Forum Replies Created

What has worked for me: SEA SALT

The ocean has always made my skin 100% clear when i go on vacation for a week - even without much sun. I've wanted to try a sea salt like soak daily at home b/c i don't live near an ocean   Unfo...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

15 years ago
b5 hair loss linked to biotin synthsis, clinical data to support

I've been hoping to understand why b5 triggers hairloss in some. It's clear b5 increase Coenzyme A. You can find lots of literature to support this. I recently came across this artcile that shows C...

In forum Personal logs

16 years ago
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) and Hair Loss: Good Results

Hey. I have been on b5 for two months and have had my hair thin very noticeably. also losing about 20 hairs in shower and 20 hairs when i gel up. Have been using rogaine for 2 yrs so this is NEW am...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

16 years ago