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Let's Do This, Accutane!

Welcome to the accutane club BMarieWantsNoAcne! The month before your second pregnancy test is the worst huh!! Seriously the slowest month of my life. I was counting down the days and it felt like aaa...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

So I'm still breaking out like I normally do but I've noticed that they are going away faster. My face doesn't really look that horrible, but it feels like sandpaper when you touch it I swear. My lips...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Thanks Celia! I will definitely be following your log! I'm freakin relieved to hear that things will get better. I'm glad you're treatment is going so well! I'm knocking on wood that I will follow in ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Day 6 Ugh hey there break out. It's not thaaaaat bad though. But I definitely have a lot of spots popping up. Deep and painful ones, mind you! No side effects really. Like I can hardly tell I'm even...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Okay so quick little update! I just woke up and my lips are burning! Not really dry... but that kind of chapped feeling where you just want to lick them constantly haha! And oh my goodness my eyeballs...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Day cuatro. So I just got back from the gym and I saw an old co worker working (I used to work there) and I wasn't wearing any makeup and I looked absolutely horrid. I was mortified. I hate working ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Hey girl! Thanks! Ugh the exhaustion is horrible! Good to know that it's not just me. I feel like I'm blaming every little problem on Accutane. And I'm 18. How is 20mg working for you? Are the side ef...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
My Little Accutane Log

Girl I am on the same boat! I started the same day as you so I'm excited to watch your log!! I am soo ready to be done with acne. I get horrible horrible acne on my back too. My face can get pretty ba...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

End of day two! Bleh I have been exhausted all day. I've had a pretty chill few days and I got a full night of sleep, but I still feel weak. I went to the gym and could hardly walk, let alone run on...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Thanks so much! I'm glad your treatment is going so well! I hope I can see improvement like that and I'm not one of those lucky few who don't even start clearing up until the third month. It's nice to...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Day 1! So I took my first pill yesterday and obviously nothing has changed yet. I'm taking 40 MG once a day, but my derm said my dose will be increased after the month. My face feels a ton oilier tod...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Let's Do This, Accutane!

Hi guys!! Oh my goodness y'all I am so excited I don't know where to start. I've had acne and been seeing a dermatologist since I was 12. It used to be tolerable, just small spots. But now I get deep...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago