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Photos of my scarring

I recently had an appt/consultation with a derm in the Boston, MA area that provides various procedures for acne scarring. I let him know early on that did prior research on the types of scarring and...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
is fraxel re:store really that bad? even for shallow scars?

Fraxel restore can have good results if it's used on the highest settings, make sure to have them use the highest energy (70 mj) and at least treatment level of 9 (covers 26%). That is something I wis...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Fraxel Restore Dual Or Repair?

Just found that that the place near me that does repair charges $3500 for one fraxel repair treatment on the whole face and they said they usually don't just do a part of your face. Thing is I really ...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Fraxel Restore Dual Or Repair?

Ok, I'll likely get repair on my other side. That is a lot of repair treatments, just curious how severe was your scarring? I am hoping I would have to do no more than 2.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Fraxel Restore Dual Or Repair?

I have already gotten 3 of 5 fraxel dual restore treatment on one of my cheeks. I also have scarring on my other side but I have not gotten any treatment yet since I want to see the dual results first...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago