure
I never usually write reviews however felt I should share my experience. I was a fortunate teenager and didn't suffer with acne for a long period of time - maybe for a few months on 2 occasions during my teen years but it went away on its own and throughout my early 20s my skin was pretty good. mid-twenties i started to get acne all around my jaw line and cheeks. it generally been fluctuating over the last 3 years and more recently became worse with a number of red papules and pustules. I started using organic apple cider vinegar (braggs) 4 weeks ago - 1 tea spoon diluted in water morning and night, and one tea spoon with 4-5 teaspoons of water to apply topically on my skin twice a day. Ive also been using castor oil every day as a moisturiser for the last 2 weeks. When initially using apple cider vinegar - i definately got some 'purging' - lots of new pustules over the first 10 days which were easy to pop and did not scar significantly. definatley has settled in the last 2 weeks. Over the last 7 days, I can honestly say my skin hasnt looked this good in ages - i have no new spots, my scars are fading and i finally feel like i have a normal face again and can go out with only a thin layer of foundation to hide the scars. I would definately recommend at least trying apple cider vinegar out and castor oil for moderate acne. good luck all.
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December 14, 2014
It's very effective though I need to suffer from "purging" days. Hehehe. It's all in the process after all. I've been using it for almost a month and I can clearly say that it helps. At first, it has this tingling or stinging sensation but it disappear afterwards. I use it as a regular toner at night and sometimes during the day, if I'll just stay at home. :) But when my menstruation week is about to come and/or about to end, 1-2 pimples will appear and I guess it's normal. I tried to drink a glass of water with 1-2 tbsp of ACV, but I didn't last long since I'm not used to the taste of it. But you can try it if you want. :) I feel refreshed whenever I use ACV as my toner. I even use yogurt with a mixture of 1 tbsp of honey and 1-2 tsp. of lemon (after I use ACV toner). I use it as a face mask and I'll leave it overnight. It works for me since yogurt mask also helps in healing pimple marks as well as dark spots. You can try to use my advice but I'know that it won't work for everyone. But you've got nothing to lose since I also experienced in having doubts if these stuffs will be helpful or not. Just try and even better, have a proper and balanced diet. I did not eat too much oily and fatty foods for a week, and honestly, I recognized that I didn't have any pimples for a week especially when I continue to use ACV and yogurt-honey-lemon mask :) I'll continue doing this and maintain proper health. I hope my advice will somehow help you. :)
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November 11, 2014
Love it
I've suddenly gotten moderate acne about 3 years ago (i was 22 at the time). I never understoond why this was happening but I think i've figured it out now. I probably have a candida overgrowth in my body, which can cause acne (and a bunch of other symptoms like dandruf etc). I always thought candida was a genetal thing, but getting thrush is just one of the symptoms (that I'v luckily never experienced). I read that drinking ACV clears the yeast infection from your body so that's what I've been doing for over a week now. I can't tell you how excited I am! It works wonders, all the additional symptoms I had from the candida are getting less and less. My skin is now in the purging phase, which actually gives me hope that it's doing wonders. My skin has gotten better, apart from the few extra zits I've got from the purging. I drink 2 shots a day, and apply topically only on the pimples. I havent been using it as a tonic since I'm convinced my acne has an internal source. I would recommend anyone on here, to check for other symptoms [link removed] because unexplained acne can mean you have a candida overgrowth just like 65% of America.
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September 21, 2014
I've had acne since I was 11-12 (I'm 19 now) & I've tried all sorts of over the counter cleansers, astringents etc. I started going to the dermatologist a few years ago & was put on tetracycline tablets & deriva c gel. They controlled my acne a little but I still got some pretty bad breakouts from time to time. I got taken off the tablets (but I am currently still on deriva c) about a year ago & after a while my acne came back. No matter what I tried, my face always had at least 3-4 stubborn & painful pimples. I tried using lemon juice for a bit & it did help with some scars & controlled some acne but then I couldn't find any real lemons where I live so I went back to just the deriva c. Anyway, flash forward to months later, I realised I was starting university & didn't want to have to meet new people & have the first thing they thought about me being about my horrible acne. I started looking up different remedies & came across so many positive reviews about apple cider vinegar. I was a bit skeptical at first since everything I'd tried in the past only kind of worked for me & still left me with pimples. I gave it a try thinking I had nothing to lose. I mixed about half water, half acv (I use the Heinz filtered brand) in a bowl & used a cotton ball to rub it on my face. After 5 days, I saw a huge difference in my skin! My acne was going down & my skin was glowing. I decided to up the ante & I started drinking 2-3 tbs diluted in a glass of water twice a day. I've been doing this for almost a month now & I am so impressed with the good results! I currently only have 1 pimple on my face (it was sort of a cyst & took around a week to finally go down) but I consider that a win compared to the 3+ huge red ones I usually had. Also, I have been doing a brown sugar scrub almost every night (I get lazy with it sometimes) but it has helped in making my skin really soft & getting rid of the dry patches I sometimes get from acv. I still have really bad red marks on my face that I'm trying to get rid of, but I do highly recommend using this as a toner & drinking as a tonic to anyone desperate to get rid of acne. It may not work for all but it's worth trying.
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June 12, 2014
I've suffered from moderate acne on my face and back and chest for 7 years, and only now has my skin for the first time been blemish free. I've been drinking a little under a shotglass worth of ACV every day for the past 3 months or so, and I can't say enough good things about it. It totally cleared up my skin. In conjunction I also use ACV topically by wiping it undiluted on my face. A couple of warnings: - The taste takes a while to become accustomed to but is definitely worth it - Your skin will take a while to adapt to undiluted ACV applied topically, so always mix it with water first for a while - Do not drink ACV undiluted under any circumstances, it can severely damage your oesophagus - Make sure the ACV you use is unpasteurised, organic and contains "The Mother". I use Bragg's. Don't be surprised if you try just any old ACV in your kitchen and don't see results. Just as a side note, I've also had brittle, peeling fingernails and low energy levels for years and now my nails are unbreakable and beautiful and I feel much more energised and healthy. This is the only thing I would go so far as to call an acne cure, apart from things like roaccutane which I have not tried myself but I know come with handfuls of adverse side effects. If you're getting desperate for an acne cure, please try ACV before you try any acne medications. It'll spare you a lot of doctors appointments, time, money and side effects. The stuff is actually good for you. Give it a whirl!
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January 27, 2014




Tastes/smells a little icky

I am 19 and have had breakouts exclusively on my chin and near my mouth since I was probably 14. Never anything horrible, but it was there consistantly and it was somewhat noticeable. I went to a dermatologist around seventeen and took an antibiotic for a while (which worked while I was on it) and a couple topical things. More recently they gave me Spirolactone (sp?) which was fine enough. But NOTHING has made my skin look as glowing and feel as healthy as ACV! I'm really amazed! It's been a couple weeks, so I guess things could still go wrong, but I applied it as a toner and it instantly cleared the breakout I had and my skin has been soft and it seemed to really get rid of the acne marks that I've had for some time. I also have been drinking small amounts of it in large water bottles (like a cap full of ACV in a liter of water) and I feel energized and I imagine it contributes to my skin. Really, it has made my skin look HEALTHIER than any medicine I was given by the derm.
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