User's Review Comments

Not Washing or Water Only
July 1, 2016
Read my review in the one star section. I just updated it this morning. I would be very careful about water only washing. I tried yogurt masks but they stung my face. Papaya masks exfoliate as well but are more gentle and healing.
May 26, 2016
Thank you for your review and update!
May 26, 2016

My email is jlynnskiminny [Removed]

May 26, 2016
I looked up the Facebook link but it showed you were an asian man? Not sure if that's correct 🙂 or you could send me the link to your FB via my email jlynnskiminny@[link removed]
May 17, 2016
Thank you for your help! I actually started taking Tumeric last week and it seems I am breaking out less. I was wondering what is the significance of washing every other day ... the skin has more time to build up natural acids/oils? Is it because your skin tends to be drier? My skin seems more oily these days. I'm trying to wash every other day but my face feels "dirty/oily" every night from being outside or just doing chores around house. Some people reviewed, saying skipping days to wash helped their skin, others skin seemed to get worse.
May 10, 2016
I was wondering if you had a special diet as well for these past 5 months if you don't mind sharing 🙂
May 3, 2016
I did the mask last night and my face looks a lot better this morning! Thanks again!
May 2, 2016
Thank you do much! I already bought a papaya and am doing a mask tonight lol!
April 30, 2016
Thank you for your response! I will have to try the caveman for my hair too. Did you ever have a problem with clogged pores on your face? Alot of the bad reviews on the caveman said they ended up with lots of clogged pores, even though their acne went away. I personally dont have a lot of pimples but I do get alot of blackheads, whiteheads aND little bumps everywhere. I just want smooth skin. It seems like the caveman helps actually pimples but I dont know if it helps clogged pores. ..
April 29, 2016
Very cool review, very inspiring. I've been water washing everyday sometimes up to three times a day. My skin actually seemed to be getting worse. After reading your comment, I have been washing every other day and my skin seems to be getting better! What is your water washing method? Like what type of water and do you use a cloth to wash etc....also my face feels dirty after shampoo and water isn't enough...I have been trying to tilt my head back and keep it out of my face. Thanks again for a great review! Happy for your success.
April 29, 2016
Thank you for the update. I am trying a new method and only water washing every other day. Washing with water everyday seemed to be making my skin worse. Every body is different. I also feel like water is not enough for my face after I shampoo and condition my hair, because I get traces of those on my face during the process . The last couple times I just used colloidal oatmeal and that was it. Maybe I should just stick to water....
April 21, 2016
Hi there Lifewave, I read your blog and you were thinking about washing with baby soap on day has it been going?
April 21, 2016
Still going good for you? Have you found the need to use anything else on your face?
April 19, 2016
What kind of clay do you use? What do you mix it with when applying it to your face? And how long do you leave it on for?
April 19, 2016
What's your latest update of this? Have you found the need to exfoliate or moisturize or anything?
April 7, 2016
How's it been going??