Bye Bye Blemish : Anti-Acne Serum For Severe Acne Conditions

59 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Salicylic Acid (1%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Deionized Water, Hexylene Glycol, SD Alcohol, 40-C, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Chitosan Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Butylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol and Camellia Oleifera Extract (Green Tea), Glycolic Acid, Kola Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Methylparaben.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 1, 2008


Some nights I used a lot, some nights I didn't need to use any... but either way the small $10.00 bottle has lasted nearly 3 months.


I only say "Bye Bye Blemish".

I find Bye Bye Blemish medication is still right for me... still have monthly breakouts but they clear up extremely fast using the medication. Also, my daughter used some without much difference and we guess the type of acne she has (mainly blackheads) does not respond to the medication, well in the time we gave it. I find the smell normal in an acne "drying" lotion as in what better to dry but rubbing Alcohol, Camphor, Salicylic Acid, etc.
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February 29, 2008


It helped dry up my acne.


It feels like acid is burning a hole in your face.

It works! You should use it.
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August 8, 2009


i just bought this product today and am hoping it works when i try it later tonight.


none yet i just hope it works

i buy lots of acne products and am sick and tired of my acne im 15 and have only a little but it is really annoying.
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September 8, 2008


I have suffered the embarrasment of acne breakouts and scaring all of my 47 years. This is the 1st product EVER which has given me hope that I might one day be free of this physical and emotional scar.


Not really a con on this product but... I don't know why this product isn't more well known and why one needs to sometimes go through hundreds of dollars to eventually find it.

When I bought this product I had done so somewhat reluctantly, soured remembering past products failed promisses. Sitting here, after applying my 3rd evening of product, I feel a lot better about reaching the claims potential. So far, so good. in fact it's GREAT!
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March 17, 2008


Used to spend hundreds a month at dermatologist. I put this on my husbands face with a q-tip ALL OVER. It works better than anything else!!!



Can't live without it! Order it for 8.99 at [link removed].
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December 27, 2006


I was breaking out so bad, to a point I didn't wanna be outside my house anymore after using Makari's product for several months, spendind lot money on buying antibiotic, and Euoko cleanser,I was hopeless until I went to walgreens and saw the product


so far this has been the only product which worked for me because I was really tired of taking antibiotic, I was hopeless. I just wished I knew about this product before.
I saw drastic improvement after 5 days all of my pimples dried up.

I will strongly recommend this product to anyone whom being tired of hidding their face due to horrible pimples. Thanks to the maker of this product, too bad they don't have a number so I could call them in person :)
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July 9, 2009


Works fast and overnight.


I only use it in emergencies as the face does tend to build up a tolerance. If I know a wedding or other event is coming in a few months I will hold off on using it until then so that I get the best results at the time that I want it.

Follow the directions exactly and you will see results. It works better than any other product tried but don't overuse it. Also, still continue to wash the face two times per day and change your pillow cases.
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April 17, 2009


It dries your pimples up and they feel like they're gonna fall off


When i wake up in the morning, my face looked the same as it looked before i applied the medication (which is bad) and this pissed me off a lot i dont know what to do now

I JUST turned 15 and have had acne for a couple years and i have very good looks and it makes me angry because all my friends screw with me and they know i'd look so good w/o acne and mine is pretty severe and maybe i'm using this medication wrong but i dunno i apply it with a cotton swab after i shower directly on my pimples and leave it on overnite. should i wash my face in the morning? please any comments would be great
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March 12, 2008


You can feel it drying the pimple, takes redness away


smells horrible, stings really bad, and i notice skin peeling when i wake up? even with a wash in the shower it wont come off.

I've only used this product for to days along with Persa-gel 5. so far everything seems to be going down in size and getting better.
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December 18, 2007


Easy to apply, seem to be good for oily skin.


Packaging potrays a bigger container than the actual. Does not say how often to apply and when.

I have been suffering with acne and lots of spots as a result of the acne. I have tried so many different products and nothing works, I just walked into a store and saw this product and decided to try it. Today is my first day, so far so good, no tingly sensation and face feels a bit taut. Will update in a few days. Cannot recommend product unless I know it works.
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