Sudocrem : Antiseptic Healing Cream

535 Reviews

Key Ingredients:
Zinc oxide, EP 15.25, Benzyl alcohol, BP 0.39, Benzyl benzoate, BP 1.0, Benzyl cinnamate 0.15, Lanolin (hypoallergenic) 4.00.

All Other ingredients:
Purified Water, Sodium Benzoate, Paraffin wax, Microcrystalline wax, Heavy Liquid Paraffin, Synthetic Beeswax, Sorbitan sesquioleate, Propylene glycol, Antracine 54, Linalyl acetate, Lavender.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 12, 2009


Clearer skin over night!
Doesn't dry out the skin or sting like other products I've tried.
Really cheap and lasts along time, which is saying something because I put so much on!


I find that the tub is too deep, the cream gets under my nails and as it's water resistant it's hard to get rid of.
I can't wear it under makeup. I find putting a thick opaque layer on and leaving it over night is the best for me.

A great product that I reccomend to anyone.
June 6, 2009


does not irritate skin, smells good, does reduce redness


stains everything it touches haha, look like a halloween goon

Been on Sudocreme for a year, it has reduced my Acne and does make my tone look better, but literally i applied this everytime i was bymyself. and im still not clear :( but give it a shot im sure it will be better for you :)
May 10, 2009


If a spot does occur it goes down ten times as fast with this cream!


My boyfriend laughed at my ghostly white chin until he got used to it

I have used this product for almost 3 years and i swear by it for acne, my skin isn't as bad as it used to be but i am also on the contraceptive pill dianette which my doctor gave me to help. With my sudocrem as well my acne is well under control, after years of trying everything over the counter i find that a £3 baby cream on a clean face every night works WONDERS! I recommend it to all my friends for all sorts of things, they say i'm like the dad from my big fat greek wedding with windex, so please try it! The tub lasts for ages too!
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May 8, 2009


cheap, works well,


used gloves or clean hands to apply, otherwise bacteria will grow in the container and will make skin worse

a good product, cant be worn in public.. i recommend using a towel when sleeping to avoid mess
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May 2, 2009


reduces swelling and redness


hard to take off in the mornings

I use soft tissue paper to remove the cream in the mornings. I would recommend taking garlic tablets on a daily basis as garlic is a natural antibiotic-cleans the blood therefore reduces spots.
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April 23, 2009


VERY Cheap, easy to apply and doesn't sting like medications that contain alcohol. I have very delicate skin and I have not had any issues with this product.



This product is AMAZING, I have used it for over 7 years and it makes my face look spotless. I recommend it for everyday use (night time is best). Works wonders on cracked lips.
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April 7, 2009


Reduces swelling, redness, itchyness within two days. Extremely cheap and very easy to find. Mostly used for baby rashes so you can find it in your local shop no problem.


Its white and thick enough so very noticable your wearing it. More of a moisturiser than a gel so cant exactly rub it into the skin for good results in bad cases. Hard to get off in the morning without aggrevating your skin, needs time to take off.

It works really really well so its worth the hassle, but for someone like me thats always in a constant rush in the morning its a pain in the ass to take the time out and take it off properly. Plus it gets all over your bed sheets and pillow. I've taken to using a towel over the pillow. But overall its a great balance for reducing redness which is the main thing im worried about. As alternatives in the market i find are more harsh on the skin, alcohol based mostly and end up aggrevating the skin. Sudocrem is more of a base on the skin. Try it out for two nights, put on a thick layer, towel over the pillow. No harm in trying, especially if nothing else has worked. If your worried about the stigma of having heavy white paste in your face then sudocrem isn't for you! (whats more embarresing, one night of cream in a locked room or a week of pizza face)
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April 4, 2009


Works wonders! Cheap, smells decent, makes skin soft, prevents dryness and my face looks the best that it's looked for a year!


Can only really wear at night with a towel over pillow due to thick consistancy and white colour, but that's no big deal.

Simply an amazing product. I've shelled out over £100 on acne treatments and have even been to see my GP and a dermatologist and been given Retin-A, Duac and Oxytetracycline to name a few. None of these have helped and this cream, which has been in my house ever since my first breakout, has been the most effective acne treatment I've tried. I have two visible spots left! 2!!! So basically, get a tub of this in your house - if of course, there isn't already some in a cupboard somewhere. Wash your face with WARM water or a light wash (not a scrub) and then dry and wait 10-15 mins before applying at night.
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April 1, 2009


works wonders



makes my skin so clear if i drink lots of water too
March 26, 2009


I suffer from Rosacea and have tried everythin gont he market both prescriptiona nd non-prescription...lately have had almost rash like bumps on one side of face, very hard to cover up but after only 2 days with Sudocrem I'm seeing a huge improvement



Got this as a sample in a baby pack...will definitely be looking for full size product and will try on everything, I've heard it's also good for scars, burns, cuts, etc. (not to mention diaper rash which is what it's actually marketed for!!)