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My Minocycline and Tazorac Log

The minocycline is 100mg

In forum Personal logs

20 years ago
DAY 21

DAY 21 This week, i think the "breakout period" continued. I'm noticing that my face recovers from a pimple way faster than before. Before starting the tazorac and minocycline, i would get a zit an...

In forum Personal logs

20 years ago
My Minocycline and Tazorac Log

DAY13 This week, i had several (5 or 6) pre-existing zits come to the surface. I'm hoping that this is the "breakout period" that i've heard other people get from tazorac, cuz 5 or 6 new isn't too ...

In forum Personal logs

20 years ago

Today is DAY7 of my minocycline 2x a day and Tazorac 0.1% cream at night regiment. Overall, i'm seeing my face change a little and i'm liking the results i'm getting. [Edited image out] #of zits...

In forum Personal logs

21 years ago
My Minocycline and Tazorac Log

Today is DAY2 of my new regiment involvoling minocycline 2x a day and Tazorac 0.1% cream at night. The tazorac applied last night seemed to make old zits a little more red and surfaced about 3 pre-...

In forum Personal logs

21 years ago