Mederma : Advanced Scar Gel

253 Reviews

Water (purified), Peg 200, Alcohol, Xanthan Gum, Allium Cepa (Onion) Bulb Extract, Lecithin, Methylparaben, Sorbic Acid, Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Fragrance.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 3, 2008


smells great, feel silky and smooths on face nicely. u have to rub it in until it disapears.



i have been using this for only 2 weeks the results are AMAZING.... i tryed it on one side of my face and not the other just to see if i would get any results and to my surprise i am so impressed. i would tell anyone to at least give it a try. it may just work for you to!
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October 30, 2008


I had really bad acne and scars so far everything is going away its amazing how it works!!!


The only bad thing about it is that i have to apply 3-4 times a day

I love this cream it changed my life I was so ashamed of my face now i don't have to wear that much makeup because it works really good on poked pimples it takes away the redness totally satisfied
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October 29, 2008


Maybe I should try the gel instead of cream.


I bought the cream with SPF and I have been using it for about a month now, and it actually made my acne scars worst. I can see that the scars darkened and deepened, so seeing the other reviews, I'll try the gel.

It made my scars worse
October 14, 2008


Works on scars, helps get rid of the red spots left over by acne.


it is expensive for larger tubes, the consistency does not lend itself well to easy application.

I use this mostly as a night treatment. I rub it in on my spots, and leave a little bit drying on the top. I apply it once a day and it works fine for me. The only problem I had was on the nights I applied benzoyl peroxide and it left a burn spot on my face. Other than that, it works very well and one tube last a long time.
October 13, 2008


After 2 weeks, I am seeing significant improvement in a 2 yr old red spot. I am thrilled.


can flake if you used too much or don't rub it in thoroughly. A small price to pay. Don't use the cream as it contains comedogenic ingredients.

I used to pick pimples which left me with some ugly red marks. They weren't raised or indented, but I had them for almost 2 years. I have been ussing Mederme Gel 3-4 times daily with a q-tip and now I can barely see the spots. I am so happy. I was considering chemical peels and lasers, but was reluctant because I scar so easily. I tried this stuff as a last resort, not expecting it to do jack. I am shocked. Seriously, buy it.
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August 13, 2008


Lightens marks- prevents picked pimples from leaving red marks


price- lightens skin around pigmented areas too

Mederma works. I had severe hyperpigmentation on my cheeks and was very worried- even paid 400 for laser which didnt work- I got skrewed..... But honestly- picking pimples- tempting but BADDDDDD- but if you rub mederma on with a Qtip right on the effected part (rub rub rubbbbb! and then when it dries add another dab on top) I put this on at night before I went to bed and the next day my red marks were significently faded! talk about fast! just dont use it over a big area or it will fade the rest of the skin too! I have olive toned skin- it worked for me! i'm going to continue using it as I have a huge scar a cyst left behind and it's been 2 days and helped a huge deal with that already! better than scar erase! good luck!
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August 5, 2008


It works!


You have to use it 3-4 times a day.

The only con is that you do have to put it on 3-4 times a day, but I'm not complaining, because I have been struggling with these scars for years now, & I'm greatful to finally find something that actually works! It has been absolute misery the last few years, never ever leaving the house without makeup, but now, I'm almost to the point where I don't mind it:) I haven't had many bumps in awhile, but the scars made it look like I had them everywhere! So, it was just as bad. Since I've only been using Mederma for 3 weeks, my face still isn't perfect, but at this rate, I think it will be soon. Bottom line, try it! It's not expensive, & it works!
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August 1, 2008


works fast... and better than anything else I've tried to remove red/dark acne scars (ihave very light skin)


the amt. of times per day you have to apply the product.

It works!! as long as u apply it 3-4 times daily .
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July 4, 2008


I have acne scars and a really uneven skin tone. mederma has taken away much of the redness and I've only been using it for a couple of weeks. Some of my acne scars are fading too. It smells really fresh and doesnt break my skin out either.


I'm not sure if it's working on my pitted acne scars.

I can't put it on three times a day.

Buy it.
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June 26, 2008


It's Working!


Haven't tried others to comare it to yet.

I like it so far. I use it on the crows feet around my eyes, forehead lines and on and around my lips, because if you think about it wrinkles are like scars!!!!!! I will wirte back in a couple of monthsbut my wrinkles are shrinking.....and or not getting worse, I am 45 and look 35
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