Forum Replies Created

Natural treatement

Right @ssabinaa, aloe vera gel are very effective in treating acne and reducing the redness caused by it. I applied aloe vera on my acne scars for a week, I saw the texture of my skin greatly improved...

In forum Other acne treatments

5 years ago
Lemon Water

Yes, Thanks for sharing. lemon juice protects the body from Immune system deficiencies. It is a scar removing treatment that does your skin a lot of good.

In forum Other acne treatments

5 years ago
What kind of acne is this and how can I treat it?

Washing your face once or twice a day with a mild cleansing that will keep the skin clean and minimize sensitivity. Yes one of main is make-up essential that we use can also affect acne so use branded...

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Suffering From Acne

Taking an antibiotic, it can reduce the acne redness and swelling.

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Help What can I do?

You can try Aloe Vera it Moisturize your skin. Wash your face twice a day, in the morning and evening.

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
I cant believe how tea cleared my acne

You can easily get rid of oily and acne prone skin by the use of this oil. It works as anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, anti-viral and antiseptic agent that is best for killing the bacteria that are...

In forum Other acne treatments

5 years ago
Shoulder Acne Scara

You can use Coconut Oil, Besan, Apple Cider Vinegar or Aloe Vera. Using of these Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars And Pimple Marks.

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

5 years ago
Acne and Redness and Scars on my face

You have to clean your skin gently, take care of your skin and use the cleaning lotions or gels. The sun is bad for acne so avoid going out on the skin without the use of a proper sunscreen. [Removed ...

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Vaping caused me terrible acne

No clear connection between vaping and acne.

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Acne Problem

Topical treatments can reduce the amount of dirt, oil and bacteria on the skin. Exposed Skin Care effectively treat acne, so your skin becomes clearer and healthier. You get a guarantee to clear your ...

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago