Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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August 15, 2017
Hopeful! Please help!
As a child, I had flawless skin. I had a few breakouts during middle school and decided to see a dermatologist. Everything went downhill from there. They decided to put me on antibiotics and topical, which cleared up my skin for a year but then my skin got 10X worse. I had cystic acne all over my face They decided to put me on more medications and topical and nothing worked. I decided to go to an esthetician and she cleared up my skin but her treatments left me with acne scarring. She did micros, chemical peels, she even had some sort of red light tanning bed. It wasn't actually a tanning bed but those beds are supposed to help with healing. After a few years being with her, she decided to move and my skin decided to get worse. This time, I had enlarged pores and an orange peel skin texture. I went to the dermatologist and they suggest to go on Retinoid again. I didn't see any improvements so they suggested to try fraxel. Of course, I decided to do that because as an acne sufferer for 8 years now I was helpless and depressed. I just wanted something to cure my skin. I finally decided to quit all the chemicals and just clean my skin with water these past two weeks. My skin doesn't break out as much and isn't red or inflamed. I really wish that I never decided to see a doctor for my skin and just washed with water but I can't dwell on the past and I just have to be hopeful this will get better. I now know that if I ever have kids, not to trust doctors so easily because they're mostly in it for the money, unfortunately. Is there anyone out there in a similar situation? Also, has anyone had their pores minimize by washing with only water? I know breakouts have been getting better for most of these reviews but Ihaven't seen anything for pore sizes or orange peel textured skin. Any advice would be helpful and appreciated!!
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October 21, 2017
Hello, It's nice to know that this regimen is working for you also. I have been doing regimen from more than a year now. I also have pores problem but now they are not as huge as they were before. As far as acne is concerned I still breakout sometimes but its not as bad as it was before. Hope it will help you.
August 9, 2017
Acne sufferer for 17 YEARS
As the title says, I've been suffering from acne for over 17 years (I'm in my early 30's now). As you can imagine I've used everything on the market incl. medication (Neutrogena, cetaphil gentle skin cleanser, Nivea, Clearasil, Simple, Balea, Lavera, Sukin, Shiseido, Epiduo, Duac, Tetraysal, etc etc..) The list of products I've used is long and I can't remember all of them, I've used very expensive things and anything in between. I've been to countless dermatologists and nothing really worked. In the beginning of this year I had a really bad break out. I cleared that with going completely dairy free (and it has remained acne free ever since), but one spot is still hanging on for dear life. Doctors claim it's acne vulgaris. But I still believe that's a load of cr.. You would get more than one spot and it would go within weeks and then come back in a different area on your face. Anyways, after getting loads of meds prescribed (which cost me an arm and a leg) I've decided to stop using ANYTHING on my face. No water, no moisturiser, no makeup, no toner, no serum, no oil..NOTHING. I'm on day 4 today ,and yes I realised this is a bit early for a review, but I wanted to post anyways, because things are happening. My face doesn't feel tight anymore, it's less red and the weirdest thing yet: My pores are cleaning themselves, it seems. They are literally pushing out little white worms of sebum. I've never seen anything like it. The spot on my face is still there at the moment, but I can imagine that it might go down soon. Our skin is our biggest organ and it needs to be left alone. I truly believe this. We spend so much money on all these chemicals and do they ever work? No, they wash off your oils and leave you needing moisturisers and you're back at square one. I'll try this caveman regime for 30 days now and leave all water off of it. After that I might try cold water once a day (evening) to see how that goes. I'm a bit scared of the dead skin mask that people talk about, but maybe it won't be so bad. Also, I mentioned this before, I will not use ANY makeup. This will be hard , as I love foundation and all that jazz, but the skin needs to be left alone completely. I might update, if anyone wants to hear about it. Until then I can only say: Leave your skin alone. Most men don't do anything to it and look much better than most women without makeup.
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October 1, 2017
does it also decrease blackheads ?
December 20, 2017
How was it?
August 6, 2017
Please read!
I have had cystic acne for over FOUR YEARS! That's a long time. 😂 I was only ten years old when it started, which is just great right? Here's what cleared my body (and face) acne. 1. Wash only with water. No soap. Body, and face! 2. Shower (water only!!) in cold or lukewarm water. Hot water drys your skin out, and opens the pores to bacteria, which will obviously make it worse. 3. Drink PLENTY of water. Distilled or bottled water is best for you, and your skin. I drink about 6 bottles of water a day, though I'm trying to drink more recently. Keep yourself hydrated! 4. NO TOUCHING. Picking, popping, poking, or scrubbing will only make your acne worse. Hands off! :) 5. Get plenty of rest, and go to bed and wake up at the same time. It's easier said than done, but try your best. 6.EXERCISE! Sweat it up! Rinse with water after a good workout, but don't stop exercising. It's good for your skin as well as the rest of you. :) 7. And above all else, just ignore your acne. I know that's hard to do, (believe me I know) but don't let it bother you. Lots of people have acne, even though those people are conveniently the people you don't know. I promise other people have it. I did, and not stressing about it helped the most. Leave it alone and use your time doing for others instead of worrying about your skin. Whenever you are tempted to worry or pick, just find something to do that will bless someone else. Think about somebody other than yourself for a while. There are far greater problems in this world than acne, even though acne can be very debilitating for your confidence. Good luck!
