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How do i know if i have a leaky gut? And how long time does it take to stop breakouts from a leaky gut? I mean if having a leaky gut causes food allergies and you just consume a lot of that your gonna...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
For Any Of You With Leaky Gut Or Poor Digestion

I've heard of people being able to wean off HCl supplements after some time... so I don't think they reduce your own production of stomach acid. I have been supplementing with HCl for years, but I hav...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
For Any Of You With Leaky Gut Or Poor Digestion

Excellent summary, only few personal experience points left to add to heal leaky gut 1. Alcohol is #1 contributor to leaky gut to me, to really see effect need to go to zero for a month 2. coffee , ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Genes, Wheat, Allergies, Alcohol?

Eczema, acne and psoriasis is linked to leaky gut syndrome which is exacerbated by alcohol, coffee, gluten, dairy and other foods. Leaky gut can actually be inherited in three different ways (genetic ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago