Forum Replies Created

Is Exfoliating A Good Idea On

@trevor12 I believe I am in good health I don't like cows milk and I am vegetarian & drink water all day. Before the regimen I was using natural and organic products on my face like ACV and organi...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Is Exfoliating A Good Idea On

It is possible to exfoliate while on the regimen during the first weeks. My face is so flakey and embarrassing I don't know what to do. It's making my face look dirty and spotty haha. Is ther...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
The Acne Challenge!

Hello there, I'm on the forth week of the regimen from I'm using the cleanser the BP and mosterizer. I'm breaking on only of my face. My experience isn't going good. I broke out a lot on my ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago