Forum Replies Created

How Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut oil Resolved my Cystic Acne.

Thank you so much for this tip. My face was doing good for a while but now I have a couple of painful cystic nodes on my chin. I plan to try your routine.

In forum Other acne treatments

8 years ago
Stopping Proactiv- Support And Tips Needed 🙁

I am in the exact situation as you. I have been using proactive since age 19. Each time I've attempted to quit my face explodes and my self esteem plummets. So I go back. I still break out, but less. ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago

I wanted to mention that zinc has been really helping my skin. I've read that vitamins and health is related to acne. I read about zinc, decided to give it a try and its done wonders. I hope this help...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Anyone Else Feel Like There Is No Hope?

Hi there, I felt that way only a couple short weeks ago. I read everything that there was to read about acne. These are all the things I tried: Daniel Kern regimen No diary diets Raw food diets ZenMe...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago