User's Review Comments

The Regimen
June 28, 2016
8 weeks now on the regimen skin isnt red but still quite dry. Still trying out the aha to see if it will help.
June 22, 2016
Let me just say this review is VERY long and I just wanted to give people every detail so they can know what to expect and can maybe relate. Also, I know my spelling and grammer isnt great. Lol Ok I have wanted to write this review so many times but decided now is the time to write it. I have been on the regimen for 7 weeks now. So a quick history on my skin was pretty clear growing up never really had any problems with it. But when I was 19 I noticed that I was starting to break out on my cheeks, which was so weird because earlier if i ever even got a pimple it would be on my forehead. I thought it might be the new makeup I'm using and threw it all out and went back to my powder that I used for years with no breakouts. A week later the pimples kept spreading and I literally woke up one morning and realized my whole face is pretty much covered in acne. The big pimples were mainly on my cheeks but i also had these small bumps across the rest of my face. I never thought I would get acne considering that no one in my family or any of my relatives had acne. I was so embarrassed about it, I cried, I hid in my room, I didnt want to go anywhere. People were asking me whats wrong with your face. Ugh it was terrible. Of course I started searching the internet and started doing everything I possibly could to get rid of it. Started drinking tons of water, completely cleaned up my diet, changed my pillowcase everyday, started doing all these masks and just anything that people reccomended. Nothing helped. I started buying one thing after the other and nothing was helping! I was so frustrated! One day at the store I saw a tea called Yogi skin detox. I bought it not really expecting any results but was like ah I'll try it. The tea cleared me up completely. I was sooo happy, but it didnt last for long. A couple months later I started breaking out again. This time the tea wasnt helping or anything. Fast forward 3 years later and I'm still dealing with the acne and now the acne scarring. I'm 100% sure its hormonal from reading online about the types of acne. Seeing how the scars were ruining my skin I desperately started searching for something else. Keep in mind by this point I felt like I tried EVERYTHING. (Other than prescription drugs) Somehow I came across and started reading reviews and I was like wow I've got to try this. I ordered it and first negative thing I noticed was it said shipping 3-8 days. Shipping took FOREVER like 3 weeks. Even though I live in the US. I wasnt too happy but eventually I got it and was thrilled when I did. I followed it step by step and the first week I noticed my forehead cleared up almost completely and the rest of my face was getting clearer. But of course it wasnt all great. My skin was red, itchy, flaky I was so irritated, because I was using so little of the bp and was still getting these awful side effects. Even though it was VERY DIFFICULT I stuck through it and stopped wearing makeup throughout this process. Believe me that was a huge step for me because I literally always wore makeup. I never wore heavy foundation or anything like that. Just the same powder I've been using for like 8 years and some concealer. People please don't tell me it's the makeup. Its not. Keep in mind I used the same makeup for 5 years with no breakout. Anyway week 2 I had a bad breakout on my chin 4 HUGE pimples and a few on my cheeks. I was mad but I kept going. Week 3 I was getting clearer. Week 4 no active pimples at all. Week 5 no pimples. Week 6 no pimples. Still flaky and slightly red. I was also using the jojoba oil (not the one dan sells, I recommend getting a more natural one) about 6 drops into 2 pumps of moisturizer every night. All this time I'm still using very little bp and cleared up and kept clear. I think the amount Dan says to use is WAYYYYY too much and your face will literally burn and flake off. I would say use what feels comfortable for you. And when in doubt do not use more unless the amount youre using is not enough to clear the acne. Anyway even with this small amount of bp I'm still so flaky and red. Idk why...I'm loading on the moisturizer and jojoba oil. And using about 3/4 of a pump of cleanser for only 10 seconds like it says. The one month set lasted me for 7 weeks. But I was not using as much as it said because it was toooo much. The only thing i was using a lot of was the moisturizer. I still have like half or maybe more of the bp. I ordered the 2nd larger kit and again shipping was soo slow. Anyway after week 6 I decided it was time to start using the aha..after reading reviews I was scared and using only a pea sized amount in 2 pumps of moisturizer at night. No burning no tingling nothing just felt very thick on the skin and uncomfortable. Next day used a little bit more and again no burning or anything and so now I've used it about 5x and ever since I started, i've been breaking out. Not badly just a few pimples but its frustrating because my skin was clear for 3 weeks and now pimples again. It might just be purging so I'll stick with it and update again. So overall does this product work? Yes. But you have to be willing to accept the redness and flakiness. Also not wearing makeup for the first month. If the negative side effects continue I'm not sure if I will continue. Also since the products expose new skin it has made my face very white. And its summertime and Im trying not to wear makeup so it's not too great. Am I willing to accept all these negatives just to have fewer pimples? I'm not sure. No decrease in acne marks yet either. I'll update in a month on the AHA. If you have any questions I would love to answer. Sorry for the LONG review lol Just want everyone to know exactly what you might go through. I have before and after pictures but have not gained the courage to post them yet. Lol
June 22, 2016
Second week of using the regimen I had a bad breakout, but it went away quickly. I strongly urge you to try not to wear the makeup. Even if youre sure that your makeup doesnt cause any breakouts. Only apply this regimen onto your skin the first month. There were a few times that I did apply makeup during the first month and trust me I looked worse with the makeup because of the flakiness than without it.