User's Review Comments

Avar : Sodium Sulfacetamide (10%) and Sulfur (2%) LS Cleanser
December 27, 2018

Update 12/27/18 (over a year later) - I switched to a generic a few months ago and it works way better with the thicker consistency and lack of sulfur smell. I am able to use this twice a day morning and night. My face is usually baby smooth now and I rarely get any breakouts. I only have eczema (I no longer have to use Elidel) that comes and goes and continued use does not irritate it at all, but rather helps by sloughing off the dead skin faster. My complexion is also getting lighter and slowly matching the rest of my body.

Still love this stuff so much.

I still use CeraVe products with this, no problems at all. Rather it's very gentle and the hyaluronic acid helps, I never have dry skin anymore since the sulfur can be very drying.

I still use the leftover Avar each night on my back in the shower, and it does smooth it out a good deal however I still get bumps there. Doesn't work that well on the back, but I don't want to waste it. It lasts a long time, this is still the original bottle I got last year.

November 30, 2017
Update 11/30/17 (1 month later) - This product is still fabulous! I switched to CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser to aid with repairing my skin barrier and it works in great synergy with Avar LS. My face is even more smooth with it. This is a slow process, but I can definitely feel the difference each day. I still also use Elidel occasionally to aid in eczema flare ups. I still get cystic acne flare ups but I can't help that because of hormones, I'm going to try birth control (if I can get it) in combination with it soon.
October 29, 2017
I've been struggling with mild acne since puberty, and it's been only getting worse the older I get and now it's pretty moderate along with new hormonal cystic acne. I've tried harsh things like Acanya and clindamycin, only to find out I am very sensitive to those. Having an unknown facial reaction last February also led my skin to being ultra sensitive today. So, my physician finally gave me samples for sodium sulfacetamide and ones with sulfur since she was worried of my sensitivity. The samples with just 10% sulfa alone weren't helpful at all as I got a lot of side effects like burning, warmth, redness, etc. I moved onto Avar LS which was 10% sulfa and 2% sulfur, and my goodness was there a huge difference with only 6 uses from that tiny tube! It was very gentle, and I had no side effects. The sandpaper texture on my face was melting away, I was getting less oily, and my face was overall becoming soft and fewer pimples were showing up. I moved onto higher concentrations of sulfur (up to 4.5%), but that was overkill and I got very irritated and had to rest my skin while I waited for the prescription. It wasn't covered by my insurance so I had to use their savings plan which brings down the cost to $40 a bottle for 12 refills. It's well worth the cost and would last a very long time since you only need a very small amount for it to work. As I waited for the full bottle of Avar LS, I've noticed that from only those 6 small uses my face still was less oily and the scaly areas around my nose and eyebrows didn't come back as fast as it used to (I'm assuming that's sebhorreic dermatitis, but I'll ask the next time I visit). When the full bottle arrived, there was added fragrance but I had to laugh since it did not help at all once the sulfur settled into my skin, I still smelled it in full and just had to get used to it. It's only been a week since I've used the Avar LS and I'm already so excited to share my experience. My skin is just really soft now and it's slowly brightening up. I tried using my oil cleanser to exfoliate before Avar LS one time, and it did not pick up much remnants of peeling skin or hard sebaceous filaments. That's extremely good news--Avar is really doing its work gently exfoliating chemically instead of me attempting to roughhouse with my hands trying to scrub out everything. Some leftover pimples and cystic acne do come up, but then they are quickly dried out by the sulfur. My problematic scaly, dry, irritated nose that I've been struggling with for several years no longer bothers me. I still have no side effects from this cleanser. My face has never felt so clean before. It no longer itches, except for the dry pimples. While my face still looks bad, I can definitely feel that this is working in my favor even if it's slow. My twice a day routine consists of just washing my face with Cetaphil cleanser, and then following up with a dime sized amount of Avar LS and lather it all around my face and neck for 10 seconds. I rinse very well and then pat dry. I follow up with Elidel cream if needed because I have lingering eczema sometimes. Lastly, I just put on some Cetaphil lotion. Please give this a try, and ask for a lot of different samples. It's very good and sulfur has been used for centuries especially in hot springs for skin problems.