Forum Replies Created

Please Help Me. Been On Different Antibiotics For Cystic Acne 1.5 Yrs, Now Suspect I Have Yeast Or Liver Problem. Now What? How Do I Manage This?

I went and seen a GI about two months ago after having multiple tests done on me by my usual doctor, and him constantly telling me everything was fine. I knew better because i had never felt or looked...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Please Help Me. Been On Different Antibiotics For Cystic Acne 1.5 Yrs, Now Suspect I Have Yeast Or Liver Problem. Now What? How Do I Manage This?

I thought i was the only one this has happened to. I've been experiencing everything you've mentioned plus brain fog, sun damaged skin, negative changes in my mood, depression, anxiety, and became sen...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
First Acne, Now Aged Skin.

I have the same exact problem.I'm 18 years old and i feel i look about 23 or 24. Along with my aged skin, I also still battling the most irritating case of acne in the world! When i was 14 starting hi...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago