Forum Replies Created

My Acne Compared From 5 Years Ago To Now

Hello, I am about to start on supplements too: Vit C & zinc, multivitamins, evening primrose oil & Vit E. Could you pls tell me if these supplements together will not cause any adverse effect ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
My Acne Compared From 5 Years Ago To Now

I'm in university right now and I've suffered a lot of emotional hardship as I battled my acne. In highschool, I used a topical from a dermatologist and for a year or so, it worked until one day, I br...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Acne From Protein Powder?

I purchased a whey protein powder for bodybuilding and mass gain. Before, I used a different brand and I had mild to sometimes, no acne. After I purchased a different brand, once or twice, I would br...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Rode To Clear Skin Without Initial Breakout

It's been over 3 months since I've visited this forum ^^ I am back here to update you on my acne and my current regimen. First, I hardly get any acne anymore.. maybe once a month that is not that noti...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Is This Acne Scar Or Rosacea

I found out that what I have is dermatitis since my face was quite itchy before. To conquer this, I am taking garlic bulb pills and grape fruit seed extract and it has helped tremendously.

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

10 years ago
Acne Only On Jawline?

You should check out my thread about going on a regimen without initial breakout. I used to have really bad acne like you but it changed as soon as I started the regimen by testing many different prod...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Rode To Clear Skin Without Initial Breakout

Well, I added 2 more things and replaced one. I added grape fruit seed extract for candida and vitamin d3 with magnesium. I replaced garlic pill with garlic "bulb" pill which I found in target. Candid...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Rode To Clear Skin Without Initial Breakout

Umm if you want to take the powder form, you take a spoon and fill it up half of it or more. Then, you take a sip of water (just a little bit) and don't swallow it. Open your mouth wide, put it in you...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Is This Acne Scar Or Rosacea

I've gotten rid of a lot of my acne cleared from my regimen posted on another thread.. but I still seem to have these acne red marks along with redness.. and I was wondering what this redness has to d...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

10 years ago
Rode To Clear Skin Without Initial Breakout

I've attached the photo here to show you my current acne state.. as you see my face isn't inflamed anymore and left with a few marks:D

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Rode To Clear Skin Without Initial Breakout

Ugh I just realized I spelt road wrong.. oh well So, I posted back a while ago about turmeric and garlic helping acne. It surely did help. But, I am here again to sum up what I have done over the mo...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Vitamin D3, Pantothenic Acid, And Zinc Picolinate Reactions?

GUYS I FOUND MY CURE!!! So basically starting 2 weeks ago, I took vitamin E pills as well as garlic pills. After the first week, I noticed that my redness reduced A LOT. I was guessing that it was fro...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

11 years ago
Vitamin D3, Pantothenic Acid, And Zinc Picolinate Reactions?

Well, I got the krill oil in the mail and after about 3-4 days of trying it, it actually seemed to irritate my redness. I noticed this because before I took it, I would look at the mirror to see mild ...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

11 years ago
Vitamin D3, Pantothenic Acid, And Zinc Picolinate Reactions?

Great news. After I stopped all of the supplements since yesterday and only taking turmeric with milk (I reduced my milk intake), my skin redness reduced and it is less swollen now. I only take turmer...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

11 years ago
Vitamin D3, Pantothenic Acid, And Zinc Picolinate Reactions?

OH. And one more thing. When you are out looking to buy products based on reviews, watch out! There are many companies that put up their own reviews just to make their product rating higher. I noticed...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

11 years ago
Vitamin D3, Pantothenic Acid, And Zinc Picolinate Reactions?

Hi, I am new to this forum. I have been following up with since last year and I have FINALLY created an account for the forum. To make it short, I have had acne since last year when I had a b...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

11 years ago