Clean & Clear : Advantage Acne Spot Treatment

592 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Salicylic Acid (2%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, Capryloyl Glycine, Cedrus Atlantica (Blue Atlas Cedar) Bark Extract, Cinnamomum Zeylancium Bark Extract, Denatonium Benzoate, Fragrance (Parfum), Glycerin, Hexylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Propylene Glycol, Propylparaben, Sarcosine, Sodium Citrate, T Butyl Alcohol, Water.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 28, 2011


Dries out pimples within a couple of days


Sets your face on fire!!
Leaves acne scars
Peels off

After applying this to my pimples, my face stung horribly for several minutes. But, if you stick the pain out, it eventually goes away and the results are decent. I left it on for quite a while and when it dries it peels off so you have to wash your face again. This can be kind of hassle to get all the gunk off your face. The biggest con is it leaves an acne scar for almost every pimple "eliminated". But it does work pretty fast, and really dries out the pimples. This is an ok product if you're in desperate need of fast acne relief and willing to risk acne scars. Bottom line... it's only $7 and lasts a while, what more can you expect.
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December 28, 2011


Clears acne fast
Gets rid of acne fast



This stuff works amazing!!! This stuff well work amazing! I have had sensitive skin since forever and this did not dry my skin at all!!
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November 26, 2011


Reduces redness of blemishes/pimples
Dries out pimples that have popped
When instructions are followed, its a miracle gel


Absolutely nothing

Follow the instructions on the tube and honestly this will be your best friend. Most cons say it smells bad or it stings.. Anyone who suffers from moderate-severe breakouts will disagree, and the stinging only happens if you pop the pimple/blemish before applying the gel. Soap does the same thing to an "open cut". I've been suffering from mild adult acne for the past year, and honestly this has changed my life drastically. I've been to dermatologists, drs etc, no1 had a cure and believe me, I've bought every single product out there so spending $11.00 compared to $50+ every month is like xmas came early!!! I have extremely sensitive skin and am allergic to the entire world (getting older sucks man! I used to not have to worry about what I used on my face/diet) and this product has changed my face in literally under 3 days.
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November 8, 2011


Stings so you know its working


No quick results

Takes over 4-5 days for pimple to reduce size. No speedy zap or anything, doesn't work very well on me and I have very light acne..when I get spots it's 2 or 3 really noticeable ones so this is useless. I'd suggest something with quicker results but so fat this is the best I've got. :(
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October 26, 2011


Doesn't work
Causes redness
smells bad

This works for a lot of people, but not me. It didn't work at all, and I paid a lot for it.
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October 7, 2011


- clears breakouts fast
- easy to apply
- doesn't dry out skin too much


- Expensive
- Doesn't clear bigger breakouts
- Doesn't prevent breakouts
- Small package

I used this for two months and it worked at first but as I used it and expected it to work more it just didn't. I has quick results, but doesn't completely clear anything. I applied several times a day, and it didn't dry me out. It works fast. I'd recommend it to someone with very light acne and very little breakouts, maybe someone with light. It doesn't work much with more severe acne.
October 2, 2011


Works; Reduces Pimple Size and Redness
Not visible


A little pricy

It dries out the skin a bit, but nothing too serious. Its a bit pricy (about 5$) for a small little tube, but it works and its my miracle cure for pimples that I've been searching for a long time. I use Clean and Clear cleanser and then use this overnight on whatever visible pimples i have. If there are any still in the morning, I put some more on. Pretty simple.
September 7, 2011


reduces pimple size and redness


it drys the affected area.

this product worked really good on me it took some time but atleast it reduced some pimples i had that wouldnt go away.
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September 5, 2011


Reduces redness and size
Results from day 1
Love it
Life saver


Stings-but I guess that's when you know its working.
You'll have to apply this for a couple on weeks to see a dramatic difference.
Price- but I got mine in a sale.

IT'S BRILLIANT! it reduces redness and in size. I love it, results in day one. I use this with the facial scrub wash before applying it three times a day. Beat product brought yet.
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August 30, 2011


Reduces size of pimples
no strong smell
works fast if you use it right


Price is a little high

I love this product, it clears up my acne really quickly. The bottle says to apply it 2-3 times daily and that's how you should do it, it gets rid of acne way quicker. Some people say the price it to much for such a little bottle, but the first few times you buy a bottle it will cost a lot bu tin the long run it's cheaper because you don't have to use it 2-3 times then, I use it once a day after my acne is all gone. So love this product!
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