Forum Replies Created

Using Nothing!

Day 5- No white heads today, and no new pimples. My forehead is getting smoother, clearer. Older pimples are having trouble healing up, not really drying. Less redness... Feel great. Not too oily, and...

In forum Personal logs

9 years ago
Could I Have Hormonal Acne? *pics*

Hi, If it appears around your period, than hey! I have hormonal acne on my forehead/nose area, and if I just slather on that peroxide and those egg whites, it usually goes away with a couple of weeks....

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Help With 11 Year Old With Severe Acne

Hi, I'm sorry! Vinager is a little harsh... Try egg whites! Worked miracles for all of my family. Green tea works great, too. Noxema Daily Scrub and Anti Blemish pads sting a bit, but they work well. ...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Help With My Acne, I'm So Lost. Androgens ? Stress ? Hypothyroidism ? Many Questions.

Hi, Focusing on your diet more than excersise could cause you more stress anyway, because then you'll worry about what you ate, how much you weigh, and have to keep track of your calories and sugar in...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Help With My Acne, I'm So Lost. Androgens ? Stress ? Hypothyroidism ? Many Questions.

Hi, Your english is actually really good! Remeber to capitalize your I's. Maybe in April 2013, you lost weight becuase your skin was better and you felt better going outside to excerise. I know that w...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago