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What is up with my chin? (pic)

Wow, major improvement over yesterday! Swelling is down and the scabbing is light. Still redness, but that's easy to cover. It looks like it worked on some of the bumps, but will probably need at l...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

I honestly have no idea if this 2nd treatment helped at all - it acutally seemed to make one of the spots (that was almost flat after the 1st treatment) bigger. I still have a little bit of swelling ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Treatment 2, Day 3: looks a little better this morning. The swelling and pain is gone. Mild-moderate flaking and scabbing, and slightly less red. I don't think he zapped the couple of spots that a...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Hi all, just adding to the conversation that I have these oily bumps on my chin too! I also took doxy for 2 months at the end of last year due to cystic acne on my face (it cleared my acne up but I ha...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Treatment 2, Day 2:   Swelling has gone down most of the way, but there is still a little bit. More redness and scabby flaking today, so it doesn't look better - but at least it feels a little...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Man, one side of my chin is looking really awful this time. Its the left side that already has some superficial scarring. It almost seems bumpier that before the treatment right now and is sore. I h...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Ugh, scabbing has started. Here we go again. Hope this all ends up being worth it! Inflammation is starting to kick in too. Looks like its gonna be a hide out at home kind of day!

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

2nd Treatment, Day 1: Ugh, scabbing has started. Here we go again. Hope this all ends up being worth it!

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Just got back from the derm.   He said that there were still some spots left and that he errs on the side of caution when zapping them so as to avoid scarring. He said that he would rather do le...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

can someone answer whether or not you can expel or extract anything from sebaceous hyperplasia bumps? No, they don't expel or extract. They are enlarged oil glands.

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

So, its been about 3 weeks since the procedure. It did get rid of some of the bumps, but not all of them (at least from what I see). The center of my chin still seems to have some bumps/textural weir...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Thanks Willow, I'm thinking seriously to have mine electrocauterized. mine are the type you dont fill there is something hard under the bumps, there are the same color of my skin, and when i stretch ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

why cant you just post pictures... your explanations are not enough. Sorry - they don't really show up well in pics. My meager explanation is going to have to suffice. Plus, there are no before pi...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Hey Willow, so good to hear you are having a great results. from reading this thread I understand you have 2 kinds of bumps on chin area. Which ones were responding well to the electrodessication s...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Its been 10 days since the electrodessication surgery. Minimal flaking at this point, still redness, but I can cover that with makeup. I think that it worked well on the smaller spots that weren't i...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 8: Center of chin is finally starting to look a little better - easier to cover with makeup anyway. The smaller spots are fading nicely, just some light red marks.

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 7: Still not sure about how the center of my chin is going to respond. I guess it looks a little better than yesterday - less flaky and some spots are less red. One spot on the left-center side ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 6: More gradual improvement. Most of the scabbing is gone, but a few spots still have a little bit of dead, flaky skin. Still lots of redness/red marks. It looks like at least half of the spots...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 5: Again, slight improvement. This is a really slooooow healing process! The spots on the sides of my chin and the ones closer to my lip area were smaller, so those are healing well - not too sc...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 4: Slight improvement over yesterday, but still red, scabby and peeling. Makeup does very little to cover it up, just helps hide the redness a little. Kinda wishing I had taken one more day off ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 3: There's definitely been improvement this morning. Swelling is totally gone, less redness and scabbing (although there is still some). I can tell that a few of the bumps on the side of my chin...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Wow, the spots are flaking so much that i look like I have some bizarre skin disease! I've been putting aquaphor on them to keep the scabbing moist - otherwise the skin gets dry and hurts if I move m...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

Day 2: The healing continues. The swelling is gone, and most of the dead white skin that was flaking off all day yesterday. The spots are very red and some are still a little raw, so still looks sca...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

thanks willow..i see you mix it with your you find it drying on its own? I have taken oral nicotinamide which is essentially niancinamide, folic acid and copper and it made my rosacea...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

glad to hear your on your way to clearing those bumps...question for you..i received my metazine gel and was wondering where and what you apply it to? I need moisture but need something to clear my d...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago