User's Review Comments

Madina : African Black Soap
June 15, 2017
i went back to using my aveeno clear complexion soap. works wonders
October 5, 2016
Black soap is deffinetly not for me. After tons of research on, I finnally purchused the soap. After three days of using this soap I had four new cysts, and I was breaking out on my forehead(where I never get acne). At first, I thought this was just my skin purging, but with more research with this product, I know that this is not possible. The only thing that can make you purge is products with actives in it, which this product dosent have becuase it is all natrual. If this product is breaking you out, your skin dosent agree with it, and you should stop using it. : Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)
July 2, 2017
This happened to me. Just keep doing the regimen. The regimen works and will clear your worst breakouts if you give it time. I took me about 5 months to clear my skin after my cystic acne was just left, but it is so worth it.Also, if you have an apple product there is an app that I used called mdacne (i think. if thats not it just search acne in the app store and something similar should come up). Anyways, it will motion you to pay for something but I just used the feature that tracked your skin and how it looks and it is so good for making you consious about what is going on with you skin and how you are treating it. And, when your skin finally clears, looking back at the old photos makes you feel amazing. Another thing I can recommend (if you arent already) is to buy the bp instead of using other store bought bp, this made a big difference in my skin. Keep pushing, the acne will go away if you give it time. I send you all my hope.
June 15, 2017
This has legit changed my life. Best product in the entire world. Cleared my skin in weeks, and one year later continues to keep it clear. One of the best things to happen to me!