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August 21, 2017
hey! I have a question. I never wash my face anymore, occasionally just with water. (i have never had severe acne just moderate and mild, some whiteheads ect.) i am on clindoxyl gel prescribed by the doctor, and was wondering if its better to wash your face with water or to not wash it at all?
August 1, 2017
TRY IT!!!!
I'm honestly shocked. I've had moderate acne since middle school, and a mess of hyperpigmentation spots all over my face. I've tried every medication, wash, treatment on the market- onexton, retin-A, tazorac, clindamyacin, epiduo, even natural stuff like apple cider vinegar. I had the last straw when washing my face with HONEY majorly broke me out. My sister said to try just water. I thought "my skin is so oily, that will only make it worse!" BUT I was desperate and guys.... it's a miricle. After 2 DAYS- my pimples from the breakout are all FLAT. My red hyperpigmentation is even faded! I'm barely even oily by the end of the day. I'm so happy. My only regret was not doing this months ago! My regimen is to simply splash cold water on my face every morning and before bed. I let my face air dry too. THATS IT- no spot treatment or anything. Just water or it won't work!! It's truly amazing. I know you might be skeptical like me, but when your acne is as bad as mine was you're willing to try anything! I hope this works for you, best of luck to all of you!!! :)
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August 19, 2017
So are u 100% clear from acne now?
July 23, 2017
20 days in.
I am 22 years old, and have had acne and hyperpigmentation on my cheeks and forehead for the last 6 years. I had tried so many things, including Dan's regimen. I settled on using Dan's BP, with Cetaphil moisturizer and cleanser, and these got me somewhat clear for a while, but never cleared my acne 100%. Previously I had doing my facial routine twice a day, and for the longest time I thought that I had extremely oily skin, as it would literally take 4 blotting sheets to soak up the excess oil on my face. Now I realize that BP was actually causing me to overproduce sebum, rather than to control it. It worked at first but after 4 years, I think it has much less of a positive effect on my skin now. I noticed that my skin did not heal quickly, causing hyperpigmentation. I believe now that BP kills the acne bacteria, but in turn, damages the skin's natural ability to heal and function normally. I tried to quit BP twice in the past, using natural remedies, and I also had one previous crack at the caveman method. Both times, I broke out like crazy, as if I was going through withdrawals, and therefore I quickly switched back to BP. This last time, I decided to do a water only wash, but only in the morning. The whole point is to allow your skin to get back to a point where it can function on its own, without interference from other chemicals or excessive washing. Initially I went through a period of very dry skin, which was such a contrast to the permanent shine of excess oil that I had been dealing with before. My skin was just fine for maybe a week. About a week and a half to two weeks in I started breaking out intensely. Little red spots on my forehead and whiteheads all over my cheeks. This difference though was that these came to a head and healed much faster than before. Still though, my skin looked about 2x as worse as it had before. I was so close to quitting at this point. Cut forward to about 20 days, I feel as if my skin is much more healthy. It still feels dryish and tight with some excess oil production, but I am getting almost no new breakouts now, and if I do get some, they are very small and not irritated, much different from what they were before, and they heal fairly quickly. I really am seeing a difference. My hyperpigmentation that previously took months to lighten, seems to be lightening up as well, strangely. I did try the PURE caveman method once before, with no water whatsoever, and this did NOT work for me, so again, this may not work for everyone. In addition I don't think this will necessarily work if you are 16-18 and in the height of puberty, as I really think that my hormones are pretty balanced at 22, and my acne is now different than it was when I was that age. I will keep you all posted! I have high hopes.
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October 16, 2017
Any updates worth sharing? How's this going for you?
July 23, 2017
It works for me!
