User's Review Comments

April 12, 2017
I couldn't agree wit you more, my doctor didn't want to send me to a dermatologist he kept saying they will tell u what I am saying to you, but that wasn't the case, the dermotlogist I went to today told me they don't keep ppl on minocycline for longer than 3 months my doctor is wonderfull but when it comes to skin when I firest went to go see him he should have sent me to a dermatologist
April 12, 2017
hiii! I just got off minocycline now too been on for a year worked great the first 6 months then I got it back again even on 200mg and 100 mg still breaking out, I hope it doesn't get worse than what is now until I figure a solution for this, I went to a dermatologist today she suggest I do photodynamic therapy its scary I don't want to so I am waiting for her to call me tomorrow with a second plan because I cant even think of the pain, burning, red skin and peeling I just cant praying thinsg gets better and for you too!!
April 12, 2017
i saw the dermatologist today, she told me to stop taking minocycline my family dr should have not told me to keep taking it after 3 months, and I should have gone to see a dermatologist when I first started experiencing acne in my last 20's, anyways, she told me I have a severe case of acne, hard to treat which made me really disappointed to hear, I definitely was not expecting that =( she suggested I use her skin care line which I read is great expensive but great, I will stick to that but she also said I should do PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY FOR ACNE, I read oneline, the super red face, discomfort, pain, swollen, peeling has worried me and pushed me away from even doing this sadly, I work in an office dealing with clients on a daily basis I cant look like I was burned alive it's horrible to even think of that, if there was no downtime I wouldn't be so worried, anyways, I called back and receptionist is going to have Dr (dermatologist) call me back tomorrow for an alternative treatment effective but no downtime if have to do a few more treatmetns than the photodynamic and it will help me I rather do that but I can't bare with pain and the suffering of this treatment, I know everyone is different but from what I have seen everyone turns beat red, sunborn gone bad and pain I just can't im very sad and stressed, I stopped taking minocycline I have since oct and feb was my worst month so I hope it stays the way it is until I find a treatment that wont make me suffer wish me luck=(
March 22, 2017
IT WORKED GREAT when I first started taking it a year ago 100mg, I then was told by my Doc to take 50mg every other day to eventually get off of it because my skin was finally clear then it came back again milk nothing crazy so I went back to 100mg everyday and now my skin is the worse ever, zits on cheeks, and jawline this started in Feb this year, im on 200mg MONDAY-WED-FRI AND 100 MG ON TUES-THURS-SAT and so far Nothing my face is horrendous, im 32 years old and can't take Accutane so Im going to see a dermatologist in Toronto I heard shes one of the best so I hope whatever gets done WORKS and I stay clear!=(