Forum Replies Created

HELP! been using the regimen for over 2 years and I started breaking out even more now

I've been using the regimen for 2 years now and ever since the first major breakout I had that made me go on the regimen my skin has been clear. Around the end of october/beginning of November though,...

In forum The Regimen

3 years ago

I would use the bp once at night and only a small amount of it or follow the directions from the regimen until my skin grows a tolerance to the bp then start using more

In forum The Regimen

3 years ago
Off the regimen for a week, should I restart?

I've been off the regimen for a week now and I was wondering if anyone knows if I should start again from the pea sized treatment once a day, or keep going from the full fingers length. Is my...

In forum The Regimen

3 years ago