I used to struggle and be so self conscious of my skin. Three months ago, I had skin that was borderline horrendous. People who were close to me said I had to take better care of my skin. Little did they know I was trying EVERYTHING! I started cleaning my diet, avoiding dairy, using bentonite clay, natural face masks and everything you can think of. I was so angry and sad since I tried so much and nothing worked. I kept waking up to some new pimple in the morning. Fast forward three months and here I am so happy with my skin. Two days ago, my friend said my skin was glowing, and BOY, was I so happy to hear that! For the past three months, the only thing I've been using on my skin is water and sunscreen. I kid you not, I did not get a single NEW pimple ever since. While the old ones took their time going away, it was sure worth the wait. ALSO DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE, THIS IS SO IMPORTANT, NO POPPING ESPECIALLY! I did get a little tan by using only water but my skin is GLOWING! I really hope this review will help someone. I can eat whatever I want now and feel so happy knowing I don't have to check for new pimples everyday. Using cleanser on my face was the problem for me, this may not work for you but its worth a try. I wash face twice a day with cold water and pat dry, I don't wear moisturizer at night. I only use a Japanese sunscreen from the brand "Biore"during the day. Good luck guys!
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August 19, 2017
Do you just let water run in your face? No rubbing? Or exfoliating?
November 8, 2017
Hi! I've decided to start a water only regime too and I use Bioré's 'watery essence' sunscreen as well. How do you clean up/wash off the sunscreen at the end of the day?
July 10, 2017
"Wash" face with water once daily
I had a perfectly clear complexion in high school, but right after graduation, I began cleansing my face with cleansers because I had a small "breakout" on the corners of my nose. I say "breakout" because I know now that it was just severely red, dry, and cracked skin. Slowly more and more breakouts began appearing. I kept trying products, oil cleansers, milky cleansers, gel cleansers... Nothing worked! So just last week I took a breath in and asked myself, "what did I do in high school"? The answer was, of course, nothing! I "washed" my face once a day with warm water (sometimes I would apply a toner when my skin felt dirty) and applied a moisturizer afterward. It's been one week, and I have nothing on my face. It even cleared up during that time of the month (For the girls out there wondering) No new breakouts and the old ones are healing. I am so happy in my skin and my pockets are thanking me too!!
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July 5, 2017
Advice please
Today is my Day 7 of washing my face with water only. One the first 3 days, everythg was okay, only some whiteheads coming out around my chin. But then, on the following days, 3-4 red bumps bumping out. I'm not sure whether it works or not. I only wash my face with water in the morning and the evening. But my face is still very oily. What should I do? I am so anxiety. Should I continue?
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July 24, 2017
I would recommend using a spinning facial brush, just to get rid of any dead skin that might be building up and clogging pores :)
October 23, 2017
Using a facial brush seems like a bad idea. Counter intuitive to the whole, leave your face alone mantra and would create aggitation which is the main thing we're trying to avoid?
June 20, 2017
best thing i ever did..DON'T WASH YOUR FACE
omg i have tried a lot of products, a lot of natural routines (ESPECIALLY), and not washing my face with water has literally saved my skin. when i tried to go natural with yogurt, it helped my skin but i still got pimples. i tried the washing with water only, broke out lmao. epsom salt, same thing. i tried this natural tea tree oil serum, that helped my skin the most at the moment, but I was STILL GETTING PIMPLES. then, one day, i was lazy and i didnt wash my face at all (NO WATER). when i woke up, my pimples literally disappeared. i continued for a week and all my pimples VANISHED. literally VANISHED. my skin is 100% clear now. my forehead no longer has little bumps. the only thing i do now is a moisturizer every 2 days after i take a shower so my skin wont be so dry. and every week i use yogurt to gently exfoliate...but the main thing that fixed my skin was NOT WASHING WITH WATER. TRY IT!!! btw i have mostly dry skin with oily nose and sometimes oily tzone. idk if this would work with oily skin, but i no longer have oily forehead either.
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June 19, 2017
water is the basic...
Before washing your face with tap water, Clean your hands with soap. Dry it and pat with towel. Dont pick your acne pimple whitehead blackhead. Water is safe to use, anytime... The main key is patience and a lot of water before bed 2-3 glasses. And my face is clear and looks just fine. I Dont put make up. Also try to excercise. i do jogging everyday if possible, twice or thrice a week atleast. If you have questions, just post your comments below
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June 27, 2017
I Also discover alternative for lipstick. Try calmoseptine ointment on pimples. It helps reduce itch, redness and shrink pimples.
August 9, 2017
Cetaphil soap (gentle skin cleanser) is full of bad ingredients. It only has a few ingredients, but most of them are bad for you. I literally can't even wash my face with that stuff, it turns bright red afterwards and gets tight and dried out. You're best off skipping cetaphil.
August 9, 2017
Cetaphil soap (gentle skin cleanser) is full of bad ingredients. It only has a few ingredients, but most of them are bad for you. I literally can't even wash my face with that stuff, it turns bright red afterwards and gets tight and dried out. You're best off skipping cetaphil.